All The Good

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You leave the office with a feel of discomfort. You knew Penelope wasn't good at keeping secrets, it was just a matter of time until the team would find out. You make your way back to Spencer's place, eagerly wondering how you're going to explain to him what just happened.

You pull into the driveway as you shut your car door. "Baby, I'm home" you say entering the front door. You got no response but you heard the TV from his room, so you figured he was binging his favorite show again.

You walk in to see him sound asleep cuddled up with pillows. You almost felt bad waking him up because he was so comfortable. You gently put your hand on his face, sliding your thumb across his jawline. "I'm home" you say quietly as his eyes flutter open.

He gasps and a smile is quickly put onto his face. "I missed you so much. Come here, lay next to me. Tell me about your day." He says sitting up onto the bed. You make way next to him as you take a deep breath.

"I missed you more, I have to tell you what happened at work. Before you yell at me, I didn't know she was listening." you say putting your head down. He looks at you in confusion, "I won't yell at you, tell me." You look back up and sigh.

"Penelope heard our phone conversation. She knows about us, she told Derek but you know Penelope, she can't keep a secret. I'm so sorry, I didn't want her to find out like this" you say putting your hands on your face. His eyes widen as his shoulders slumped.

"Baby, I would never be mad at you for that. It was her fault for being nosey, plus, the team has to find out about us anyway." he says grabbing your hands off your face. "You aren't upset?" you say relieved. "Of course I'm not upset, you and I are forever. They are going to have to know eventually, we will tell the rest when it's the right time." he says smiling.

You hug him and start to repeat the words he just said in your head, "you and I are forever." "Now come on, go to sleep. You need rest after today. I love you" he says turning off the TV. "I love you too, forever" you say giving him a kiss as you both doze off.

Tuesday morning, 6:00 AM. You get out of bed, thinking about how you are going to approach Garcia. You quickly get ready and give Spencer a kiss before heading out the door. You are now at Quantico, walking through the doors to your office.

As you walk in, you feel eyes on you. Not dangerous, but as if someone was waiting for you. As you walk into your office, you see Penelope sitting at your desk. "Good morning Sunshine! Take a seat" she says picking up a chair and placing it across from her. Here we go.

"Garcia, I know what you heard-" you start to say as she cuts you off. "I know, Morgan told me. Please don't be mad, I just love you both as a couple and I got excited. You guys were meant for each other." she says as her excitement causes her to smile.

You couldn't even be mad, she was so supportive. "I'm not mad Penelope, just stunned that's all. The team will know eventually, I just don't know when." you say biting the inside of your cheek. "Thank goodness you aren't mad sugar, how is Reid?" she says.

"Good! He is healing quicker than I expected. He should be back at work very soon" you say with a grin. "Perfect! Well, I will let you get back to your work. Thank you again for not killing me" she says with a giggle.

You laugh along as you nod your head. You start to go through your files and get started with the amount of work you had. About two hours later, you get a knock on your door. "Yes?" you say putting down your files. "Meeting in the conference room" you hear Hotch say.

You make way over to the room and you sit down next to Emily. The room felt so different without Spencer's presence. Rossi comes in and clears his throat. "I have decided to plan another club night for us. I know what you're thinking, for what? The answer is, for the team. A lot of things have happened recently that I think we should celebrate. So, tomorrow night let's celebrate all of the good in this team" he says with a smile as he takes a glimpse over at you.

"Sounds like a party! We will be there" Morgan says excitingly. "Y/n, bring Spencer along. He wouldn't want to miss this." Rossi says winking at you. "Will do Dave, will do" you say nodding in approval.

Before you know it, the day is over. As you go to leave the building, you get stopped by Hotch. "Y/n, I don't want to ruin the surprise, but be prepared for tomorrow." he says raising his eyebrows. "I will, thanks for the heads up." you say walking to your car. You were quite nervous for tomorrow, what surprise? And what were we celebrating?

You arrive at Spencer's and you get comfortable as you kick off your heels by the front door. You go into the kitchen as you see Spencer with only boxers on. "Well, this is a nice view to see after work" you say giggling as you give him a kiss. He grips your hips and picks you up, placing you onto the counter.

"You look so beautiful, I want you so bad right now kitten" he says smirking. "Spence, you're still recovering. You need rest silly" you say as the heat between your thighs starts to build up.

"I feel fine, Id feel better if I got to taste you" he says undressing you. You had to admit, you were starving for Spencer's touch. Even though you knew he needed rest, he had gone a while without sex, you knew he needed this at least for a couple minutes.

You start to pant as he places kisses on your neck down to your thighs, a puddle began to form in your panties as his touch got more intense. "You're so wet for me, let's have some fun shall we?" he says sliding off your panties. He inserts a finger into you and starts thrusting back and forth.

Your breath gets heavier as he inserts another finger. "Fuck Spence.." you say as your head leans back. "Tell me how much you want it" he says picking up the pace. Your legs already start to shake as you feel your climax. "I want it so bad, baby. Soooo bad" you say as a loud moan escapes from your mouth.

"Good girl, bend over for me" he says. You arch your back as you feel his grip on your hips, as he thrusts into you with his member. You let out a louder moan as he mumbles "Fuck" to himself. "Just like that" you manage to blurt out.

"I cant wait to make you mine forever, officially. God, I love you" he says as you both finish. You both are panting as you struggle to walk, your legs felt like jelly. "I love you too, also we have to go to the club tomorrow. They dragged us into it" you say trying to catch your breath.

"Alright, thats fine. I get to see you in another dress" he says smirking as he cups your face giving you another kiss. "I'm so lucky to have you" he says staring into your eyes. "I'm lucky to have you too, what happened that you wanted some loving when I got home?" you say as he wraps his arms around you. "I just missed you so much.

I constantly think about you. Oh by the way, how did it go with Garcia?" he says. "It went well, nothing bad happened" you say letting out a chuckle. "I'm glad to hear that, now let's go wash up and relax for the night" he says leading the way to the shower. You both clean up as you put on fresh clothing. You get comfortable in bed as he comes up behind you and cuddles you. What a day.

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