Lennon's Birth (August 2013)

Start from the beginning

Her contractions started at 6 am this morning, almost 2 1/2 hours ago. She assumed she had been having them for at least a couple of hours before they woke her up. But, she stayed silent to make sure Harry got a few more hours of sleep.

She loves him so much, but she really realized how amazing of a guy he is over the past couple of months. When round ligament pain became too much to even allow her to sleep, he would hold her on the couch with a heat pad pressed to her stomach because it was the only thing that gave her some relief. He never complained. Not once. But, she noticed how much of a toll it took on him. How dark circles appeared under his eyes and he'd fall asleep in Darcy's crib every night with her during their nightly snuggles. She'd insist that she'd sit on the couch by herself and cope with it alone to allow him to get some sleep, but he never let her. She's his girl and she was going through all of that for their baby, it was the least he could do in his eyes.

So, when her contractions started, she vowed to not wake him up until she absolutely needed to, and sadly, she thinks that time is now. The last contraction she went through took everything out of her to not make noise.

"Hey my sweet boy,"Camryn whispers, combing her fingers through a loose curl falling over his ear.

"Mmmm,"Harry groans, half asleep and snuggling his cheek in deeper to Camryn's chest. He's so comfortable. This is his favorite thing to do, snuggle with his girl.

"You're about to be a daddy again,"Camryn murmurs, her lips in his curls and kissing the top of his head a few times. She feels his palm rub against her bare stomach subconsciously.

"Hmmm?"Harry groggily hums, yawning widely and then sighing, completely at peace feeling Camryn's chest rising and falling and bringing his cheek along with it. He's too groggy for her sentence to make sense in his mind, and to be honest he's half in a dream right now.

Camryn giggles quietly and uses her palm to rub back his brown messy hair from his forehead, "he's coming sweetheart."

"Who?"Harry blinks groggily up at her, tipping his head up on her chest to look at her, her figure blearily coming into his view, sleep still sticking to his eyes, "who's coming?" She watches as it suddenly hits him, his eyes growing wide as she smiles widely at him. "Wait—the baby? You're having the baby? He's coming?"

Camryn giggles and nods her head, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "He is, I've been having contractions for the past 2 1/2 hours."

"Baby what?"Harry asks, still convinced that Camryn is joking with him. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because they're not that bad yet,"Camryn grins, pressing her forehead against his and nudging her lips to his, giving him a nice good morning kiss. "They're really not too bad. They're still like 6ish minutes apart."

"You should've woken me up,"Harry frowns, rubbing his hands along the sides of her huge belly that has red stretch marks hugging it, "I could've helped you, bug." The thought that Camryn has been going through contractions for the past 2 1/2 hours without him is breaking his heart.

"It's okay baby,"Camryn assures him, pressing a few more pecks to his lips. "I'm okay right now, they're not too bad yet. I just need some cuddles."

"Well I can do that,"Harry smirks, placing his head back down on her chest and snuggling his cheek further against her skin.

"I love you, sweetheart." Camryn combs her fingers through his curls, kissing the top of his head.

"I love you more,"Harry charmingly smirks up at her, "we're finally going to meet him."

His smile is like a little boy in a candy shop. He's so excited and it makes Camryn's heart burst. She puts her hand on his cheek and rubs her thumb down his cheek.

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