Chapter Twenty-Four

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Thirty-two-year-old woman, victim of a car accident, fracture without displacement in the ulna and left radius, blood pressure 75/50 without signs of cardiovascular disease, loss of consciousness...

Frida could hear the uproar in the distance. She couldn't make out the voices well, but it seemed they were talking about her. She tried to open her eyes but couldn't , she felt her eyelids very heavy. She felt great pressure on her chest and her whole body ached. Everything was moving. Her breathing was slow and heavy, she wanted to speak but no words came out of her mouth.

"Doctor, the patient is waking up," she heard again someone says in the distance.

"We have to take her to surgery. Take it easy miss, stay with me, don't make any effort." A male voice whispered in her ear.

"My baby," was the only thing Frida managed to say before she passed out again...

The clock said one in the morning. Benny shifted again in his bed, he was particularly uncomfortable that night. He hadn't been able to sleep, he was too restless. He sat down and took a deep breath, he had to do something, maybe playing something on his piano would help. Carefully he settled into his wheelchair, over time he had become accustomed to maneuvering to get out of bed into his wheelchair and now he handled it very well.

He left his room and went to the room where the piano was. He perched in front of it, raised the lid and let his fingers touch the keys gently. Suddenly he began to play "You and I", it was the song he had written for Frida, it was theirs, both of them. He closed his eyes and could see her beautiful face, the beautiful shape of her smile, the brightness of her eyes, the flush of her cheeks, the soft sound of her laughter. She was a beautiful and a perfect creature. Benny smiled, now they were no longer together but he would always treasure every moment that passed by her.

When he finished playing the piano he opened his eyes, he felt a great emptiness inside him, as if something was missing. At that moment he could hear his phone ring, everything was completely silent so it made the doorbell sound louder. He went to his room and took the cell phone from his nightstand. It was an unknown number. Who the fuck marks at this hour? He thought and forwarded the call, he wouldn't answer, it was too late. But apparently whoever was calling wouldn't tire because they dialed again. Benny decided to answer, maybe, just maybe it could be something important.


"Benny! Thank God you answer!"

Benny heard the desperate voice of a woman on the other end of the phone but couldn't recognize her. But apparently she did know him because she said his name.

"Who are you and why are you calling at this time?" He  asked with a frown.

"I'm  Sygni, do you remember me?"

Benny's alerts went on, of course he remembered her, but why was she calling at that time?  "Sure Sygni, what's going on? Are you fine?"

"No, I mean I am fine. This is Frida, she had an accident on the road," she said, on the verge of tears.

Benny's blood froze, his heart stopped beating for a moment only to start pounding seconds later. "What have you said?" asked in a whisper.

"What you have heard. You need to come,"

"How is she? Where are you?  How the hell did it happen?" Benny asked desperately. still with the cell phone in his hand he went to the closet and grabbed the first thing he found, he had to go to the hospital immediately.

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