Plain Sight

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After the plane had taken off, you were really focused on the Sweetheart killer files. Reading the note she wrote to the BAU over and over again. You must have examined the photos over 50 times. You were determined. You thought about how you could possibly connect the dots of finding this killer. After sitting in silence for about 2 hours focusing, you hear a notification. "Garcia is on the line with more information, gather around." Morgan says as he gets the computer in everybody's view. You gather around the table where the computer was placed, right behind Reid. You place your hand on Reid's shoulder, feeling bad about making him embarrassed earlier.

He looks up at you and gives you a smile . "Talk to me." Morgan says as Garcia connects. "Another child has gone missing by the name of Danika Harris, same M.O, left candy at the doorstep and now the child is missing." She says making a concerned face. "We will arrive in LA in about 20 minutes, keep me posted." Morgan says as he goes to end the call. "Another child? If she abducts within a week span, why has she abducted another 2 days later?" Emily says as she scratches her head thinking. "She is getting more confident, maybe another stressor has caused her to hunt for more." Hotchner says.

Minutes pass and the plane is now landing in Los Angeles, California. You all make your way out of the plane and go in separate cars to study the crime scenes. You and Emily are assigned to go to Danika Harris's house to examine the new note the unsub had wrote. As you arrive, you get out of the car and make your way to the doorstep. There it is. A box of chocolate and 2 lollipops sitting on the welcome mat along with a letter. "I got something." You shout to Emily so that she can hear you. Emily walks over and sees the candy along with the note. "Jesus, this woman's addiction to candy is unhealthy." Emily says.

You stop for a moment and think. "If this woman gets the same exact candy every time she goes to her local candy shop, shouldn't the shop have records of who purchased candy that day?" You say looking up at Emily. "Agent y/l/n, that could be a possibility." Emily says as she thinks about what you had just stated. "All of the crime scenes are fairly close, in this neighborhood there is only 2 candy shops." You say to Emily as she is still thinking. "I'm going to call Hotch and tell him that we are going to the candy shop up the road." You say grabbing your cell and dialing his number. You hop in the passenger seat as Emily takes the wheel.

As you both arrive, you tell Emily that you are going to walk in and quickly ask the cashier if they keep records of their customers. "If they say they do have records, I will motion you to come inside just so we don't waste time. This poor little girl is still out there, we can't afford to waste time, not now." You say getting out of the car. You make your way into the shop.

As you walk inside, there is a lady sitting down with a little girl who has ponytails. You walk up to the cashier asking if they have records. "Hello, i'm Agent y/l/n with the FBI, do you guys keep record of your customers and what they purchase?" You ask the cashier. Let me go get my manager just to make sure that we do have them, I'll be right back." The cashier says to you. As you are waiting, you notice the little girl is holding a lollipop in one hand and chocolate in the other as she is chewing on a mint. You motion to Emily to come inside. As she comes inside the shop, you discreetly point to the little girl, letting Emily know that you might've just found Danika Harris.

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