Chapter Eight

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Back pain woke up Frida. She frowned and let out a gasp when she felt something hard against her head, still with her eyes closed. Suddenly, she could feel a light penetrating her eyes and squeezed them tightly, turned her head and neck pain became present. "Damn," she muttered and slowly opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to realize where she was. "Can not be." she muttered tiredly again. Apparently she had fallen asleep against the kitchen bar. She leaned her head in her arms to calm the stabbing pain in her neck, took a deep breath and got up carefully. Her body was numb, she could feel the annoying tingling along all her legs. She ran a hand through her messy hair and turned to the kitchen clock, it marked 2:14 a.m. How had she slept so long in that position? She felt like if a trailer had passed over her.

She stood up and stretched, but her back protested and the pain grew more intense.
She turned to find a glass, her lips were dry, but then she came across the cookie box that Benny had brought with him last night and stood there for a moment remembering part of their conversation. The memory made her smile.  "At least I hope he's having a good night," she thought to herself. She drank water, turned the lights off and went to her room, made sure she had the curtains closed and undressed carefully staying only with her underwear. Anni-Frid got into bed without even putting on pajamas, it was a bit difficult because her muscles protested with each movement. She laid down and closed her eyes, but after 10 minutes Frida knew that it'd be difficult to fall asleep, she felt tired but couldn't sleep. She had a very strange feeling inside her, apart from the pain, something kept her restless...

"Benny?... Benny."

Laura's voice took Benny out from his thoughts. He was looking out through the large window of his mother's living room, the house where he had grown up and treasured beautiful memories. That day his mother and sister had taken him to have an MRI early in the morning. Benny had a bad time getting up because he hadn't slept well, the memories and assumptions of last night didn't let him sleep. He longed getting home and laying on his big bed, but his mother had invited him to eat at her house and he couldn't refuse.

"I'm sorry, what did you say, mother?" He asked softly as he turned to meet Laura.

"I said the food is ready, Eva-Lis is waiting for us at the table,"

"Oh yes, of course, let's go then," he said tiredly.

"Is everything alright, son?" Laura asked with a frown.

"I'm a little tired, that's all, shall we?" They both headed to the small circular dining room on the Terrace. Ten minutes later they were eating, the day was perfectly sunny but the air was fresh, so the atmosphere was quite comfortable. Even so, Eva-Lis noticed Benny a little distracted, the three of them were engaging in a conversation but Benny barely opened his mouth but to put in a new bite, decided not to keep the doubt and ask.

"Bror, what's going on?" She inquired trying to sound as casual as possible.

Benny frowned slightly. "Nothing," he replied with a shrug, wanting to downplay it and turning his attention to food.

"Hmm, if I were just a stranger I'd believe you even with eyes closed, but, since I'm nothing more and nothing less than your sister and I know you well, I can say without fear of being mistaken that something is wrong with you," Eva-Lis said raising an eyebrow.

Smart girl, Benny thought, "I'm just tired, I could hardly sleep," he finished quietly.

His mother was worried. After the accident Benny suffered from an episode of depression and he could rarely fall asleep at night, it was a hard stage for everyone, but especially for him. She didn't want that for her son again. Laura gently took Benny's arm over the table, her face and tone of voice clearly showed her concern, "Oh son, is there anything special that is bothering you? We could talk about it if that makes you feel better."

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