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I just got to my class room for our first class of the day and as usual I'm the one who came first between us 3 friends.

And if you are all wondering, Yes. Forth did drove me here, He said that he wants to give me a ride every day I insist at first but he said it was part of him courting me and to get used to it if I ever be his official boyfriend he quote.

On a daily basis I always just read books as I wait for Ai'Pha and Ai'Kit, but now I'm texting with Forth as he said his professor haven't come yet.

"Looks like someone is on a good mood." I heard Pha's voiced said, making me quickly hide my phone under my desk.

"It's just like yesterday you are so down. Did we really hit your head that hard yesterday?" Kit said as they sat down both on my side.

"So are you two are faen now?"
Pha said as he snatched my phone from my hand, and hand it to Kit.

"Please read this Kit." He ordered, and I tried to grab my phone back.

"Shiya!!! Give me back my phone."
I shout as I struggle to grab back my phone because of Phanas strong build body.

"Hey Beam Babe.... Heart emoji." Kit reads out loud.

"Beam Babe? It rhymes though."
Kit reacted as he make a gagging sound before continue reading it.

"I just got to my class room and we still have no prof, what are you doing now?"

"Give back my phone!" I screamed, jumping over but Pha was still locking me with his arms.

"Nothing, just usual."

"Oh reading Books? Novel books or text books?"

" I'm not reading now."

"Then what?"

"I'm just texting you."
Kit read more of our convo out loud, making me want to be swallowed by the floor.

"So texting him is just usual huh." Kit stated.

"Give me that!!!"
I shouts and finally manage to grab the phone before he read all the conversation.

"So I see the both of you are official now." Kit said, and I saw the smirk on his faces.

"No.! He is just courting me." I stated, while I fix my uniform.

"Just courting?"
Both of them shouts in unison, Luckily that it is only the 3 of us at the room as it's still early and some of our block mates went back outside to sure be going to buy some snacks at the canteen.

"Yes, just courting." I remarked.

But why?"

"Both of you likes each other, why courting? you two should be a couple now."

"He did not ask me to be his boyfriend but ask me if he can court me," I told them shrugging my shoulders, "It's good too anyways, so I can know if I really like him and not just like him because you guys are inserting it to my brain that I like him. Also I still want to get to know him more, and what if he can't deal with me who always like to stay home and not outside like him."

"Is Forth dumb? why did he only ask you to court you, Isn't he doing that before?" Pha asked.

"Wait... Did he know that you like him?"

"No." I answered.

"He didn't ask you?"

"He did, He ask if I have feelings for him... But told him that I don't know."

"Are you crazy? You should have said 'Yes I do.' simple!" Kit said sounding so annoyed.

Gladly, just as he said that our professor finally arrived, and so they remain silent for the whole class.

2 hours had passed, our class finally ended though we still have the last class after our break time.

Pha and, Kit where about to go to the faculties of their lovers when the 2 of them have received a call, and I have received a text from Forth telling that he is now here at the Medical faculty and he is with N'Yo and N'Ming at the canteen.

And so after both of my friends have hang up their phones, we all looked at each other not saying a word as we all know where we will all go.

As soon as we stepped in our faculty canteen, we already spotted the the three. Noticing that there are already trays of food as we reached at the table, but what catches my eyes are the small bag in front of Forth which I don't recall seeing this morning.

"Uh—What's that?"
I asked pointing at the small bag as I take a sit beside him.

"Our food." Forth proudly stated.

"Oh.. how come I did not noticed that before?" I told him.

"Because I keep it in my bag pack for you not to see.
He said as he start to arrange the food containers in front of us.

And as he removed the covers—

"Wow!! Did you cook all this?" I asked. Seeing various delicious looking bentos.

"Just for you." He declared. "Here eat this."
He said as he feed me a slice of boneless sweet and sour chicken, and followed by a spoon of rice.

All I can do is hummed because of it's deliciousness "This is so superb!"
I exclaimed still chewing the food.

"Huwaa... I think I should learn how to cook now too for my Kitkat." I heard Ming said, and I just nod multiple times agreeing to him, and just because the delicious food makes me happy.

"Yeah, Good luck with that." Kit said.

"P'Pha I feel envy to P'Beam can you bring food tomorrow too instead of buying here at the canteen?" I hear Wayo pleaded, as I continue to enjoy my food.

"Sure my baby. I promise to make food for our launch break tomorrow." Pha replied.

"P'Forth!!" I heard Ming cried. "Yes Nong?"

"Can you teach me how to cook?" Ming asked, but sounded more pleading.

"Forth, use his dorm if ever you will agree with his plan, your house will be burned if you do that there." Kit announce.

"Okay sure.. when?" Forth told Ming

"Later P'Forth, I will visit to your place" He said excitedly before turning to look at his cold lover, "Just watch Kitkat. Tomorrow I will also bring food for you." He told my friend.

"I already feel scared for my taste buds and stomach now." Kit announced.

Just then as I was just listening to their conversations, and busy focusing to the food, eating every bits of it. I felt a thumb have suddenly brushed on the corner of my mouth.

"You are indeed a messy eater Beam babe, look at these pieces of rice on your face."
Forth said as he was removing the extra rice on my cheeks, and chin.

"I think I'm gonna puke." I heard Kit making a fake gagging sound.

"We success last night P'? Are you pregnant now?"
As Ming said this, all of us at the table have instantly take a look to the both of them.

"Shiya Ming!! What are you talking about?" We watch Kit hit his lovers arm.

"I knew it there is something odd on how you walk earlier." Pha voiced out.

"Ai'Pha if you did not keep you mouth shut N'Yo will be widowed even before you two get married." Kit threaten

And that we all just continue eating, and as we all finished, me and my friends bid our good byes to Ming, Wayo and Forth.

Forth have also told me not to go home first as he will fetch me here at the faculty and we will go back home together.

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