Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss

Start from the beginning

- It's impossible, - cut off more and more boiling Omer. - My wife is pregnant, tired, and thirsty.

The two men locked eyes. Defne looked from one to the other with her wide-open eyes and did not believe them. Maybe this is a dream and she will wake up now?

"I beg your pardon," the star raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture and winked at Omer. - You are a real lucky one. I will not bother you.

He turned and walked casually into the midst of the dancing bodies.

- Was that Matthew McConaughey? - Looking after him, Defne asked in shock.

"In-person," Omer confirmed tartly. - It's Bora Bora. Celebrity hangout.

Defne's face twisted into a disappointed grimace. She drank the juice in one gulp and turned to her husband:

- I, the girl from the neighborhood, had a chance to dance with a Hollywood star, and you kicked him out?

- Defne! - Omer said warningly.

"Oh, just don't say that I'm your wife," she was not at all frightened. Taking his arm, she sighed heavily. - At least we would have taken a picture. We missed the chance. I'll tell Nihan - she will die. And then she will beat you. No ... First, she will beat you, and then she will die. Precisely, she will beat you, and then she will die.

- What are you talking about? Did they mix rum in the juice? Omer sniffed suspiciously at the empty glass. - I do not think so.

- How can you, a celestial, understand a simple girl, - Defne whined further. - He is a star! Not Turkish. Hollywood! - She mechanically put the glass on the tray of a passing waiter and raised her index finger. - Although I respect the Turkish actors. There is one actor so much like you, just one face. Maybe you are twins and you don't know?

- Defne!!!

- Well, what Defne, what Defne?! You messed everything up yourself and you're still angry!

Omer pulled her away from the dancers and when the darkness reliably hid them from prying eyes, he stopped and barked:

- I'm jealous!

- Why's that? She wondered. - From whom? From this actor? What stupidity. He's a star, "she raised her index finger again," not a man.

Omer did not know whether to laugh at her or get angry further. But how can you be angry with such a Defne? Trying heroically to contain his laughter, he asked:

- Darling, do you know that you just lowered all the male actors below the ground?

- What? She asked innocently.

Omer could not resist. He threw back his head and laughed uncontrollably.

Defne looked at him reproachfully. Shaking her head, she clucked her tongue.

- Ts-c-c! It is a shame, Mr. Omer, to laugh at your pregnant wife.

- Come to me, - he pulled her to him and looked into angry eyes. - You are so cute.

Defne blossomed into a smile.

- Are you not jealous anymore?

- After such a description? My soul, now I will not be able to look seriously at any actor. I will immediately remember that he is not a man, but a star, - Omer was merry.

"Tease me, tease," she pouted, and he immediately kissed her lips. Defne sighed sweetly and asked: - Let's go to our place. The morning is coming soon. I'm a little tired, and I want to sleep.

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