Gut Feeling

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8:39 AM, second day at Wisconsin. You flutter your eyes open as you hear a knock on the door. You quickly put on clothes as you open your door slightly. "Good morning Princess, Hotch says wheels up in 30. All night, he has been researching with the rest of the team and we think we found him." Morgan says.

"That's great news, we will be ready in a few." you say closing the door. "Who was that?" Spencer says slowly stretching on the bed. "It was Morgan, we have to go in 30 minutes. Get up sleepy head." you say jumping on top of Spence.

"Okay, okay. I'll get up." he says giggling. You get dressed as you're preparing yourself for today. You had a feeling it would be a wild ride. "You okay? You look really nervous." he says hugging you from behind. "Yeah, I just have a weird feeling. I'll be fine, I promise." you say as you're in his arms. "Yes you will be, I would never let anyone hurt you, okay?" he says staring into your eyes. "Okay" you say giving him a kiss.

Minutes pass and you both are ready to go. You meet the rest of the team in the lobby as they discuss what is going to happen. "Y/n, you are going to go with Spencer and JJ in a separate part of the warehouse. The rest of us will split up around the premises to see if we find anything. Let's move." Hotch says making way to the vehicles.

Your group gets into the SUV as you begin to drive to the warehouse. "Rossi said this has to be where the unsub is. We put all the clues together and it just makes sense." JJ says. "Let's hope we get this guy before we find another leg in the refrigerator" you say pulling into the building.

This place gave you the chills. It was dark, graffiti was all over the walls, and it was abandoned. Yikes. You all get out of the car as you begin to search the area. JJ went to the back, as you and Spencer got the front. You took out your gun as you scan the room. Hammers all on the floor, clothes were scattered, and blood stains trailed the floor.

You hear footsteps as you look over to Spencer. "Did you hear that?" you whisper. "Yes, it's probably JJ" he says looking around. "Let's hope it is" you say as chills run down your spine. You didn't feel good, you had a gut feeling that something was wrong. You open a bag on the floor as you hear Spencer scream.

"Y/N!" he says pushing you onto the floor. A gunshot echoes the quiet building as Spencer falls to the floor. Your world stops spinning as you look over to see Davis Brady, the unsub, pointing a gun at you. Another gunshot fills the room, it was JJ.

She had shot the unsub from behind. "Y/N! Are you okay?" she says rushing over to you. You couldn't speak, you had no words. Spencer had taken a bullet for you, he was bleeding out onto the floor.

"JJ, get the team and an ambulance, NOW." you say bawling. She runs out of the building as you hold Spencer's hands. "Talk to me baby, stay with me. It should've been me, never you. You can't leave me, don't leave me Spencer." you say as you're completely numb. "Y/n, the journal. You need to look at the journal. I love you." he says as his eyes begin to close.

"Spencer! Look at me, open your eyes. Come on baby, please." you say shedding thousands of tears. Moments later, you hear sirens as Morgan rushes next to you. "Mama, what happened?" he says holding you. "He took a bullet for me. He's dead and it's all my fault." you say falling into his chest.

Your legs felt like jelly, you couldn't process what was happening, it all occurred so fast. Paramedics rush into the room, laying him on a stretcher. You manage to get up as you walk by his side.

They place him in the ambulance as you begin to get inside. "Ma'am, we cant allow you in here. You can meet with us at the hospital" the paramedic says closing the doors. "No please, I have to go in. I cant leave him" you say sobbing.

Hotch grabs you as you try to go inside. "It's okay, it's okay." he says holding you. "Hotch, it's all my fault. He pushed me out of the way" you say falling apart. "He's going to be okay, let's get out of here" he says guiding you into the SUV.

"I have to go back to the hotel. I have to get his journal, that was the only thing he said to me before he blacked out" you say. "Okay, I'll take you there. Afterwards, we have to go to the hospital and see what's going to happen" Hotch says starting the car.

You both go to the hotel as you rush inside. You unlock the door as you go through his luggage. After throwing tons of clothes on the floor, you found his journal. You pick it up as you rush back into the car to go to the hospital.

On the way there, you kept replaying him pushing you onto the floor as he bled out in your head. It should've been me. Minutes later, you arrive at the hospital. You run inside as you ask the nurse where Spencer was placed.

"Down the hall, the first room on the right." she says. You rush over as you approach the Doctor. "Is he okay? Is he going to live?" you say anxiously. "He is going into emergency surgery now, he is breathing. We think he will be okay" the Doctor says. You sigh as you sit down.

The rest of the team enters in the waiting room as you anxiously are waiting for results. You sit in silence as Morgan puts his arm around you. The tears wouldn't stop flowing, you couldn't feel your emotions anymore. You think about what he said before. He kept repeating journal, for what reason?

You look on your lap as you examine the journal. What was so important about this? You brush the thought away as you wait a couple more hours. The team had to go back to the hotel and notify local police, so you offered to stay.

There was no way you were leaving here until you found out if he was going to be okay. You wait in the cold room as your anxiety builds up more and more. You decide to open the journal to see what it had said, maybe you could find a clue? You open the first page as you begin to read:

October 4- A beautiful girl named Y/n started at the office today. Her eyes sparkle every time she smiles, I hope I can get to know her. I talked to her once, I said a pick up line but I don't know if she liked it.
Update: We went to the club tonight! She was wearing plum purple, my favorite color. I was wearing red, she said that was her favorite. What a coincidence!
Update: She invited me over to watch "Halloween" I am so excited. I cant wait to see her outside of work again.
Update: She asked me to help her with BDSM. I'm at a loss for words. Of course I accepted!
Update: Her costume was great at the Halloween party! She told me she wore red... just for me!
Update: I kissed her.
Update: She told me she loved me, and I hurt her. She will never know how I feel because I messed up.
Update: She forgave me and we are on wonderful terms
Update: I want to ask her to be mine, forever.

You close the journal as your heart aches. This was the reason why he always hid his journal, because he was writing about you. He truly has loved you since he first met you.

You hated yourself for ever doubting his love for you. You hug the journal as you think about your last moments with him. The way he told you that nothing was going to happen to you today, and that he would always protect you.

He kept his word. "Miss Y/l/n? Spencer is out of surgery. He is a little bit loopy from the pain medication but he is slowly waking up. You can come in whenever you're ready" the nurse says. You sprung up from your seat as you enter the room. You pull up a chair and you grab his hands as he slowly starts to open his eyes.

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