Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Three weeks have passed since little Colin came into the world. After three days in the hospital the little new family returned home to Lake Kottlasjön. This morning Frida had to go to the hospital to have the stitches removed from the cesarean section, she was still limited in doing some things, as she had to respect the quarantine. They also took the opportunity to do his first neurological examination on little Colin and apparently everything had gone perfectly, he was a very intelligent baby.

It was still summer and that particular day it seemed that the rain would not stop, the trees of the forest were shaken with force by the wind that blew in sweeping measure. Frida was in the baby's room rocking Colin in her arms, the little one seemed to be restless, no matter how much Frida tried, she couldn't make him sleep and she couldn't leave him in his crib because he was starting to cry, he just wanted to be in the arms of his mother.

She tried to make him sleep by humming in his ear but it didn't seem to help, she deduced that it was the noise of the storm that was not letting him sleep. Only the first week little Colin had slept in his parents' bed, then in a crib in the same room, Benny didn't want him to sleep in his own room yet, he wanted to have him close at all times. During the nights he used to wake up twice to eat, which caused Frida to wake up every morning exhausted, Benny tried to stay awake with her but from time to time the fatigue overtook him and he fell asleep.

Thunder was heard and little Colin jumped into his mother's arms and began to cry. "Hey, easy love," Frida rocked him trying to calm him down. "Here is mommy,"

Colin's crying was intense, his tears soaking his little pink face. He moved his little legs and arms in desperation. Benny walked into the room— which was decorated in different shades of blue and beige— and went straight to his two loves. "Is everything okay around here?" He asked.

"I don't think so, this little boy is very restless, I think it's due to the storm," Frida said in a low voice.

Benny walked over to them and patted his son's head. "Easy champion." But nothing seemed to work, Colin kept crying. "Why don't you lie with him for a bit? He likes that." He suggested.

And it was true, apparently one of Colin's favorite hobbies was lying on his mother's chest. "You're right, maybe it could work,"

Frida left the baby's room and went to hers, the heating was on so the atmosphere was perfect in there. She placed Colin in the middle of the bed for a moment but he protested, crying even more intensely. Frida unbuttoned her blouse in a hurry and trembling fingers, she didn't like to hear her son cry, every time he cried she worried because she thought something was wrong. She stayed dressed only in pants and a bra, went in search of a blanket, took Colin in her arms and lay down on her lake bed.

She laid Colin on her chest so he could feel the quality of her skin and covered them both with the blanket. She gently ran a hand down her son's back and little by little she listened and felt how he calmed down, even he had placed his small head on his mother's neck.

Frida let out a sigh when he finally seemed to be asleep, "was that what you wanted love? Hugs from mommy?" She said softly placing a kiss on his little head.

Being that way with her baby relaxed her too much, the best part was that she didn't have to worry about the time since she wasn't working. Now Colin had become her priority. She concentrated on her son's breathing and little by little Frida also fell into a deep sleep.

<<< the wind was blowing hard and some strands were flying over her face. Something below her moved, she couldn't keep her balance. She removed the strands of her face and could see more clearly, in front of her was her house, Zappa was constantly barking from the terrace, Benny came out of the glass window with Colin in his arms. Her fiancé's face was disappointed, he looked hurt, even on the verge of tears.

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