Suspiciously Nice Shed ~Chapter 3~

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Peter was shocked at first then rushed to her side and dropped to his dead Aunt's body with the gun in her hands almost about to fall from her fingers.

"No no no no This is not happening" Tears start to runs down peter face violently he didn't bother to check her pulse in the back of his head he already knew she was gone. Peter then repeated even louder " This is NOT happening...Please no no I can't... I-I "

Peter then felt the urge to scream so he did at the top of his lungs "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING".  By this time his blue hoodie was covered in his Aunt's blood

 "I'm so sorry I-I-I let you down" he muttered between sobs. He held May in his arms sobbing uncontrollably begging that this was a nightmare and he would wake up soon so he could eat his damn lasagne and talk with his aunt about some stupid robotic pigeons.

Peter just sat there holding his now dead aunt in his arms sobbing screaming shouting at the world and himself about why was this was happening? The world disappeared he could no longer hear the car horns blazing in the streets the two drunk hobos arguing about who can drink more. 

At that moment it was just him and his Aunt's lifeless body, the room had disappeared it was all just pitch black. He didn't even notice the policemen that were now in the room and one of them calling for an ambulance as the other one tried to approach peter calmly trying to comfort him. The old lady that was a unit away from them called the police for the screaming she was to Tired to check it out herself.

 "Hey, we're gonna need you to step away please" the officer spoke softly as to not alarm the boy." An ambulance is on the way we need you to come over here please" he cooed 

But Peter couldn't hear them just a bunch of muffled words, he zoned out so much that didn't even notice he was being pulled off his Aunt's dead body. He was sitting in the back of police car tears still flowing like a river when a tall lady with neck length blond hair in a skin-tight black dress approached him through the open car door.

She then got down to Peter's level and told him what was going to happen. "okay so umm Peter is it?"  peter nodded still keep his gaze to the car seat in front " I'm Ms. holder you will be staying with me until we find someone to foster you" she said emotionless in a bit of an  ' I've done this a million times' tone.

Peter just nodded too tired to say anything It hadn't fully hit him his life would be forever changed from here on out. He heard the clacking of her heels fade as she leaves to make sure with the police she can take Peter to his temporary home. 

Peter begins to slowly tremble 'life without Aunt May isn't life' runs over and over like a broken record player, he is pulled from his thoughts as the Ms. holder taps him lightly on the shoulder "Come on let's go You will get your other belongings someday but for now your personal items are in this bag" she handed him a worn-out plastic bag with his phone, charger, toothbrush and some other stuff.

Peter stayed quiet as he followed the tall lady to her red honda civic, the car ride was silent while Peter thought

 'Why? Aunt May wasn't suicidal She was so happy and she was fine when she got home from work Peter then began to think. What if... Maybe...No they left me alone for months so why now? May would never kill herself this had to be staged-' 

His thoughts were interrupted by a harsh knock on the window he was so deep in his thoughts he didn't realize he reached his destination. He got out quickly greeted by this huge classy house. 'Why would such a rich woman let some random child sleep at her huge house? Is this normal?' He was too drained to give the thought to much attention.

Ms.holder notices his stare at the house, she had to do unspeakable things for she always felt guilty but the weekly checks she gets quickly change her mind.

"Look here child" she snarled Peter looks at her a bit confused but gave her his undivided attention. 

"I worked hard for this so don't get any ideas you will be sleeping in the shed around the corner I will come for you if I need too I will give you food sometime" 

There was silence an awkward and really long one. She felt bad for the kid but she only cared for one thing, the money.

"Okay kid I'm sorry I am not good with being friendly or emotions and stuff I am sorry about your loss but ... life is a bunch of sh- I mean crap so If you cry  make sure to do it in the pillow so you don't wake me up If you have a nightmare then watch some the tv in the shed until you fall asleep because I wouldn't know how to help you"

'What kind of shed had a tv?' Peter said in his head

Peter just nodded Ms.Holder directed him to the shed and left. It was a pretty nice place for a shed it had a queen-size bed and flat-screen tv and even a mini-fridge. It was a little dusty like it hadn't been used in a while.

Peter declined dinner he was too worried to eat he thought that if he tried to sleep maybe he will wake up from this horrible nightmare that might be his reality. He was still in denial and in the back of his head hoped that he would jump out of bed and life would be normal again.

Peter changed his blood-stained clothes and climbed into the bed but whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was aunt mays dead body on the floor in a pool of blood.

He decided to try and watch some tv and the universe seemed like it was against Peter because when he turned on the tv the channel on was the news.

"The dead body of Maybelle Parker was discovered by her nephew tonight after she took her own life with a gun," the news reporter said.

Peter's emotions hit him like a second wave as he quickly changed the channel to Peppa pig and turned into his pillow and began to cry heavily into the pillow that came out as muffled sobs.

'How did they find out so fast?'

'Aunt May would never kill herself  Would she?'

'Or was I just too selfish to she her suffering'

'It doesn't add up'

The sobs became louder but the pillow didn't allow the teen's cries to travel far enough to disturb Ms.holder's 8th tall glass of wine for the day.

He cried until his eyelids finally collapsed, the world had stopped spinning for a bit but little did he know it was going to get a lot worse.

~thanks for reading ~

~things finna get spiceyyy~


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