The Night Before

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Thursday, 6:00 AM. You wake up with excitement realizing tomorrow night is the party. You were always a party girl, you loved dancing and being with your friends. You were also excited to see Spencer's reaction to your costume choice. It was absolutely perfect. You get up and start the day.

Your usual routine as always, your coffee, and the honk from Morgan. "Good morning princess, I see your scratches are getting better." Morgan says examining your face. "Yeah, slowly but surely. Any news from Hotch if we have a case?" You say. "Nope, so far we have an easy week. More hot topics at the table between the team, just like last times game of would you rather." He says laughing.

"That's good to hear, and oh boy not again." You say laughing back. Moments later, you arrive at Quantico. You greet Rossi as you pass his office. "Good morning Dave!" You say. "Good morning y/n." He says back. You make way into your office to do your daily tasks. Office days for you were okay, you preferred saving lives and catching monsters though.

About one hour into looking further into cold cases, Garcia knocks on your office door. "Hey sunshine, the team is in the conference room just chilling out. Do you want to join?" She says filing her nails. "Sure, I'll be there in a second." You say finishing up the last few touches on a file. You enter the conference room and you take a seat next to JJ.

The only team members in the conference room was everyone except Rossi and Hotch. Without Hotch and Rossi present, the team was more goofy and not serious. "Are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Spencer says looking over to the group. "I'm so excited, Emily and I got our costumes ready. I just have to pick up some things on my way home, then I'm all set." You say smiling.

"I wonder what you two are going to be." Spencer says smirking. If only he knew what was coming his way.  "We are going to be something sexy, aren't we y/n?" Emily says grabbing your hand. "Oh that we will be, I have a question guys." You say eagerly.

"I've never been to one of Rossi's halloween parties before of course, how is it like?" You say intrigued to know. The group stops and stares at each other with a smirk. "Should we tell her?" Garcia says giggling. "I think we should, I'll start it off." Morgan says clearing his throat.

"Rossi's parties aren't the normal kind, every year he goes all out with decorations and makes the best food. Also, he sometimes invites strippers, male and female." He finishes saying. "You're telling me Rossi invites strippers? I don't believe it until I see it." You say shocked.

"Also, the music can be heard from a couple blocks away. It's going to be a good time." JJ says grinning. After the team has a discussion about the party, they all go their separate ways back into their offices. You continue to check files along with your emails. The day goes by fairly quick and before you know it, you're already leaving the office. You get into Morgan's car as he drives you home.

"Any plans for tonight with pretty boy?" He says. "No, I'm actually busy tonight surprisingly. I have to go to the store and buy a couple things for my costume." You say sighing. "Well, I'll catch up with you later. Have fun getting your outfit, I bet it'll look stunning." Morgan says giving you a hug and a kiss goodbye. "Thank you! I hope so." You say getting out of the car.

You enter your apartment and quickly change into comfortable clothes. You get a snack and you head out again to go to the mall. You had to find the perfect dress to catch Spencer's eye. You wondered what the guys would dress up as. You went inside the store Garcia took you in when you needed to get a dress last time.

After about 30 minutes of looking at red dresses, you found the perfect one that would show all your curves and cleavage beautifully. You got an off the shoulder dress that looked sexy yet seductive. You pick up some matching heels and make your way to the cashier. As you are checking out, you hear a familiar voice.

"Y/n?" You hear from behind you. You look behind and it's Emily. "Oh my goodness, I came here to get my dress too!" She says holding up a beautiful white dress. "What a coincidence, I just found one for me, oh my goodness we are going to look so good!" You say excitingly as the cashier hands you your shopping bag.

"We definitely are, don't stress about your devil horns by the way, I picked some up for you as I got my halo." She says smiling. "You're a life saver, thank you Emily." You say giving her a hug as you make your way out of the store. She just saved you so much time, you weren't in the mood to go to a costume shop again.

You head over to the nearest restaurant you could find. You pick up some food and start to drive home. Your mind is racing with all the possibilities tomorrow night could hold. After a couple minutes, you arrive at your apartment. You get inside and start to eat your dinner. You decide to make a risky move and text Spencer. Since he teased you a lot, it was time for you to tease him right back.

Y/N: Hey pretty boy, be prepared for tomorrow night. I don't think you'll be able to control yourself.
Spencer: Oh is that so?
Y/N: Mhmm, behave Doctor.
Spencer: What if I don't?
Y/N: I guess you will just have to see;) get some sleep, I will see you tomorrow.
Spencer: Fineee, goodnight beautiful

After you finish your meal, you hop in the shower. Once you're finished with your shower, you put on the shirt Spencer gave you. Even though you washed it, it still smelled like him. You wanted to be with Spencer so bad right now. The feeling of his magical touch against your skin, the pleasure you received from a simple smile, he was so perfect. You finally get in bed, all snuggled up in your covers as the scent of his cologne still lingers around the room.

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