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You are awaken by Morgan tapping your shoulder. "Sleeping beauty, wake up we landed." Morgan says in a soft voice as you slowly open your eyes. "Already?" You say as you yawn and  start to stretch. "Yup, I'll drop you off don't worry." Morgan says. You get up from your seat and collect your bags. You began saying goodnight to everybody before you and Morgan leave. You give your hugs to everyone and you notice Reid still writing in his journal. You walk up to him to say goodnight. As you approach him, he quickly shuts his journal and looks up at you with widened eyes.

"Relax spence it's just me, came to say goodnight." You say to him. "Oh, sorry." Reid says as he gets up from his chair, bringing his journal along. You give Reid a hug as he moves his hands up and down your back. "I've never heard you call me Spence before." Reid says as he tries to hide a smile. "I wanted to try something new." You say. "I'll see you tomorrow night, Spence." You say as you give a slight punch to Reid's arm. "Tomorrow night it is, y/n." He says as he gives you a slight punch to the arm right back.

You laugh and make your way back to the parking lot with Morgan. "Princess, I haven't known you long but I know a connection when I see one." Morgan says as he enters the car. "Connection? I'm just being nice, Reid's a nice guy but we just met." You say with a chuckle as you get in the passenger seat. "Alright, we'll see." Morgan says as he drives out of the parking lot. You both sit in silence for a couple minutes as you look over to Morgan and say, "Thanks for doing this. Thank you for being so generous to me and thank you for being the first real friend I've had here."

You say as you rub his shoulder. "Don't make me blush." Morgan says as he shows a big smile. "You're a wonderful woman, I'm always here if you need." Morgan says as he turns onto your street. "I appreciate it, princess." You say mocking his nickname for you. Morgan looks over at you as you both laugh. "Here we are, your castle." He jokingly says unlocking the car doors. "Thank you for the ride." You say as you unbuckle your seatbelt. "Be safe lil mama." Morgan says as he is about to drive off. You laugh and shake your head.

What a day. It was now 11:38 PM at night and you were so ready for a shower. You slip off your heels once again and put your bags down. 4 days off to you felt super nice. You could use this time to settle into your new apartment. You head over to your bathroom and start undressing for your shower. You decided tonight you deserved a bubble bath.

You started to run the water. As the water was running, you lit some candles and put your hair up in a bun. You added the bubbles and you were all ready to go. You lay in the relaxing warm water as you close your eyes for a moment. You were so proud of yourself, you haven't felt this way in months. You picked up your cell, scrolling through instagram as usual. You notice JJ had followed you on instagram.

You follow her back and smile as you see photos of her and Henry. "So precious.". You say to yourself seeing the photos. After 20 minutes of soaking in the warm water and scrolling through your feed, you decide it's time for bed. You dry off as you put on new pajamas and apply lotion to your skin.

You spray some perfume on as well, vanilla scented. You thought about how Reid smelled of cologne and vanilla. A man of good taste. You blow out the candles you had lit earlier and you now slip into bed. The softness from your covers made you instantly relaxed. You were happy you didn't have to wake up at 6:00 again. You were also super excited for the club tomorrow night. That meant dancing and drinking, your two favorite things.

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