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Monday morning, and I woke up with the sound of my alarm ringing, slamming my hands on my alarm clock to turn it off. I then grab my phone to check any message, and by I mean message I mean Forths morning messages as I opposed of him doing morning calls.

And there as expected I saw two notifications from him.

💌"Alert! The cutest man in the world has just awoken!"

Cutest ? pshhh~ since when?

💌"Come downstairs. I have a surprise for you."

Wait?! What is he downstairs?!
And that I hurried and get off the bed, run towards to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth and wash my face before I sprint fast down stairs.

"What is the hurry? You might fall at the stairs." Said mom as she saw me running down.

"Uh, Is Forth here?" I asked, as I see no sign of Forth.

"He is not, but he did went here and bought some breakfast." Mom told me, and I just nod my head walking to the dinning room.

And there I saw a tray of Spinach and Feta Quiche with Quinoa Crust, a very healthy food that I shared on facebook I should say.

"That is delicious."
   Mom said as she put a small plate in front of me and take a sit beside me, which where I put a slice for me to eat.

And as expected it taste really good, what to expect with Forth. Right? He can be a good chef if he want to.

After I finish eating I clean the dishes and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. I get dress with my uniforms grab my bag and, I was about to leave my bedroom when I realised that I forgot something— I went to my drawer grab the small box inside of it and wears the twisted nail bracelet that Forth gave me before I went down stairs.

And that I send my goodbye to mom before living the house. I remembered that today Forth's first class is way earlier than mine so we are not going to class together, I just call an uber today so I won't be late.

Gladly I'm still early well 3 minutes left before the class starts it's still early okay.
I take a sit between Phana and Kit.

And just after a few minutes our class starts.

Just then after 3 hours and there us only 20 minutes till my class end I suddenly felt my phone on my pocket vibrates.
And so I grab my phone to check on it and have found out that It was Forth who texted me.

💌"Look at the glass window.😘"

The text read, so I slightly turn my head to the side to have a glance at the glass window and there I saw Forth smiling as he was waving his hand showing the lunch bag that he bought with him.

I just make a quick smile to him before I look back again to my professor or I might be dead if our professor might thought that I'm not listening.

And Finally after what it feels like eternity my professor finally dismissed us, and Me, Kit, and Phana are now putting our books to our owm bags, when then a hand have suddenly grab my bag and others stuff surprising me, I look up and saw Forth helping me to put my stuffs back inside my bag.

"Thanks." I whispered, and he just smiled.

"Where is Ming?" I heard Kit asked. And of course speaking of the alien. There is Ming who's running towards Kit, and hugged my best friend followed by Wayo who just walk slowly to Phana.

And just like the new usual, we six went to our faculty canteen to have our lunch.

"Oh, you have couple bracelets now too?"
I heard Ming speak up, I look up to Phana and Wayo as I thought he was talking about them not until I realized he was pointing to my and Forths wrist.

"Oh!! Level up!!" Pha commented followed by Kits teasing voice, "Oho!! Moment!"

"You are official now P'?" Wayo then asked.

I wasn't able to process properly as I stare at Forths wrist with the same bracelet as mine except his was in silver gold.

"I wish we are official too N'Yo." I heard Forth said.

"I— I did not know that we have a matching bracelet." I manage to uttered.

"Oh, since when did you leave the house to buy a bracelet?"  Kit asked, to which Forth replied "I actually give that to him yesterday."

"We engineering student are really sweet lovers aren't we P'Forth." Ming proudly stated.
"You are annoying not sweet Ming." Kit told his his boyfriend.

"You still love me anyways." Ming proudly claimed.

After we have our lunch we all went to our own classes, thus Forth and Ming sent Wayo first to his faculty before going back to Engineering.

Another long hours of head ache finally passed, our last class finally ended.
I went out of my faculty building to my surprise to see Forth with his bunch of friends.

The one who saw me first was his bestfriend Laem, he quickly tapped Forth shoulder and he have finally looked at me, bid his good byes to his friend as he ride to his motor bike beside him and drive his way stopping in front of me.

Like usual he helped me to wear the helmet even I told him I have learned it already.

"Sorry if I haven't told you about the bracelet."
      He speak in a silent voice while locking the strap.

"I don't mind." I told him, because I really don't.

"So you will still wear it everyday?"

"Why wont I?"  I said as I ride on the motor bike.

"Thank you Beam." He said, and I can see his face on the side mirror despite of being half covered by the helmet he's wearing.

"Can you please stop saying thank you?" I told him, "—seriously, there is nothing to be thank about me." I stated as I wrapped my arms around his waist, I heard him said something but didn't catch what exactly as he start his motorbike making a loud noise before he drove us away.

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