The next day

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I woke the next day, feeling like a truck hit me. I called work and my mom, telling them what happened. Greg gave me time off, and my mom freaked, but I assured her that I would be home. Rodney called the school and acted like everyone's parents calling them off of school. I shook my head.

I looked at Rodney with a disapproving look.

"What?" Rodney asked.

"You shouldn't lie about an illness," I answered.

"I think a broken heart is a good reason to miss school," Rodney reasoned.

Rodney's logic escapes me. I shook my head as Natalie came downstairs. She walked over and sat down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Shouldn't I ask how you're feeling?" Natalie questioned.

"My scrapes and bruises will heal. A heartbreak takes a little longer," I reasoned.

"I don't even know what to think when I go home. I didn't mean to hurt my mom," Natalie explained.

"I don't think you did. I think your dad created this mess, and you got caught in the middle," I reasoned.

Natalie looked at me. A lie can do more damage than a person knows. It's how we handle the aftermath that shows us our strength.

"I guess I should face the music," Natalie sighed.

"I'll go with you," I mentioned as we got up. Rodney drove us over to Natalie's house. I followed her inside to see the destruction that laid on the floor. It wasn't pretty, but then again, the truth never is.


I looked around to see the debris. I went to look for my mom as glass crunches under the souls of my shoes. I found my mom sitting next to a window, staring out of it.

I walked over and sat down next to my mom as she glanced at me. She turned and stared at the window.

"I didn't know," I whispered.

"Get out," my mom muttered.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I said get out," my mom said, looking at me.

"You're kicking me out?" I questioned. "Why?"

"I refuse to have a whore of a daughter that slums it with filth," my mom said, venom oozing from her lips. "Thanks to you, I have no marriage or life. You were a mistake."

I felt like someone hit me in the gut. I knew my mom, and I didn't get along. I never knew she hated me. She looked at me with hatred. I stood up and started to leave.

"Don't bother you take anything because it doesn't belong to you," mom added as I sighed.

I walked to the front as Luke, and a Rodney looked at me with concern.

"My mom kicked me out and hated me. She called me a whore because I fell in love with a caring, gentle soul," I said, looking at Luke.

"If that means we don't have to hide our relationship, then I'm good with that," Luke said as he smiled.

I looked at Luke strangely.

"Not the name part, that I don't approve of, but the rest of it," Luke reasoned, taking my hand and leading me out of the house.

It's funny, I wanted my freedom, and my mom granted it to me. Most people would think I'm crazy, but when you meet a guy like Luke Langston, you hold on because he's one of the good ones.

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