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I took Amelia to school and walked her to class. I wanted to see how the kids interacted with each other. Amelia showed me her desk and pictures that she drew. I held a view in my hand as I watched the kids enter the classroom.

Two girls came over and talk to Amelia. Amelia told me the girls are Aria and Lily. I have doubts about these girls. They seem unpleasant.

A boy came into the classroom and walked to his desk as kids made comments. The little boy sat down at his desk and put his head down as more kids entered the room.

"Lia, who's that?" I asked, gesturing at the boy, sitting at his desk.

"That's Colton. No one talks to him because they say he's dirty," Amelia told me.

I looked at Colton, who sat at his desk as he swung his legs. I watched how the other kids treated him, and it bothered me. He reminded me of Rodney.

I looked at Amelia. "Lia, promise me that you won't treat Colton like the other kids do," I said.

"Why?" Amelia asked me.

"Because Colton isn't bothering anyone. No one should treat someone mean. If you have nothing to nice to say, then you say nothing. Understand?" I asked.

"Yes, daddy," Amelia answered.

I nodded. I hugged and kissed Amelia. I left the classroom as I walked to the entrance. I past a school and stopped. I saw a kid do work while the teacher tries to control the other children. Something told me there was more to that child than people knew, and he seemed familiar to me. He reminded of Rodney.

The kid looked at the doorway and saw me. I looked at the kid and felt like I knew him. Maybe it was my imagination. I shook my head and left.

I left school and went to the office to meet with my next appointment. What I learned from counseling kids is that they needed someone who cared about them. Most parents forgot that kids are innocent when there are issues between the parents. No child deserves to live in a home and have people mistreat them. It would help when Amelia became older, bringing people into our lives that needed a family.


I finished class and went to pick up Amelia. The children came out of the school, and Amelia ran towards me. I crouched, and she ran into my arms. I hugged her.

"Look what I did in class," Amelia said, showing me a picture. I held it and smiled.

"That's amazing, sweetheart," I complimented.

While I admired Amelia's picture, I saw two girls calling little boy names. I stood up and took Amelia's hand, then walked over to the kids.

"Excuse me, but stop calling the little boy names," I reprimanded the girls.

The girls stopped and looked at me as the boy pouted.

"You're not our parents," a little girl mocked.

"No, because I wouldn't tolerate my daughter acting like a jerk," I replied.

"You're mean," another girl said.

"If telling you to stop makes me mean, then I'm mean," I answered.

The little girls ran towards their parents. I stood there with the little boy and Amelia as the parents walked over to me.

"Lily told me that you called her a jerk," the woman mentioned.

"No, I said I don't tolerate my daughter acting like a jerk. I told your daughter and the other girl to stop calling this little boy names," I told the parents.

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