Chapter Four

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The sound of a soft melody flooded the room. Benny's nimbe fingers slid over the keys of his grand piano. That particular day, he felt inspired. He had the awesome view of the forest and lake Kottlasjön in front of him. The sun was beginning to hide on the horizon. The piano occupied almost half of the room. Since the beginning he had insisted on having a room exclusively for his piano. There were also some shelves with books and photographs. He loved to treasure memories.

He was about finishing the melody when Marianne knocked on the door. Benny turned and found her leaning on the door with a shy smile. "An apology, Mr. Andersson."

"Marianne, how many times have I told you not to tell me Sir?"

"It's okay, Benny," she corrected herself with a chuckle. "Mm, two things."

"Tell me."

"It's my time to retire. I left the dinner in the microwave, you will only need to warm it up, I've changed the bedspread of your bed."

"It sounds perfect! Thank you."

"Sure, and... you have a visitor, there's someone in the living room waiting for you," she informed him quietly.

Benny frowned. "Yes? Who is it?"

"I don't know, she's a woman, but she didn't say her name."

Benny turned to the half-open door trying to look out into the living room, but he couldn't see anyone. "It's fine Marianne, I'll be out right away, you can retire, I will take care."

"Are you sure, Benny?"

"Sure. I will see you tomorrow," he gave her a smile. "Be careful."

"Very good, see you tomorrow then!" She smiled back and came out closing the door behind her.

Benny could hear how Marianne said goodbye to his visitor, and seconds later the entrance door closed. He made his way onto the door of the room feeling a knot in his stomach. For some reason he knew that, what awaited him on the other side of the door, was nothing good. Let's see who you are, he thought right before opening the door. And as soon as he did, he wished he hadn't.

There was a woman on the other side of the room, she was of average height, thin and brown hair. She was on her back looking out the large window that overlooked Anni-Frid's house. Benny approached little by little feeling his heart sinking once more, at the same time his mind was flooded with memories. He stopped a considerable distance and took a deep breath before speaking. "What are you doing here?"

The depth of his voice seemed to alert the woman, who straightened her back and turned slowly to finally make eye contact with Benny. "Hello, Benny," she greeted on a somewhat shaky voice.

"What do you want, Christina?" He asked gravely.

"I came to see how you are." Christina answered by taking a step towards him.

"Sure, after two years you only come to see how I am? Sorry, you but have nothing to do here."

Christina signed. "Benny I... I am sorry about what happened last time." She took another step forward.

Benny fell silent just looking at her, he felt his blood boil. The same woman he had loved so much was the same woman who broke his heart mercilessly and now she came back saying she was sorry. He felt he could burst at any moment. "And you want me to believe you? You practically left me in that hospital room after making it clear to me that you weren't willing to spend the rest of your life with a paralytic."

"Benny, understand me, I was scared!" She said begging.

"But you couldn't be more so than me!!" Benny exploded and Christina was petrified in her place. "I was scare too damn! Suddenly I was doomed to this stupid chair and you—" He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "I loved you Christina, but apparently your love for me wasn't enough. I asked you!  I asked you to marry me. I was sure we could both handle this, together!, but you were a coward."

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