Pretty In Pink

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A few moments later, Garcia finishes her purchases and starts walking out the door with 2 big shopping bags. "I cannot wait for you to put this on, let's head back to your apartment so we can put this fantasy to life." Garcia says with excitement. "You know, you didn't have to buy that for me." You say as you and Garcia enter the car. "Oh shush you deserve it, you're going to look stunning tonight. I can't wait for the guys to see." Garcia says as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"The guys? like you mean the team?" You say with confusion. "Yes, I totally forgot plum purple is Reid's favorite color." Garcia says with a smirk. "Oh goodness." You say with a laugh. "What dress do you have in store miss thing?" You ask Garcia. "I felt a hot pink vibe tonight. So, in my truck I have a hot pink flowy dress with some heels that match my lipstick perfectly." Garcia says. You could tell Garcia was extremely happy to be with you. It felt nice, it was the fresh start you had been looking for. 

A few moments later, you're now at your apartment complex. "Okay precious, lets do this." Garcia says opening her trunk pulling out her dress and heels. You pick up the 2 bags from the back seat and head inside your home. "We have 2 hours to get ready. You shower first then start hair and makeup. After you are done, I'll go in and do the same." Garcia says excitingly clapping her hands. "Sounds good." You say to Garcia as you make your way into the shower.

After 30 minutes of prepping your body for a night out, you get out of the shower and call for Garcia to hop in. "Okay girl I'm finished." You call out to Garcia. Moments later, Garcia knocks on the door. "Is it okay to come in yet?" She says. "Yes I have my towel." You say back. "Okay, perfect. Start your hair and makeup but DONT put on your dress yet. I want to be there when you put it on." Garcia demands. "Alright Alright, will do." You say to Garcia as you close the bathroom door. You put on an old t shirt and pajama pants to start getting ready.

You start to blow dry your hair first. "Garcia, straighten or curl my hair?" You say knocking on the door. "Um, straighten." Garcia says back. "Fineee." You say laughing. You were very comfortable with Garcia even though you haven't known her long at all. It was like you've known her for years, and it was the same feel for Morgan. You smile thinking about how much you appreciate them as you start to straighten your hair. As you are about to be finished with your hair a couple minutes later, you hear the water turn off.

"I'm finished, I have a towel don't worry." Garcia says laughing as she opens the door. "I put your makeup bag and dress on my bed by the way." You say as you point to your bed. "Perfect, oh my god I love your hair." Garcia says as she sees the finished look. "Thanks, I put a middle part this time." You say looking into the mirror. "Absolute great choice." Garcia says smiling at you. "Do you need the curling iron?" You say to her. "What would the Penelope Garcia be without curls? Yes please." Garcia says laughing. "All yours." You say as you pass her the curling wand.

You put your makeup products out on your table to start with your face. "What type of look should I go for? Natural or soft glam." You say looking at your eyeshadow palettes. "I'd say a purple lipstick with a very pretty smokey eye. This will make you pop." Garcia says as she starts pulling out lipsticks from your bag. After a few moments, you hear Garcia gasp. "This one! This color is absolutely perfect." She says handing you the lipstick. "This one is brand new too." You say looking at it. You start applying your face products. You add some highlight and blush to top the face off. You then start with the eyeshadow. You never wear bold colors like these, you were always a natural type of girl.

As you are about to finish, you ask Garcia if you should apply eyeliner or not. "Mmm, Is that even a question? Of course, make it a wing." She says smiling. God. You were hoping she didn't say a wing, you never wore eyeliner. "Alright." You say with a sigh. As you finish your eyes, you then finish off the look with your plum purple lipstick. "Close your eyes, I finished." You say to Garcia as she puts her hands over her eyes.

"3...2...1! Look." You say as you see Garcia's face light up. "Look at my girl go! Wow, you look like a princess, just like Mr Chocolate Thunder says." She says jumping up and down. Mr Chocolate Thunder? Oh. Morgan, you thought to yourself. "I want you to go put on your dress and heels in the closet and tell me when you have it on so I can be ready." Garcia says as she motions her hand to the closet.

"Okay Okay, I will." You say rushing over to the closet. Garcia puts on her pink lipstick and finishes her look. Before you close the closet door, you glimpse her makeup and compliment her. "Looks like somebody is gonna get a piece of that chocolate thunder tonight." You say giggling. "Oh stoppp, we'll see." Garcia says laughing along. "Seriously, you look absolutely beautiful Penelope. Now go put on your dress. Let's surprise each other with our reveal." You say handing Garcia's dress to her. "I'll go in the bathroom." She says excitingly making her way into the bathroom to change. "Go, go." You say motioning your hand quickly to the bathroom. You smile. This was the best feeling ever, getting ready with one of your new best friends.

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