Chapter Forty-Eight

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Benny held Frida tightly against him, so tight that their bodies almost melted. He kissed her head over and over again. She was crying softly against his neck, letting all the pent up emotion flow out, all she wanted was to be able to rest, and now she could; the worry of the last few weeks finally seemed to fade, the fear she felt was excruciating, overwhelming. Her tears of release slowly faded as she hugged the man he loved the most, or well, one of them; the other little man was her son. Frida let out all the contained air, all her tension and fears, the difficult days were over.

"All is well my love, and all will be," Benny said softly in her ear as he stroked her back. He also felt a great relief. They had just returned from the the oncologist appointment and the diagnosis had been good, no malignant tumors, apparently it was only a mammary fibroadenoma caused by hormonal contraceptive treatment; Frida's body began to reject it and that's why it caused all that commotion. Now they would only do minor surgery to remove the lumps.

That was by far some of the best news they had ever received. Frida had imagined the worst, and although Benny refused to say it out loud, the truth is that he had considered it too. Thanks to whoever ruled the universe, she was fine, and that was the most important thing. "It was a nightmare," Frida replied without moving an inch, there in his arms she felt safe and loved.

"I know honey, I know. But it's over, now we know you're okay. All we need to do is take care of you and wait for the day of surgery. Everything will be fine."

Frida finally moved away from her a little to see his face, he definitely made this process easier, he was her unconditional supporter. Benny subtly wiped away her tears with his thumbs, her beautiful green eyes sparkled and he just wanted to love her to death, sometimes he couldn't believe that this woman was his. "I hope so," she answered more calmly. "The doctor said there was no risk. Even so, the idea of ​​being inside an operating room seems chilling to me."

Benny made a face, he knew it perfectly. "I know. We could talk to my mom or Eva-Lis, so they can take care of Colin while we're in the hospital,"

"Sure, if they can that would help a lot,"

"I'll talk to them tomorrow, your surgery is Saturday, that means," Benny ran a quick calculation in his mind. "In four days. They are very efficient."

"They are," she agreed. She kissed his cheek and pulled him closer to her, feeling the warmth of his body. "Have I told you lately that I love you?"

Benny grinned from ear to ear, feeling his entire body tingle. "Yes, but I'd certainly like to hear it."

Frida smiled coquettishly and let her lips speak in a very peculiar way; she made her way into his mouth and kissed him passionately, as she hadn't done for several days. Benny squeezed her waist and deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing the dance of love. Frida began to caress his neck and then went down his chest, she knew what she wanted, it had been several days since the last time and she missed him. She pulled away a little and looked at him deeply. "I love you," she finally said, her lips trembling slightly and her pupils dilated. "And I want you."

Benny made a superhuman effort not to throw her on the bed, he wanted to be cute this time. "Are you sure? You feel good?" Frida bit her lip and nodded. "Good. I'll go see what Colin's doing, and I'll be right back, okay?" Both of them had forgotten that the boy was alone in his bedroom, they didn't usually leave him alone but this time was an exception.

"Don't be late," she told him before giving him a quick kiss and letting him out.

Benny left the main bedroom and went to little Andersson's bedroom; the door was ajar and there was no noise, which was strange, he was always chatting or making all kinds of noises. Benny opened the door completely and what he saw got him totally speechless; Colin was facing the beige wall, or at least it used to be beige, now there were scratches and drawings, the boy had a crayon in his hand and there were more scattered on the floor, he seemed to be very amused because he didn't notice his presence.

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