Solving Puzzles

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Saturday morning, 11:27 AM. You wake up by the sound of the TV turning on in the living room. You slowly flutter your eyes open when you realize Spencer isn't in the bed with you anymore. You start to stretch and make your way into the living room. There he was, making breakfast as he watched the news. You come up behind him and give him a hug.

"Good morning" You say softly. He lets out a small giggle and turns around. "Goodmorning gorgeous" He says giving you a hug and a kiss on your head. "How did you sleep?" He says continuing to make the food. "I slept good, your bed is super comfortable" You say sitting down on the chair next to you. "I'm glad to hear that, you hungry?" He says flipping a pancake. "Yes" You say smiling as you watch him cook.

Anything he did made you fall more and more for him. You wished you could see this view every morning. After a few moments, he gets out two plates and starts placing the food on top. "One for me, one for you" He says handing you a plate full of pancakes, bacon, and eggs on the side. "Thank you, didn't know you were a chef" You say giggling. You both sit down at the table and start to eat. "This is really good, Spence" You say chewing the pancakes. "I tried, I haven't cooked for somebody in forever." He says letting out a deep breath.

"So, what are you doing today?" You say. "I'm probably going to the library to pick out more books, I read all of mine already. Most likely check on my mom, stuff like that" He says sipping orange juice. "After we finish eating, I'll make my way out so you can do what you have to do" You say to him. "Are you sure? You can come along, I don't mind" He said to you. You didn't want to interrupt time with his mother, you knew the condition she was in.

"Spence, I would love to hang more with you but I want you to spend time with your mom. If I'm there, it's a distraction. She wants to see you" You say grabbing his hands. "If you insist" He says shrugging. You two finish up your meal and you grab the clothes you wore last night. You start to change back into your old ones as Spencer stops you.

"You can keep the fresh clothes on, they look cute on you. You can keep them, if you want" He says as his nose twitched. The shirt you had on smelled exactly like Spencer, that calming scent of vanilla and cologne. Before you went to argue, he stopped you again. "Keep them. End of discussion, they are now yours" You laugh, it was funny how he knew you were going to question him.

You pack your things and give him one last goodbye hug. "I'll see you at work, okay?" You say staring into his eyes, those beautiful hazel eyes. "Okay" he says as he holds you tighter. You open the door and make your way out, back to reality. Staying with Spencer always felt so different, it felt so safe and loving.

As you're driving home, you get a notification from Hotch.

Hotch: Hey y/n, It's a tradition of mine to introduce the members of the BAU to my son, Jack. The BAU is family to him, and since we all love you very much, I decided that I would enjoy for you to meet him.

Your heart instantly bursted with love. How thoughtful of Hotch to think of you. You've heard so much about his son and how he is such a sweet boy, poor baby, he's been through so much. Once you park, you respond.

Y/N: Hey, It would be a pleasure to meet the little guy. When would you like me to stop by?
Hotch: How about 5:30? You can have dinner with us if you'd like.
Y/N: That would be perfect, I will be on my way soon.

You hop in the shower to rinse off. You can't believe that last night was real. Moments later, you get out of the shower and put on some fresh new clothes. You put on shorts with a white crew neck. You curl your hair a bit to make it wavy. You apply slight makeup and here we are again, making our way out the door. You are now on your way to his house.

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