I Think We Murdered His Aunt ~Chapter 7~

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I am #1 in Child labour at the moment when I haven't even written that part yet lol but I am so grateful

"You think he's okay?" Noah asked 

"Shut up Noah he wouldn't do too much to the new boy on the first day, Now feed the damn dog and prep him for testing" leo said rolling his eyes

"Do we have to? I mean he is one of the cute ones" Noah pleaded 

Jackson then appeared "Hurry the hell up it's past 9 and we've only got 5 subjects ready, do you have the batch ready?" 

"uhh no because someone can't stop being a pussy and prep the damn dog" Leo stated dramatically looking at Noah.

"But he is cute I don't wanna kill him just yet" Noah pleaded 

"Either he dies or we have to do room fights again or even worst group attack" Jackson stated in an annoyed voice

"fine" Noah mutters 

"Do you have the batch ready" they all turn around to a very angry Mr.biggins

"Um No sir" Leo spoke up while looking at the fake grass beneath him then up to the concrete surroundings.

Shark then grabs Leo by the neck "Room fight tonight" he spat 

"It was my fault Sir" Noah admitted 

"Group attack on you then brat but it's Sunday I don't need people questioning your bruises, you're not going to school for a week" he finally lets go of Leo's neck leaving the boy gasping for air. "Peter is gonna be on computer duty until group attack so one of you show him around." the shark snarled as he exited

"Great Noah now your gonna get your ass creamed go and tell the others it's Group attack night" Leo gasps from the loss of air. Noah looks at Leo then runs out to spread the news.


"What the fuck?!"

"Yup it sounds bad but life is life" Axel shrugged

"When you said batch what did you mean?" peter asked

"Uh let's just say we make uh stuff so shark can sell and use for other stuff but, IF he is in a good mood, which is rare, He'll give us a percentage of the money." Axel explained

 "How is this man not in jail? Why don't you tell someone what's going on?" peter questioned

Axel froze "Hey look you just got here you know nothing yet, It's not that bad so please don't screw it up ok?"

"ok,"  Peter said hesitantly

Noah enters with a frantic look on his face " It's group attack night"

"what it's his first-day" axel states

"Not him, me," Noah says looking down

"What?... You tried to save 6751 again didn't you, he has been here for too long" axel said while rolling his eyes

"He's too cute to die" Noah replied with a pout

"Group attack? how does that work?" Peter questioned 

Noah and Axel both turn to each other before turning back their attention to the very confused boy in front of them, finally, Axel sighed "It's in the when we get the person who is "guilty", Put them in the middle of the room and the shark tells us to attack them if we don't we get shocked."

"A-And that's gonna happen to him?" Peter asked pointing to the 9-year-old

Axel rubbed the back of his neck before replying "yup" 

Survival Of The Fittest(Spiderman fanfic)-COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ