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The next three days were a blur. Sleeping on the same hospital bed every night as the cold air crawled your body. You didn't mind though, you wanted to stay with Spencer. His wound was recovering and he wasn't in that much pain anymore.

The team had been back at Quantico for a few days now, patiently waiting for the two geniuses to be back at work. After multiple tests, the Doctor said Spencer was able to go home. You pack his things up as he gets handed a cane to help with any limping.

"This reminds me of Rossi" he says slowly stepping onto the floor. You let out a soft chuckle as he begins to walk towards you. Ever since Spencer got shot, he hasn't walked until now. He was quite wobbly, which was expected, but the cane had helped him drastically. "You ready to go home?" you say as he grabs your arm for balance. "I've never been more ready" he says giving you a grin.

You both make way into the car, this was going to be a long drive. You couldn't wait to stay with Spencer for the next couple days, his place felt more like home than your own apartment. Hours pass as the sun slowly started to set. Spencer was knocked out in the passenger seat, he didn't get much sleep at all.

He looked so calm as his chest slowly would rise and fall. You could hear a slight snore every once in a while, which you thought was kinda cute. After hours and hours of driving, you finally made it back home.

You pulled into his driveway as you got a wave of relaxation, you were finally here. "Wake up precious, we are home" you say gently nudging his shoulder. He flutters his eyes open as he lets out a yawn, "that was fast". "That's what you think" you say giggling as you collect your bags.

You both make your way inside as you get a text from Hotch.
Hotch: Hey y/n. You have to go to work tomorrow, hopefully Spencer is getting better. Send him my love
You roll your eyes and sigh as you turn off your phone. "What's wrong, gorgeous?" Spencer says with a pouty face. "Hotch told me I have to go to work tomorrow. I don't want to leave you here by yourself" you say as your shoulders slump.

"I can manage y/n, don't worry about me. I'm just glad to have you here, it means the world." he says kissing your cheek. Your cheeks turn to a pink shade as he showers you in his affection. "You know I love you, but we have to get some sleep" you say smiling. "That's fair" he says making way over to his bedroom. The smell of vanilla still lingered in his apartment, which was comforting.

You slide into the covers as your body relaxes into the soft sheets. "This feels so good" you say wrapping yourself in warm blankets. "I missed hearing you say that" he says turning his face over to yours. "Oh Spencer, you'll hear it soon" you say cupping his face as you give him a kiss.

He giggles as he turns off his lamp, "Goodnight y/n, I love you" Your heart skips a beat as the butterflies start to swarm in your stomach. "Goodnight Spence, I love you too" you say resting your eyes.

Monday morning, 6:00 AM. You quickly shut the alarm off as you attempt to not wake up Spencer. He deserved a good sleep after all he had been through. You quietly make your way out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. You take a quick shower as you slip into your work clothes.

You apply light makeup and lastly, put on your heels. As you open the bathroom door, you see Spencer sitting down on the bed looking straight at you. "Did you really think you could be sneaky and not wake me up? You know I have to see my girl before she leaves" he says putting his hands out for a hug.

You caress him as you start to chuckle, "I could've sworn I didn't wake you up this time." you say. "You almost got it, one day you will. Enjoy your day at work baby" he says giving you a kiss. "I'll try, I will call you on my lunch break" you say stepping out the front door.

You arrive at Quantico with a knot in your stomach. Even though the case was over and Spencer was okay, you still had flashbacks every now and then of the gunshot firing loudly in your ears. You brush off your feelings as you enter the building. "Princess! Oh how I've missed you, how's pretty boy doing?" Morgan says with an excited expression.

"I missed you too, he is doing pretty good! He got the hang of walking around with a cane." you say smiling. "Glad to hear that, simple work today. Just some files and discussions, the usual" he says before he enters his office. You go inside the conference room to say hello to the rest of the team.

Everyone looked thrilled to see you, which was a great feeling. The warm welcoming felt as if it was your first day at Quantico all over again. "I missed you guys so much! I'm glad to be back" you say with a grin. It was true, you were a workaholic. "It's wonderful to have you back y/n. I'm happy to hear Reid is doing alright." Rossi says greeting you with a hug and a kiss.

As you greet everyone else, you notice Penelope isn't at the table. In confusion, you ask JJ. "Hey, is Garcia here today?" you say raising an eyebrow. "Yes, she is just doing some business calls. I will let her know you asked for her" JJ says. You go inside your office as you are greeted by a teddy bear.

"Glad to have you back! -BAU" the card read. Aww, they were too sweet. You sit down as you begin with your files. Minutes later, you received a call from Spencer. "Oh hey baby, everything okay?" you say nervously. "Yes, everything is just fine. I just missed your voice" he said so innocently.

"I missed your voice too, the team sends you love by the way" you say. "I should be back at work very soon, I feel so much better now that you're with me. Enough of me dreaming of you, sorry to bother you. I know you get very focused during your files. I will see you later, I love you" he says.

You could tell that he was smiling right now, which made you blush extra hard. "I love you too, Doctor Reid" you say in a mocking voice. "Keep it up and watch what happens when you get home" he says as he ends the call. Ahhh, home. His place definitely felt just like it.

As you continue your files, you hear heels quickly clicking against the floor. You see Garcia squealing of excitement as she goes over to Morgan's office. You laugh and shake your head, she was always so bubbly. Hours pass as you finished all your work for the day.

You make your way out of the office as you are stopped by Morgan. "My office, very important" he says trying to hide a smile. You walk in and shut the door, "what's up?" you say. "What's up? What is up is that you and pretty boy are dating. How come you didn't tell me? Garcia told me all about it." he says.

WHAT DID HE SAY? "Morgan, what are you talking about?" you say nervously. "Garcia told me about how she went to call you to say hello, but instead you didn't answer cause you were on a call. So, she tapped into your call and heard your conversation. I know, crazy move on her part" he says nodding his head.

Your heart starts to pound faster and faster as you begin to look flustered. "This was supposed to be a secret, we were going to tell you guys when we were ready. By now, Garcia probably told everyone." you say putting your hands on your face.

"Don't worry princess, she can keep a secret, I hope. Anyway, I'm so happy for you. I knew you could get him, we all rooted for you both the day we saw your chemistry together." he says smiling.

You let out a soft chuckle as you leave his office. You couldn't believe that Penelope had heard your whole conversation. Ugh, how are you going to explain this one to Spence?

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