Board games

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After seeing Rodney last night, I didn't ask why? Rodney isn't the type to talk about his feelings to anyone, except for Luke. Luke has that effect on people. People trusted Luke because he kept their confidence. It didn't matter if Luke didn't get much sleep. If someone needed him, he would be there for them.

Every day I spent with Luke, the more in love I fell with him. How could you not love someone like him? It wasn't difficult.

Since Luke worked and took classes, he would make time to see me when he could. I didn't make a big deal about it. I couldn't fault him for wanting his dreams when he supported mine.

As the days past, I felt better than I did. Luke help with that. I haven't spoken to my parents since everything that happened. I didn't know what to say if I did see them. Plus, my mom made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me.

We all hung out at Krystal's house, playing Monopoly as Bradley hoarded our money.

"You suck," Rodney huffed, landing in jail again.

"Well, I would if I could find a guy," Bradley remarked, making me pull my lips in and Krystal laugh. Luke shook his head and rolled the dice.

"Does it bother you how people look at you, knowing that you're gay?" Rodney asked Bradley as we played.

"I don't care what people think about me. It's not their life," Bradley answered, shrugging. "Now, pay up if you want to escape prison life."

Rodney slapped fake money into Bradley's hands.

"Hell, who cares if Bradley is gay? The guy keeps taking our money," Krystal commented, making us laugh.

"See, no one cares if I'm gay. People care that I'm taking their money," Bradley remarked.

"I think people should be themselves. If you do that, then you have a lot fewer problems," Luke reasoned.

"You seem to take everything in stride," I mentioned.

Luke looked at me. "I learned that if we are ourselves, then you don't have to cover up a lie. I know not everyone has good intentions, but it doesn't mean we have to let it rule us. You have to weed out the bad apples to get to the good ones," Luke explained.

"Is that what you did with people?" I asked.

"I learned who was genuine and who wasn't. Not every one that hangs around you and laughs at your jokes is your friend. Some do it, so they have ammunition to hurt you," Luke answered.

Luke's answered made sense. I saw many people hang out with each other, but it didn't seem like they liked each other. It's like frenemies with the people at school.

"I'll be glad to leave school and not look back," Krystal mentioned, rolling the dice. "I hate going to a private school. It's like if you don't live in the upper class, then you don't matter. What does it matter if your parents are never around you?"

"Did you ever tell them how you feel?" Bradley asked Krystal.

"I never get a chance. My parents come home briefly and then leave. Money doesn't mean shit," Krystal huffed.

"Nothing means shit if you deal with bullshit at home," Rodney grumbled.

We looked at Rodney.

"What do you mean?" Bradley asked.

"I mean, my stepdad is a piece of shit who can't keep his hands to himself," Rodney snapped, shocking us as he got up and left the room.

"Did I just hear what I heard?" Krystal asked as Luke got up and left the room.

Love Me Tender (Wattpad version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin