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It's already mid night and I still can't sleep, It's been hours that I have rolling around my bed finding a comfort position that can make me fall to sleep but still failed to, so I just decide to play with my phone, scroll through my SNS, and just watch some random youtuber video's. But just then after a few minutes I suddenly got a Facebook Message from Forth.

💬 Forth: 👋 Hey.

💬 Forth: It's already late why aren't you sleep yet?

💬 Forth: I will tell Auntie that you are staying until late at night.

💬 Beam: Said for your self.

💬 Beam: Believe me I want to sleep already but I think I'm having insomnia.

💬 Beam: How about you?

💬 Forth: Oh, then let's talk until you feel sleepy.

💬 Forth: I'm at our family reunion now, so I'm staying late.

💬 Beam: Oh, that must be fun of you.

💬 Forth: Well, yes as I'm able to bond with my cousins.

💬 Beam: Hmmm... Now I feel like i'm disturbing your fun time.

💬 Forth: No, You don't they are all busy playing some board games now and I'm just watching them.

💬Beam: Ohhh~ 😕

💬Forth: Do you want me to call your phone now?

💬 Beam: No, Uhmmm... Mom might hear me and will scold me for sure for staying late.

💬Forth: Sure auntie will, it's already 1: 30Am you know.

💬 Forth: Lucky you that it's holiday tomorrow, so you can sleep until late morning.

💬 Forth: Not having enough sleep is bad for you .

💬 Beam: I know, I will be a doctor soon remember.

💬 Forth: Oh yeah.

💬 Beam: But come to think of it, most of the doctors actually have a less hour of sleep, even they are the once who tell their patients to have enough sleep. 😂

💬 Forth: Righ, I just realised that.

💬 Beam: Yeahh...

💬 Forth: Ermm Beam can I ask something?

💬 Beam: ?????

💬 Forth: Why am I so handsome?

💬 Beam: 😒😒😒

💬 Forth: What?

💬 Beam: Seriously Forth? I vomit once I have read that. Such a narcissist.

💬 Forth: Hey I'm not, Psh. I'm just kidding.

💬 Beam: Yeah, You look like a clown anyways.

💬 Forth: Ouch, why you're always harsh to me.

💬 Beam: Pshhh...

💬 Beam: Anyways I think I should sleep now, my eyes did hurt more now literally.

💬 Forth: Okay, Sure ... Talk to you tomorrow I mean later when you wake up.

💬Forth: Good Night, Sweet dreams. Don't forget to dream about me.

💬Beam: You too..

💬Beam: I hate having nightmares , so I hope not to dream about you.

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