Oil and Water, or Cats and Dogs

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I wish I could come up with interesting introductions but I'm still tired
(Y/n)'s pov

Yang: *waving* "Ruby! I saved you a spot!"

Ruby: "Oh! Hey, I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony!"

(Y/n): "I have some 'business' with her sister, so..."

Jaune: "Hey, wait!"

I was already on my towards Ruby and Yang.

Yang: "How's your first day going, little sis?"

Ruby: "You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?"

Yang: "Having meltdowns already?"

Ruby: "No, I literally blew a hole in front of the school! And there was some fire, and I think some ice?"

Yang: "Are you being sarcastic?"

Ruby: "I wish! I tripped over some girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and then she yelled some more, and I felt really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling!"

Weiss: "You!"

Ruby: *jumps into her Yang's arms* "Oh, God, it's happening again!"

Weiss: "You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yang: "Oh my God, you really exploded."

(Y/n): "And you're lucky you survived. I mean what were you thinking shaking dust in someone's face? You could have caused a lot more damage if we weren't so lucky."

Weiss: "What are you talking about? It's her fault!"

(Y/n): "I don't recall her asking for you to shake a bottle of dust in her face. Had anyone been hurt, the Schnee Dust Company and you specifically would be held liable. Also..."

I looked down at her heels.

(Y/n): "You're cheating."

Ozpin: "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."

The students around me started to whisper among themselves.

Ozpin: "But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."

Goodwitch: "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Yang: "He seemed kind of *pause* off."

Ruby: "It's almost like he wasn't even there."

Yang: "Speaking of people that aren't there, (Y/n), how tall are you."

*   *   *

As I walked into the ballroom I saw the black-haired girl from earlier and decided to talk to her.

(Y/n): "Hey, I'm (Y/n) and you are?"

BHG: "Blake."

(Y/n): "Nice to meet you. Mind if I sit here?"

Blake: "Likewise, but can I ask why?"

(Y/n): "Because those two..." *points at Ruby and Yang* "Are going to come here to talk to you and then seek me out."

Blake: "Sure they are."

I pull out my book and start reading.

(Y/n): "100 lien says they come over and greets you in less then 5 minutes*

Blake: "Deal*

3 minutes pass and the sisters walk over.

Yang: "Hello, I believe you may have met my sister?"

(Y/n): "3 minutes." *holds hand out towards Blake*

After a few seconds I feel her put what she loss in my hand.

Blake: Aren't you that girl that exploded?

Ruby: Uh, yeah! My name's Ruby! But you can just call me Crater... Actually, I would prefer it if you just called me Ruby.

(Y/n): "At least Crater Face isn't as bad Taserface." *the others look at me weirdly* "Guardians of the Galaxy?" *they shake their heads* "Uncultured."

Yang: "So what's your name?"

Blake: Blake.

Ruby: What are you reading?

Blake: Well... i-it's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body.

Ruby: What about you (Y/n)?

(Y/n): "About different types of metals.

Yang: "While you three talk books I'm going to bed. See you shorty, or maybe not."

As Yang walked away I clapped my hands together and touch the ground causing a bar to raise in front of her making her trip.

Weiss: "Will you be quiet?! Don't you realize some people are trying to sleep?"

Weiss/Yang/Ruby: "Not you again!"

I shake my head.

Blake: "Have they argued every time they've meet?"

(Y/n): "Yep, they're like oil and water."

Blake: "Or cats and dogs."

(Y/n): "I guess."

We go back to reading for a bit and neither side was backing down.

Blake: "Should we stop them?"

(Y/n): "I guess." *I reach for the candle* "Do you mind?" *she shakes her head as I blow out the candle*
789 words

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