Ch. 13 - The Prediction [e]

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"Your Highness" greets Merlin and nods at the king, who nods back.

"Sir Howzer" he turns to the Holy Knight. "Please make sure that we are not disturbed." Howzer nods and sends anyone out of the room who is not part of the group.

"You had a new vision" says Merlin to the king, which just nods.

"My daughter told me what happened. I'm sorry for your loss." His gaze wanders over our group and finally rests on me. His gaze is so familiar and it seems to me like he can look deep into my soul. I have never seen this man before and yet he looks at me like we're old friends. It makes my eyes widen in surprise by the impact he has on me. "Lady Yami, it is nice to finally be able to welcome you to the kingdom. I just wish the circumstances were different."

Finally? I still look at him in surprise but then I remember my good upbringing and nod to the king. "It's an honor, Your Highness."

"Please call me Sir Bartra" he says. "I hope your friend gets back on his feet quickly."

"Don't worry, he's fine" I answer and wonder how many times I have to repeat those words to finally believe them myself. In the king's eyes, however, I read more than sympathy. There is a great deal of wisdom in them and I suppose he knows more than Elizabeth could tell him. He lets his gaze rest on me for a mere second and then looks back at Merlin as he shares his vision with us. It concerns the holy war and portends a great battle, he says. He turns back to face me then.

"You seem to have a solution?" asks Merlin and I can hear the surprise in her voice but her face stays the same as always. Furthermore, the king looks just at me and I start to feel uncomfortable.
"One of them and yet completely different. Only those who do not choose any side will choose the right one."

"What's that supposed to mean ..." Ban mumbles to himself in frustration. Merlin looks angrily over at us.

"The king's visions are only hints, like riddles." Then she looks directly at Ban. "His last vision was of a wild boar that, if you remember, would save his life."

"But what do you mean 'One of them'? One of whom?" I ask.
This time, I get Merlin's angry look before she looks at the king again with a softer expression. "We'll find that out. Thank you, Your Highness."

The king nods again to us in appreciation, then we are dismissed. We are just walking towards the door when he speaks up again. "Lady Yami, one more word, please." We all turn to the king in surprise. "Just Lady Yami, please."

"No, please don't leave me alone!" I whisper insecurely to Merlin and the others. But Ban just grins at me and pats me on the shoulder encouragingly before he leaves the room.

"Elizabeth, you too, please. Leave the both of us alone for a moment." Surprised and unsettled, the princess looks at her father, but then she nods and follows the Sins out the room.

"Your Higness?" I ask when I walk back up to him.

"Please, like I said, call me Sir Bartra please. Your friend Meliodas is a really good friend to me. I'm sure you know that he's been watching over Elizabeth ever since I adopted her. And the Seven Deadly Sins have fought for this kingdom more than once. I think we're past the title thing."

"Thank you, Sir Bartra. Meliodas would appreciate your kind words."

He laughs slightly. "He better doesn't hear me say those words."

I can't help but laugh as well. "He would surely fly high. Now, what's the matter?"

"I'm keeping something that I'm sure you'll need soon."

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