Strawberry Surprises

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Another day, another alarm. Wednesday, 6:00 AM. You wake up quite sore from yesterday, you had some bruises on your right arm and of course, the scratches on your face. You text Morgan beforehand to not pick you up today, you had to spend more time on makeup to try to cover your bruised and busted lip.

The positive of today is that it's a simple day, just working on files and answering any emails. You rarely wore tons of makeup because you didn't feel the need to, but today, you had to put in some work. You applied concealer to the bruises and scratches on your face, which covered them up pretty well. You finish the rest of your routine and you grab your keys to head out.

You're in a good mood today. You stopped feeling upset with Spencer, you were listening to your favorite song on the radio on your way to work, life was good. You enter the Quantico building. "Good morning kiddo, light work today. Case files as usual." Rossi says as he makes his way into his office. After greeting him, you walk into your office. Your jaw drops as your office is filled with your favorite snacks, balloons, and confetti scattered around your desk. "What the hell" You say laughing picking up the card.
     "Dear Y/n, I hope you're feeling better. Snacks always cheer me up after a rough day, so, I thought it would cheer you up too. Enjoy! -Spencer Reid

Oh my goodness, what a gentleman. You start looking through the gifts placed on your desk. More chocolate covered strawberries, red confetti symbolizing your favorite color, and some mini balloons saying "Get Well Soon." Man, how does he remember everything about you? You feel a grip on your shoulders as you look back to see who it was.

Spencer Reid, giving you a huge smile. "Spencer, you didn't have to do this! You're too sweet, thank you so much." You say giving him a huge hug. You missed his touch even though it had only been a day. "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I remember you said these snacks were your favorite. Hopefully the confetti wasn't that messy." He says letting out a small chuckle.

"No, it's perfect." You say as you feel the warmth of your cheeks rising. "Hey guys, Rossi wants us in the conference room to discuss something." JJ says walking by. "You got it" You say as you and Spencer head on over.

Everyone takes a seat as Rossi clears his throat. "Since Halloween is Saturday and some of us have kids, how about a Halloween party at my place Friday night? It'll be a costume party, just us adults. If you want to be more traditional, dress up with one other person. Don't be lame and not wear a costume." He says smirking. "That sounds great, I'm in." Morgan says getting excited.

The group agrees and they all made their way back into their offices. As you approach the entrance to your office, you get stopped by Emily. "Hey girl, can I ask a question?" She says closing your office door. "Of course, anything." You say sitting down. "Every year for parties, we all dress up with another colleague. This year JJ and Garcia are going to be cheetahs, I know, It was Garcia's idea." She says giggling.

"But, I was wondering if you wanted to do a costume with me?" She continues to say. "I would love to! I can come over to your place and get ready if you'd like." You say smiling. "That would be perfect, I have an idea that fits our personalities perfectly." She says sitting down on another chair. "Hear me out, what if we are an angel and a devil? You can be the devil cause you're badass, I'll be the angel, sounds good?" She says.

"Oh Emily, you aren't an angel on your sin to win weekends aren't you?" You say cracking up. "Oh my god y/n, to answer your question, no Im not. Besides the point, is that good?" She says laughing along. "That sounds wonderful." You say. "I'll text you my information tonight." She says walking out of your office.

Oh my god, you're going to be a devil. Devils wear red, of course. Spencer is going to go crazy over that idea. You start to think on how you could make your costume sexy as possible, your thoughts get interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." You say snapping back to reality.

It was Hotch. "Hey y/n, are you doing anything on Halloween night? Jack is going trick or treating and I wouldn't want to be alone." He says looking down. "I'm free on Halloween, I can come along with you guys. Plus, we can stop by JJ's house and give some candy to Henry." You say agreeing. "That sounds great, thank you so much. You don't need to dress up by the way." He says laughing.

"Oh yes I will, what is Jack being?" You say. "He is being a pirate." He says. "Then, I guess I'm getting a pirate costume later today." You say smiling. "I owe you y/n, thank you so much." Hotch says giving you a hug. "By the way, did you like Spencer's surprise?" He says. "I loved it, didn't expect it at all." You say grabbing the strawberries. "Would you like one?" You say opening the box. "Sure, why not" Hotch says as he picks up a strawberry.

"I'll text you tonight for what time to come." He says walking out of your office. You continue on with looking through files, answering emails, and while you're doing this, you're texting Morgan.
Y/N: Did you see what he did for me? He decorated my office! He's so sweet.
Morgan: See, I told you that you've got this mama. Btw, Emily told me you guys are dressing up together. I cant wait to see that duo ;)
Y/N: Yes, we are! I'm excited, anyway, I have to get back to work but I will catch up with you later.
Morgan: Alright princess, see you.

Hours go by, and you are finished with work. You exit the building holding your bags of gifts. You pop the trunk and you place all your goodies from Spence inside. You make your way to the nearest costume store. You pick up a cute but well fitted pirate costume.

You felt more than happy to match with Jack, he was family after all. You purchase the costume and you pick up dinner on the way back to your apartment. As you arrive, you pick up all the bags from your trunk. You bring all of your stuff inside, you lock the door and kick off your heels. You start to eat your dinner as you received 2 unread text messages. You open Hotch's message first.

Hotch: On Saturday night, come at around 6:00. I don't like for Jack to be out that long after dark.
Y/N: Okay, perfect. I got my costume, don't tell Jack that I will match with him, I want it to be a surprise.
Hotch: He will absolutely love that. Thank you once again, have a goodnight.
Y/N: You too, boss
You now begin to open Emily's message.

Emily: Here is my address, also I am planning on being a sexy kind of angel. I haven't dressed like that in a while.
Y/N: I plan on being a sexy devil too, maybe off the shoulder tight dresses with heels?
Emily: Oh y/n you're a genius, that's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow!
Y/N: Goodnight <3
You finish your meal and hop in the shower to clean up. After drying off and putting on new comfy clothes, you eat some more strawberries. You eventually brush your teeth and head into bed for the night. You couldn't wait for Friday night, you were going to have quality time with Emily, and you were going to make Spencer feel a type of way with your costume. He was really going to be dancing with the devil that night.

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