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Me and my mom have been living here in our new house for already five days well almost six already if you will count this day also.

Today is Saturday already, I'm glad that none of my professors decide gibe us any assignments. Meaning I will for sure be doing some paintings today or some other art stuffs, the thing is I want to paint or draw something but I don't know what that certain something is. That always been my problem, and it always ending up as me reading novel books.

Looking at my bookshelf I decide to grab my Harry Potter book and plan to reread it, Yes you heard right, I have maybe read all my Harry Potter books for I don't know how many times anymore as it is one of my favorite book series.

With my Harry potter book on hand, I drag  my chair towards the balcony and take a sit to claim it as my reading nook for today, Why? Because we need to save some electricity or I'm just not on the mood to turn on the lights so I will just use the light that mother nature have gave us.

I was so engrossed to the book when I suddenly heard my mom called my name, probably shouting from the stairs as she tell there's some snacks at the kitchen.

Just to then I realised that I've been reading for five hours straight, I finally decide to take a break.

As I reached the kitchen I saw a box laying on our dinning table, I opened it just to see four different kinds of cupcakes neatly place in it.

"Where did you buy this mom?" I asked my mom who's now watching some lakorn.

"I did not buy those, It was Forth who bought that here." She answered without even looking at me.

"Ohh, Is your friend a baker?" I confusedly asked recalling the cake from last time and now these cupcakes.

"Not actually, why did you ask?"

"Nothing just that last time your friend bought a cake here and now his son bought this cupcakes." I explained.

"Ohh... Well enough talk and just eat it." She ordered, and even if she didn't I'll for sure still grab one, or two.


It was Early in the morning well not that early, I decide to leave our house at 8AM to play basketball with my friend Laem.

As I got outside our house, I take a glance at the house in front our house, that house is where my mom's friend live, and they just arrived here maybe five days ago if I'm remembering it right. I remember seeing aunty with his son that last night, but I never saw his son go out even once after that.

Just then when I decide to look up at their second floor I saw this Pale skin guy sitting at the balcony reading a book.

He is a book worm I guess,  But the strage thing is looking at him makes me feel energized and be feel hype, Not to mention that my heart is palpitating so hard.

Shaking my head to remove all the thoughts in my brain, I continue to walk on my way to the nearest basketball court to meet Laem before he even whined about me being late.

"What's with that sudden question ai'Forth?" Laem asked, after I asked him something I feel unusual since this morning.

"I—I'm just suddenly curious?" I said unsure

"Well it is... I actually just realised that I like, I mean fall in love with Park when that time I heard him sing at the event in our school during High school years— It's like—"

"—Wait ai'Forth. don't tell me you are interested with guys now?" He suddenly said is shock, throwing the ball towards me.

"Hmm... Maybe?" I said unsure.

"Who is it then?"

"You don't know him, and I still don't know if I'm interested okay. That is why I'm asking you." I said shooting the ball, and watch it entered the basket.

"Well if it will really help my dear friend Forth, I'm willing to tell you then."

"Thought you will not."

"So well this is how it was," He started
"Well I feel before me and Park become official... Before well until now actually, Every time I look at him I always feel like my heart will burst because it's beating so fast. And I always found myself smiling and happy for all of a sudden. I feel happy when I see him smile, I feel happy when I'm spending my time with him. basically I'm happy because of him. " , "When did you met this person of yours anyways? "

"Just past few days but I never see him since then until now as I'm on my way here."

"Oh, so this is a new friend of yours huh—well just observe your feelings when time goes by."

"Not a friend yet actually." I mumbled.

After three hours of playing basketball with Laem we decide to end our exercise, and go to the Food park to eat some noodles there as we both haven't have our meal.

As soon as we both done eating we go on our separate ways back to our own house.

When I reached in front of our house and about to open the gate, I decide to look again at the balcony to see if that guy is still there, and to my surprise he is still there sitting and reading a book.

Seriously.... It's been almost five hours, I have played basketball, and I have ate already and this guy is still sitting there reading a book.

Does he even eat any meal today?

And without thinking much I walk away from our house and go to one of my favorite bake shop and bought four types of cupcakes.

Standing outside the gate of the house opposite to ours, I ring their bell and saw the friend of my Mom walking out the door.

"Hello auntie." I greeted.

"Hello son, How may I help you."

"Oh, nothing auntie I just want to give this cupcakes." I said handling her the box.

"Oh..Thank you. Is their any occasion now? I don't think your mom told me any events."

"Hmmm... there is nothing auntie, That is just my welcome gift as our new neighbor." I reasoned.

"Is that so, then thank you. You are such a good boy like your parents."

"Thank you too auntie—hmm I'll be going now first." I smiled excusing myself before I leave.

"Okay, okay. Thank you again, If you need something don't hesitate to ask."

"Yes auntie. Thank you." I said then left.

Looking up to their balcony, I watch him look up from his book turning his head inside his room, and that I went inside our own house.

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