A Night to Remember

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Sorry, I started with writers' block and being completely drained mentally, physically, and creatively and then after realizing how long I had gone without uploading I started procrastinating. Got sick somewhere in the middle but here we go. Hopefully.

I've also given up on a party chapter. I couldn't come up with anything decent during the entire time I was on hiatus.

1st person pov

The dance was a blur but nothing major happened except Ruby stepping out to go after a suspicious character and is probably being chewed out because of it.

Yesterday was fun, right (Y/n)?

Too many people for my taste.

Oh? You would have preferred something more private?

I take back what I said.

Teasingly I didn't think we were that far along in our relationship.

I feel my entire face burn and look directly at her

Our r-relationship?!

Yeah, I figured you'd want to be my girlfriend~

I stop thinking completely. I open the window and transmute a pathway from the wall

(N/n), I'm only joking.

I'm already running down the path and Yang is following while laughing

(Y/n)! It's a joke! Come on!

I suddenly stop and turn to face her, my face still burning

Go out with me!

She begins to stop laughing


You heard me! I do want you to be my girlfriend! You make me feel irrational and happy and I don't want to let you go.


H-hurry up! Accept or reject me! I won't be any hard feelings.

There is a long pause and my blush finally fades

I see...

I start to walk past her and she bends down and kisses me on the forehead and my blush returns

I'd love to be your girlfriend.

Y...you should have said so sooner. I thought you were rejecting me.

Come on babe, I couldn't do that to your widdle heart.

Babe? Wait, widdle?!

Don't worry about the details. Let's go back to the others.


Intercom Will all first-year students report to the amphitheater?

Change of plans.
I'm sorry for it being so short, I'm trying to get back into it.


398 words

Equivalent Exchange (Fem!reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now