Amazon Package ~Chapter 4~

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Peter didn't sleep very well he woke up every so minute because as soon as he was close to falling asleep he would see flashbacks of Aunt may lying in a pool of blood so he would start crying again. It got to the point where he ran out of tears and all you could hear were dry, choked sobs. 

He calmed down a bit and heard a knock on the shed door he tried to make himself look a little more presentable and opened the door. "Good morning Peter, you're up early," she said as she pushed a tray of toast and eggs into the teen's hands. "They're snacks and water in the mini-fridge and don't come out the shed unless you need to and oh here is some Nyquil you look like didn't sleep well"

"T-Thanks," Peter said with a sniffle. That was the first word he had said to her since the incident so Ms. holder felt proud she gave him a slight smile and closed the shed door. Once she got back to her living room she mentally slapped herself for liking the kid she was not supposed to get attached to.

Peter engulfed his breakfast almost licking the plate clean. He was extremely hungry and would normally eat his feelings away whenever he was sad but these ones just wouldn't budge. He looked over to the NyQuil he rested on the bed earlier and decided he really wanted to sleep. 

He chugged a good amount of the purple liquid probably a little too much and within minutes his eyelids felt heavy and he drifted to sleep.

(~italics is the voice and bold is peter~) 

Look at you sleeping peacefully didn't your Aunt just die?

Peter was sitting on the floor but quickly gets up and look around to see where the voice was coming from. It sounded just like his voice just colder 

Answer me! You think it's fair? huh? You think its fair that you promised to keep her safe then let her die?

He looked around only to see nothing just pitch black

'I-I didn't know she was going to kill herself'

Cut the crap peter you know she didn't kill herself, You know who did it. Your so stupid, they even warned you yet you just had to be a fuck up didn't you

'W-who are you'

oh come on Peter you know me I'm your best pal

I'm you 

Peter then felt the room flip suddenly he was back to Aunt May's dead body when suddenly Aunt May's corpse turns to peter with her whole body stiff and whispers " You let me down, y-you promised....Why?"


Peter jumps up in a cold sweat, tight chest and body shaking violently

Then he heard it again but faint this time and less powerful.

"just because you woke up doesn't mean you can get rid of me that idiot, I just said I was you."

Peter then tried to calm himself down nothing was working so he crawled into a ball as his breath sped up rapidly. He crawled to the mini-fridge and proceeded to drink all 10 bottles of water until he calmed down a bit.

He then got up and went outside he needed fresh air and to his surprise, he saw that it was getting dark. Two black figures were approaching him one was familiar it was feminine and he immediately assumed it was Ms.holder but he wasn't completely sure because of the dark.

When finally fully approached he noticed Ms.holder with A middle-aged man with a gray and brown mixed stubble and mustache, grandpa glasses, bland clothing, and velcro or sandals. If you searched up creepy pedo he would come up.

The man smiled a little too widely at Peter as he approached him. Ms.holder noticed this but brushed it off and interrupted the staring competition going on between Peter and the odd man that consisted of peter looking creeped out and him looking creepy.

She had a job to do and she was going to it well.

She cleared her throat catching the attention of Peter only as the man continued to devour Peter with his eyes. Peter was visibly uncomfortable. 

"umm Peter! yes, Peter, this is Mr. biggins he will be your official foster parent"

"Huh?" Is all Peter could say he was a bit shocked he didn't think anyone would want him because he was a teenager most people go for the younger and cuter one, not a full-blown teenage boy.

"Yup" she then turned to Mr.biggins "He all yours" she then turned around fully and walked off like she was the boss of some big company.

The Man then held his hand out for Peter to shake and peter hesitantly obliged. The older smiled even more if that was even physically possible.

If Peter had it his way he would let go of this weird man and run to his aunt.

but she's dead now.

So he stayed in his grasp for second or two then pulled away and found a sudden interest in the pavement below his feet. He did not want to go with this man

"uh Okie Dokie Peter, pack your things, Ms. Biggins will be very happy with our new arrival."

The first thing that ran through Peter's head was "In the name of Loki, Thor, and Odin. Did this man just say new arrival? Like I am some package from amazon thrown on their porch by UPS?"

He was going to ask where they were going until all the water he drank earlier wanted to escape. So he quickly nodded and rushed to the bathroom and proceeded to make his bladder gladder for almost a full minute.

He then packed his things which wasn't much and made his way to the door.

He put his hand on the doorknob but paused for a sec
'What if I just kicked in him in the nuts and live with the ninja turtles in the sewers?..... Nah I'd probably die before I found them' Peter thought before he opened the door to see

Mr.biggins had someone new standing beside him.

~thank you for reading ~

~babies are just cum you keep as pets ~

~I can't get that fact out my head ~

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