Who Am I To You ~Chapter 23~

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(Basically, Peter had a dissociative episode, I tried my best to capture it because I have never had one so it was a bit hard for me )

Peter stood emotionless

"Congrats Your first kill," One guard said as the other two dragged ned's lifeless body.

The guard leaves and returns with Spiderman's suit but Now it's fully black

"You are no longer Spiderman, You are Night Spider or Agent 3177" 

Peter was about to respond when he smelt something "Is that?...."

(Present )



He heard someone say in a slightly muffled voice, but he closed his eyes to focus on the smell but was left in confusion when he opened his eyes to a concerned redhead holding a slice of pizza in hand around his nose.

Peter scrambled to his feet, stood at attention, and waited for instructions, with one thing pounding at the front of his mind.

When did Chrissy dye her hair red?

"Are you good, you dissociating a few seconds ago?" She asked

"Yes ma'am" is what Peter said but in reality, he was confused 

"Where are the guards that were about to give me a suit? where is the room I was just in? Where is the pool of blood that carpeted the floor as the guards dragged my dead best friend out of the room?"

'I killed him'  It was as if it hit him for the first time

"Oh fuck I actually killed him" Peter forgot about the there women in the room and started panicking  and pacing the room

"Do you want me to get Mr.Stark? or Bucky?" Natasha asked not sure if she should be the one to comfort him, this is the first time they had actually interacted one on one

Peter paused to think 'How did Chrissy know about them? The only people who have been nice to me ever since Aunt May's death...She probably raided the place and now they're gonna have to go through the same torture... just like Ned... Lost his life and freedom because he was nice to me, I won't let it happen again.'

 Peter's past and present were crashing and he honestly spiraling, It was an outrageous claim but Peter was certain Chrissy found him and had taken the Avengers to endure torture even though there the freaking Avengers

"Peter-" Natasha was cut off short by Peter slamming her against the bathroom wall causing the poor pizza to drop to the floor.

"You can torture me, drug me, force me to do stuff I don't wanna do...touch me places I didn't wanna be touched but I would have to die before I let you do that to only people that might just care about a little bit and if I have to kill you to prevent the same shit you put me through for 18 months to happen to them I would do it no questions asked." Peter threatened looking straight in her eyes.

Natasha kept her composure she could easily flip him over onto the counter and drown him in the sink but she decided to do something else. 

"Who am I to you," she asked


"Who do you think I am?" she asked again

"You're Chrissy goddammit! what do you mean who do you think I am?" Peter was getting irritated 'Why is Chrissy being so weird?' he thought 

"This isn't C.O.B.R.A, I am Natasha Romanov, not Chrissy," Natasha stated

Peter still looked confused so she continued

"You are in the Avenger's tower and the rest are outside watching a movie and eating pizza, you came in here had a dissociative episode, I followed you in here because you didn't look too good and when you came back to the right headspace you said something about killing him and you said you would kill me if I did anything to the others" She recapped calmly

Peter looked to down as if he was starting to remember once he did he immediately let go of Natasha and started apologizing profusely with a bunch of stuttering and 'ma'ams' 

"Stop," Natasha said to which Peter immediately obeyed 

"You don't have to apologize It happens When you dissociate and then come back it's like your past and your present get thrown in a blender and mixed together and your brain tries to fill in the blank space with scenarios that never even happened to try and make sense of it.... just know It wasn't your fault"

"But it feels like it is Maam I threatened you I-"

"You threaten Chrissy and based on all you had to say she deserved more than a threatening" Natasha said matter of a factly

Peter silently nodded, deciding it would be stupid to argue with the black widow.

Natasha looked down and picked up the destroy "RIP my pizza"

Which cause Peter snort but it came out way louder than it should have 

"Jesus Christ, Is daddy Pig in there?" They heard what sounded like Bucky shout from the living room, they both looked at each other before snickering a bit.

Black Widow isn't so scary after all

She can still break your neck though

Even though Peter felt better he still felt really bad but he knew exactly what he needed to do 

"Could you wait here, Ma'am?"

"Uh sure" 

Peter left and quietly approached Bucky, Tony, Clint, and Steve

"Could you come with me sirs?" They nodded and Peter gestured to Natasha to follow them as they had a silent elevator ride all the way to Peter's room, He gestured them to take a seat on his bed and took a big deep breath.

"I'm Ready, Sir" Peter directed at Tony 

"For?" Tony said leaning forward a bit 

"To answer all your questions"

(I'll  try to update this soon, I had to cut it short for reasons but thanks for reading )

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