Chapter Fifty

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Weeks later...

"Mommy," Colin called out to Frida softly. He was lying next to her, watching her carefully as he tried to wake her up. "Mommy," he insisted. Frida stirred in her sleep but did not wake up, although she unconsciously hugged her son. The child stirred in her arms, he wanted her mother awake. "Please mommy."

"Colin," Benny entered the room and called out to his son in a whisper, not wanting to wake his wife. Frida slept until the wee hours of the morning because she had to work on some paintings. "Don't wake up mommy, she's tired," he walked over and leaned on his arm next to his love.

"But I want her to come walk with me and Zappa," the kid said with a pout.

"I can go with you. Let's leave mommy asleep and bring her flowers. What do you think?"

"A surprise?"

"So is." Colin's pout disappeared and his face lit up, accepting his father's proposal.

Benny and Colin went for a walk with the dog, the littlest collecting dry leaves that were on the road while his father followed closely behind. For Benny, seeing his son grow up and be a healthy and happy was everything, he represented his most precious treasure and the truth is that he could not conceive of a life without him or Frida, definitely she came to renew him, to give life to his soul and meaning to everything. Their anniversary was a couple of days away and Benny couldn't wait to show her what he had been preparing for her, he wanted to give her all.

Zappa started barking loudly and Colin freaked out. "Hey, enough Zappa!" he calmed him down when he saw that it was a pair of squirrels climbing a tree.

"Daddy! Can we take one home?" Colin asked, looking up the tree.

"I don't think so, son. Here they are free, at home they would be sad."

"But I'm happy at home," he said confused.

Benny smiled and knelt down to try to keep up with his three year old son. "And I am happy too, because we are together, you, mommy and me."

"And Zappa!"

"Yes champ," he laughed. "And Zappa too."

When they got back home, Eva's car was parked. Colin let out a little cry of joy when he saw that his aunt was at his house, Benny was also surprised. The Andersson boys entered and there were Eva-Lis, Laura and Frida; the last one with her hair in a braid and still wearing pajamas, clearly she had just gotten up. "Auntie!" Colin ran to his aunt and Eva welcomed him with open arms more than delighted.

"Hello precious child!"

Benny went over to hug her mother, Laura did as well, receiving her son's affectionate kiss on the cheek. "What a surprise!"

"Hello son! We come to spend the weekend at your house." Laura was referring to the house that years ago belonged to Benny before he moved in with his neighbor and wife; Frida.

"Our house, you mean," he corrected her fondly, still holding her. "That's good, I like having you around."

"Did you have breakfast yet?" Frida asked. She remained asleep until they arrived, it was the sound of the doorbell that woke her up, and for her part she was already hungry. "Would you like something?"

"Yeah, we actually went to mom's favorite restaurant for breakfast," Eva-Lis answered.

"I want milk," Colin interjected in his sweet, childlike voice.

Frida smiled at her baby, she wanted to hug him, cuddling in the morning was a must, but Eva held him and she would let her enjoy his little company. "I'll give you milk, love."

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