Chapter Eighteen

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Two weeks later.

Working was always a pleasure. After several weeks of vacation the time to return to the gallery had arrived and Frida was more than delighted. It had been a particularly busy day, she had new orders and her clientele had increased, the art exhibition had definitely paid off.

It was almost seven at night, Sygni had left two hours ago so Frida decided it was time to go home too. She started to turn off the lights and close the heavy blinds. She took her bag and left with the keys in hand ready to close, it was already dark and there were few people outside, it was even colder than usual, the weather was beginning to change.

Frida crossed the street and went looking for her car that was parked just in front of the gallery, on the sidewalk in the park. She was searching for the keys in her bag when felt a hard body push her against the car door, a couple of hands were holding Frida's on her lower back, immobilizing her completely.

"Don't move and don't scream," said a man's voice in her ear. "Give me the keys."

Frida's blood ran cold and her blood pressure sped up considerably. "Let me go!"

"Shut up and do what I tell you, sweetheart. Keys, now." said the man, releasing her hands but holding her by the waist and pressing one leg into hers.

Frida regretted having left at that hour, most of the premises had already closed and there was little light, some cars were passing but nobody would see them unless they paid close attention. She tried to think of something but fear was invading reason. "I can't if you hold me like that,"

"If you value your life you will find a way, hurry up," the man roared as he looked both ways.

"I'll give you my wallet,"

"Damn, stop talking. I don't want your damn money I want the car!" He snapped before turning her around, pushing her harder against the car and starting to rummage through Frida's jacket.

She tried to push him but to no avail, the guy was taller and more robust than she was, so without a second thought she kicked him in the crotch which made the man bend a little pain but not enough, "damn bitch! " He exclaimed a second before slapping her hard enough that Frida lost her balance and fell to the ground.

A throbbing pain instantly appeared on Frida's ankle, as did a burning on her cheek and hands.

"Get away from her, asshole!!"

Frida was too stunned and couldn't make out that voice, but it was definitely a man. Her assailant cursed under his breath before running away. Tears threatened to come out of her eyes but Frida held them back furiously. Slowly she sat down on the asphalt and her savior leaned in front of her, lifting her chin.

"Anni-Frid, are you alright?"

Frida quickly met Ragnar's eyes, for a moment she wondered what he was doing there but the relief of seeing him was greater.

"Ragnar," she said almost in a whisper, her pupils glowing with fear in the dark and her lips trembling.

"Hey, honey, I'm here, he's gone," Ragnar lunged for her and hugged her. "Are you fine?Come with me." He helped her to get up carefully, the pain in Frida's left ankle became more powerful when her feet touched the hard surface.

"My foot hurts," she complained.

"Damn, that idiot deserves to die," he said adjusting her hair. "I'll take you to the hospital,"

"No," she objected, "I don't need to, I just need ice, I'd rather go home,"

"No way, you're going to come to my apartment and see what happens to that foot,"

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