Suck Up The Torture ~Chapter 10~

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honestly @iamspidergroot your reactions to my"plot twist" make my day so thank you and yes I read all my comments over when I get sad.

Peter reached his destination much faster due to his abilities and stood and looked up to his 'old' apartment where all he could think of was this is place the only loved one he had left stripped away. And it was his fault. 

He realised the door to their unit was bolted shut so he kicked down the door and was in awe of his strength's upgrade seeing the door fly across the room he walked straight to his room and pushed up up the tile in the roof reveal his suit he grabs it quick and shoves it to the bottom of his bag.

"FINALLY you took to damn long to do that"  the voice teased

Oh shut up 

Somebody's sassy, anyway get the hell out of here 

Peter made his way to the living room and looked down the hall to see Aunt may's room.

Half of him felt sadness slowly prickling in and the rim of his eyes threaten to spill the tears he was desperately holding in.

Peter then did something he never thought he would voluntarily do reached back into the backpack and chugged the rest of purple x (that's the name of the drug now)

It is almost like he absorbed the tear back into his eye and left.

Aunt May was now a faded memory.


"Fri what's up with my little friend in the spandex," Tony questioned the A.I as he spun in his chair in his lab.

He was keeping tabs on Spiderman before he went to Wakanda for a 6 month mission but had to stop because the eye patch guy insisted he stay off the grid.

"Welcome back boss, Spiderman has not been active in 6 months and 3 days sir"

Tony furrowed his brows "Is he dead?"

"His current health is unknown Sir"

Tony loved a challenge the fact that spider man was so good at hiding his identity made him curious.

Why does he even do this?

 does he like the attention?

 or does he actually have good motives? 

Whatever it was he needed to find out, fury was always breathing down his neck about how he has to "determine who he works for" and blah blah blah.

"Fri bring up everything we have on Spider boy" Tony said

"Sure thing boss" Friday responded

"I'm gonna find you... whoever you are" Tony muttered under his breath


Peter was about to exit the apartment complex when his enhanced hearing picked up something

"How do you know he is even here?"

"Well, where else would he go"

*van door slam and then clicking of guns*

HIs "Peter tingle" went off immediately

"If you find him don't shoot to kill go for the leg or something"

A whisper in the back of his head told him to run but the voice was louder.

(Sooo I'm switching it, bold is gonna be the voice from now on and peter is the italics soorrry~)

Survival Of The Fittest(Spiderman fanfic)-COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ