The storm

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Luke took me to Krystal's house and stayed with me as did the others. I sat on the couch and cried as Luke comforted me. I felt like my world crashed and burned right before my eyes. I don't know what's worse, losing a parent, or finding out the truth.

Eventually, Krystal took me home. I didn't feel like dealing with my mom if Luke brought me back. My head felt like it would explode from all the emotions that I felt. Krystal offered me to stay at her house, but I didn't have the energy to argue with my mom.

I went into the house as my mom met me at the front door. "Where have you been?" Mom questioned me.

"I was with Krystal and some friends," I answered, acting normal.

"Natalie, I don't know what has got into you. This past month you became reckless. I'm surprised Bradley will want to marry you if you continue to act like this," Mom scolded me.

I stood there, feeling annoyed.

"We didn't raise you this way!" Mom barked.

I pressed my lips tighter, trying to maintain my composure. I crossed my arms as the front door opened, and my dad entered.

"Harold, inform our daughter that no man of Bradley's caliber will want her if she continues with her disobedience," Mom huffed.

I looked at my dad as he looked at me.

"Yes, tell me what a disappointment I am to you both," I said plainly.

My dad furrowed his brows. I looked at my dad, waiting for him to out me to my mom.

"Maybe we should give Natalie a break," my dad suggested.

My mom stepped towards my dad as I stood there, wondering why my dad didn't tell my mom the truth.

"Do you hear yourself?" My mom asked my dad. "How would we expect a man to want our daughter if she continues with this behavior?"

As my mom continued her tirade, my dad said nothing. I couldn't stand here and listen to this. I ran up to my bedroom. When I went inside, I closed the door and locked it. I walked over and sat down on my bed. I listened to my parents argue about me.

That's the first time I ever heard them argue. Then I heard things breaking. I stood up and unlocked my door. I ran downstairs as my mom threw things at dad.

"How could you?" Mom screamed.

"What did you expect, Susanne? You picked money over me!" My dad yelled, shocking me. My dad told her about the affair. I walked into the room.

"Stop!" I yelled as my mom held a crystal vase in her hand. "What did you expect? Did you think dad wouldn't find comfort in another woman's arms?" I asked.

"What?" My mom asked, stunned.

I felt the color drain from my face. I looked at my mom then at my dad, who diverted eye contact. Oh, God, he didn't tell her.

I watched my mom lower her hand and let go of the vase as it hit the floor, shattering into pieces. My dad turned and left, hearing the door close. My mom stood there, speechless. I looked at my mom as I saw tears fall down her cheeks. She turned and walked away as I stood there, surrounded by broken crystal and glass. I felt my world implode.


I was sleeping when my phone rang. I stirred as it kept ringing. I rubbed my eyes and picked it up, answering it.

"Hello?" I mumbled.

"Luke, it's Natalie," Rodney said.

"What happened to Natalie?" I asked.

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