Why didn't I like It? ~Chapter 16~

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Warning: this gets a bit sexual but not in like a good way, Idk how to explain

She walked towards him slowly and pulled out her knife, it looks like she was about to hurt him when she just simply cuts off his shirt to reveal all the scars that were caused by C.O.B.R.A.

"look at you so...seductive...almost irresistible, and when you kill people it turns me on more" Chrissy purred

Peter was confused usually she told him how he was worthless and how she could end his life if he didn't do the right thing and now all of a sudden, she was... 

Praising him?

His mind was so scrambled that even the voice was quiet listening to see where this was heading.

She goes and cuts the pants off, immediately Peter feels uncomfortable. With all his scars and clearly underweight body almost completely naked, he feels like melting into the floor and disappearing.

She traces her red painted fingers against his chest down to his stomach then pausing at his crotch.

He looks up slightly to see the desire in her eyes and that devilish smirk. It finally clicks in his head, this is isn't a punishment, at least not to her.

He was in no way attracted to Chrissy and how close she was to him was almost suffocating, She then grabs the only thing keeping him from being fully naked and rips it off with the force of a lion biting into the neck of a zebra.

He stands there shaking fully exposed a tear runs down his cheek, He hated how he could feel every detail of the air on his skin.

"M-maam w-what are you doin-"

"Shut up" she hissed add she grabbed his hand forced it down her skirt and pus the knife on his stomach and drags it across his skin

"Please me or it will get worse" she spat as if she took joy in the visible discomfort on his face and his silent tears roll down his cheek onto her now exposed chest.

(I am not going to go into full detail because I am VERY uncomfortable with this topic but basically he was sexually assaulted (no actual adult naughty time happens) just violation of his no no square and her forcing him to touch her inappropriately) 

Peter sat on his bed still stunned by what just happened 

"Are you gay?" the voice hissed 

"I-I don't know, I don't think so" peter replied

"Then why didn't you like it?"

"I-I don't know I--I didn't wanna do that "

He begins to cry lightly

"I really didn't wanna do that" he continues

"It's your fault anyway, you probably seduced her, you probably deserved that.... stop crying you should be happy"

No I-I didn't wanna do that" Peter was now full-on sobbing he felt so guilty even though he did nothing wrong.

His phone chimed with it barely audible over peter's cries.

Mr.Stranger   (this is tony's name in Peter's phone btw

Are you ready to lose? I have been practising all week

Weird boy   (this is Peter's name in tony's phone)

Sorry, what are you talking about?


Rmr? the emoticon challenge?

Weird boy 

Ohh yeah umm I'm really Sorry but Can we do that another time please?

I am not feeling uh myself right now 


no problem kid, hope you feel better, drink some soup Idk they always say that helps

Weird boy 

Thanks Mr. Stranger :)

A man opened Peter's door with a bottle of Purple x and his Night Spider suit.

"3177 you're going on a mission get ready" he threw the items which peter caught 

"yes Sir" Peter said then downing the bottle of purple x

🌎 🌍 🌏


no problem kid, hope you feel better, drink some soup Idk they always say that helps

Weird boy

Thanks Mr. Stranger :)

Tony frowned slightly normally Peter would send at least one meme or vine when they talked, he would never admit it but talking to this kid throughout the week was refreshing and a good kind different. The only text he ever got was before peter was about missions or how much he screwed up, so talking to Peter was like a fresh breath of air.

"Sir Night Spider Is on a rampage, he is shouting 'shut up' as he kills civilians," the AI says pulling tony out of his concern for the kid in his phone.

"Send me the coordinates," he said in a serious voice as he tapped his hand together making his suit glisten into to place and jumped out the window.

🌏 🌎  🌍

"3177 you already have the briefcase why are you still there," The voice in his earpiece asked as killed another person.

He didn't answer, he was too angry

His mission was to get the briefcase and kill whoever was in his way at this point he was killing with no real purpose, he was confused and confusion angered him even more.

"Shut up, shut up, shut uppppp" He was shouting as he shot another three but they weren't the ones talking. Peter's inner voice rarely talked on missions usually the drug blocked him out, but today too many things happened for it to stay silent

'Why didn't I like it?" peter inner voice questioned

"shut up" he snarled out loud gaining a few weird looks from the people he held hostage 

"Why did it happen?" he questioned again

"shut up" he said a bit louder 

"Was that really a reward ?"  he asked again

"SHUT UP" he yelled 

Peter realized the voice didn't like what Chrissy did to them either and for the first time, the voice didn't know how to feel, whether to block it all out and go home or just kill all these people. 

"WHY DIDN'T I LIKE IT?" the voice shouted in confusion and pain 

Peter then felt a needle plunged into his neck and the last thing he saw before he blackout was the blurred image of a red and gold robotic looking figure hovering above him.

thank youuuu for reading 

hope it wasn't too confusing with the voices and all

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