I saw that y/n was getting a call from someone. Then I suddenly saw her shivering and sweating. I got worried and i asked her what happened. She acted like nothing and said nothin. She then dropped us and went back.


I went back to my hotel room and tried calling dohyung. He didnt attend the phone which made me feel scared, uncomfortable and nervous.Is he alright? Did anything bad happened to him? Why isnt he picking up!?

Me: dohyung..
Please pick up the phone..
Are you okay? Are you safe?
Please reply me. I'm worried.

He isnt online..I'm scared.
I was waiting for his text or call. I felt asleep for a while. I looked at the time and it shows 7.30. I called suho and said that they have to get ready and have to attend a vlive programme. About thier new album (think exo the war album release in vlive). I took a bath and changed my clothes and went to pick them up. I dropped them at the event place and I got a text from dohyung saying I'm fine. I felt relieved. After their vlive I took them back and sehun asked me to join them. I went with them and saw that d.o. had already prepared some food.

Me:wow! D.o hyung! AMAZING!!

Kai: d.o. hyung's food is always delicious!

Chanyeol: true! I'm gonna learn how to cook.

Xiumin and lay: me too.

Me: hyung. Give me the recipe tomorrow. Okay?

D.o.: sure..:)

Me: I'm done! So... let's see at 7p.m. I have a small surprise from my side to you guys.

Lay: oh!! What is it?!

Me: come here..I will whisper it in ur ears.

He comes near and I told
"Its a secret"
His face was blank

Chanyeol: what is it?

Lay: she said it's a surprise

All 8:😂

Me: if I say then there wont be any suspense. Think if u want to know.

Baekhyun: will we like it?
Xiumin: can we know the surprise now?
Suho: is it some other type of Indian snacks!? I would love it then.
Chen: is it a gift for each of us.

Me: woah...woah...1 by 1.
It's none of them. Wait hyungs.

Sehun:*sighs* okay..

I got a call from dohyung. I only have few contacts even though I'm a celebrity. I think I have 20? Including exo it will be 20. I'm not so close to anyone other than dohyung. But I save all of them in hearts. I excused myself and attended the phone while I was in the balcony.

Chanyeol POV

While we talking, y/n told about a surprise. I am quite excited. I want to know what it is. I'm smiling like an idiot now. I know that she will give us a best surprise. When lay hyung asked about the surprise she pranked him. I laughed so hard. She is so funny. Just my type... That's when I saw y/n getting a call. The screen shows "DOHYUNG♥️". I felt sad all of a sudden.


I never saw anyone like y/n. Beautiful, funny, cute, smart & sexy. I love her eyes and smile the most. I never thought a girl would be so energetic like her. I feel like she is the lost sister of baekhyun hyung 😂. While we where talking I saw that y/n got a phone call from "DOHYUNG♥️"
I felt my heart sinking for a few minutes. She smiled when she saw the name. Is he the one who was holding hands with her in her profile picture?.

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