Chapter Twenty-Three

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Frida was stunned. Had She heard well? Her best friend had just told her that her current boyfriend was cheating on her. A feeling of anger began to grow inside her chest as her breathing quickened.

"You— what did you just say?" She asked in a whisper in a trembling voice. Her face had turned pale.

"Sorry honey. Ragnar has been cheating on you all this time." Sygni said regretfully.

"No, impossible, no." Frida suddenly got up from the sofa and walked away from Sygni. She felt that she needed air. She turned furiously towards her. "Why do you say that? How do you know?"

Sygni also rose from her seat. "Benny saw them, at your art exhibition, he entrusted it to me that night, he was as surprised and full of anger as I was. He asked me not to tell you anything, but I couldn't hide it anymore, you deserved to know,"

"Oh God, no, no, no."

"Frid, you have to believe me, I have no proof, but Benny would never lie."

Frida ran her hands through her hair and waved a hand for air, everything felt too hot. "This can not be happening. He wouldn't be able to, would he?"

"Apparently he's not who you think he is. All this time he has been dating someone else. You can no longer allow him to continue mocking you."

"Who is she? Why until now? Why didn't you tell me before?" Frida exploded.

"Because I didn't want to be the one to give you this horrible news. But look at you now, you're about to make the mistake of marrying him and I couldn't allow it."

"Oh my god," Frida was horrified. She wasn't going to marry him, she didn't love him anymore, but finding out he had been cheating on her hurt her. She felt everything around her spin and had to quickly sit down in one of the armchairs. She put her head in her hands and began to cry.

"Sweetie!" Sygni quickly ran to her side and knelt in front of her. "I'm so sorry,"

Frida's body shook vigorously at her crying and Sygni hugged her. "How could he? How dare he? I gave him everything Sygni, the best of me." She sobbed angrily.

"I know darling, you're too much for him, he doesn't deserve you. He's a bastard. Look how to be fucking another while he has you,"

Frida couldn't handle that image in her head and got up quickly, ran to the bathroom and as soon as she arrived she started vomiting furiously. She had to hold onto the toilet bowl because she felt her entire being would collapse. Sygni ran after her and grabbed her hair to keep her from getting sick from vomiting.

"Oh, Frid," She ran a hand up and down Frida's back.

After a few minutes Frida got up and Sygni quickly passed her a towel to clean herself. Frida leaned against the wall still sitting on the floor, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Can you get up?"

"Just give me a second." She said wearily. Her face was flushed from the effort she had made and her lips trembled slightly.

"I'll make you some tea," Sygni said seconds before getting up and leaving her friend alone in the bathroom.

Frida sat looking at a fixed point on the wall. How had she got there? Her life seemed to sink deeper and deeper into a hole. A few months ago everything was stable, but now it was a total chaos. Ever since she met Benny her world went upside down. Carefully she got up and brushed her teeth. She had to face Ragnar, she had to hear from his own voice that there was someone else. Of course she believed in Sygni but she wanted Ragnar to say it to her face. She rinsed her face and wiped before going out to meet her friend.

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