Two Frozen bodies and an idiot

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(Y/n)'s pov

Yang was still holding me when I woke up. Before I could do anything, I saw the flash of a camera and Ruby with the smuggest look on her face.

(Y/n): *blushing* "I-it's not what it looks like."

I tried to move out of Yang's arms but she pulled me closer until I could feel her...

I blushed harder but stopped fighting.

Ruby: "Sure..."

She took another picture.

(Y/n): "What is it going to take to keep you quiet?"

Ruby: "Cookies!"

I looked at our simple leader with her ridiculously simple request

(Y/n): "As long as you don't tell anyone or show that picture, I'll make you the best cookies you've ever had."

Ruby: *proudly* "I will be the judge of that!"

(Y/n): "Also, Ruby...

Ruby: " Hmm?

(Y/n): *blushing* "Can you send me those pictures?"

Ruby: "Are you sure you don't have a crush on my sister?"

Yang: "Yeah, do you?"

I blushed even harder.

(Y/n): "Yang..."

Yang: "Hmm?"

(Y/n): "If you don't let go of me right now I will literally freeze you in place.

Yang: "Your smile is more than enough t--."

I felt my face burn hotter than ever. I put my hands together and froze the nitrogen around her.

Ruby: "Oum, you actually froze her."

Blake woke up and saw a frozen Yang holding me in her icy grip and a shocked Ruby.

Blake: "What did I miss?"

(Y/n): *looking at Ruby while shivering* "D-don't you d-d-dare..."

Ruby: "Sorry, I can't tell you. Cookies are on the line! Now, can you unfreeze Yang?"

(Y/n): "F-f-fine!"

I clapped again and unfroze her.

Yang: "--o do that shorty!"

(Y/n): "Now I wish that I kept you frozen."

I quickly got out of Yang's bed and prepared myself for the first day of class.

*   *   *

Weiss had just stormed out and Ruby followed.

Yang: "I should go see if they're okay."

(Y/n): "No need. Ruby already left and Professor Ozpin is talking to her now, and I believe Weiss is speaking with another professor."

Blake: "How can you tell."

(Y/n): "My semblance allows me to see a person's 'chi' as a side effect of Alkahestry."

Yang: "What's Alkahestry? I thought your semblance was Alchemy.

(Y/n): "Medical Alchemy. Everyone has a special 'aura' besides their actual aura. Oh, he left. If you need me, I'll be in the library."

Equivalent Exchange (Fem!reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now