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People say in life; we make choices affecting our future. I believe that. My parents raised me to be kind, but other people weren't so lucky. Rodney came from a home that his mother refused to see what his stepfather did because she didn't want to deal with loneliness.

Krystal's parents were never home, leaving Krystal to find a family in friends. After Rodney's death, Krystal chose a different path ending her friendship from Nat. We never heard from Krystal again. Nat took it hard but learned that friendships end without notice.

Bradley left to find a life that he could feel free without judgment. His parents never accepted his lifestyle, and we couldn't blame him for his choice. A person needs to feel happy with themselves. I believe you should obtain and love a child no matter what. We hear from Bradley sporadically. He's happy.

It took me begging for a date to meet my wife and the mother of our child. I found someone who came from a wealthy background but miserable. Nat wanted people who loved her. Material possessions meant nothing to Nat. That quality is what I love the most about her.

If I learned anything from the time I spent with these people is that everyone needs love and a rainbow. I also learned raising a teen is tough.

I sat on the couch, sifting through a file when Amelia came in and slammed the door.

"Ugh!" Amelia yelled.

I looked at our daughter and didn't recognize her. What happened to that sweet angel who likes cake? I think the teen demon possessed her.

"Dare I ask what the issue is now?" I questioned.

Amelia walked over and plopped down in a chair.

"Honey, a lady doesn't plop down in a chair. You don't want to attract the wrong attention," I advised.

"It doesn't matter because no guy wants to date me," Amelia mumbled.

"Well, not when you mumble, and you're thirteen. You too young to date," I reasoned.

Amelia sat up. "Dad, girls date at thirteen. Aria and Lily have boyfriends," she replied.

"Aria and Lily's parents don't care what their heathen daughters do as long as they aren't home. Your mother and I disapprove of those girls," I mentioned.

"Aria and Lily are my friends," Amelia whined.

"Don't whine, and we still disapprove," I said, looking at Amelia.

"You're not fair," Amelia whined again.

"How am I not fair? You're thirteen and too young for a boyfriend. Your so-called friends are two-faced because we saw it. Lia, there's more to life than thinking you'll die a spinster at thirteen," I reasoned.

"I don't like you," Amelia huffed, getting up from her chair.

"I'm good with you not liking me. I'm your parent, not your friend," I said, making Amelia stomp up the stairs. I chuckled.

Nat walked into the living room. "Was that Amelia?" She asked.

I looked at Nat. "Yes, and our daughter doesn't like me because I'm unfair that I won't let her date at thirteen. Plus, I told her we disapprove of her friends," I replied.

Nat shook her head and chuckled.

"Our daughter needs to learn that not everyone has good intentions, including guys," I reasoned.

"Yes, because her father had dastardly intentions when he begged me for a date. He had horrible manners when he made sure I'm okay. Then trapped me in a terrible marriage with love and kindness," Nat teased.

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