The Avenger's, Duh ~Chapter 21~

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Sorry for taking so long I had the Fattest Juicy Piece Of Writer's block fogging up my brain so I hope you like this,

Peter froze and stood up and quickly took off the gloves and got in a soldier position.

"" the man asked again.

'What do I say?' peter thought 'agent 3177? or peter?' 

"P-Peter? sir" he said as if he was asking himself who he was 

 The man's face relaxed instantly "ohhh you're the boy"

Peter just looked at him

"I'm Bucky," the man said as he outstretched his human arm. Peter looked at the hand then at the man's face.

"Sir, are you asking me to shake your hand?" Bucky chuckled at his politeness not aware his behavior was a product of trauma. 

"Yes, I am". 

Peter quickly took the arm and shook it.

"You should change your stance," Bucky said as he started putting on his gloves, Peter tilted his head a bit in confusion(with a sprinkle of panic) which Bucky noticed so he continued "Put back on your gloves let me show you" Peter scrambled to follow the instructions and Bucky followed loosely behind.

"When you stood like this" Bucky then got into the position Peter was in "watch my feet," he said before he punched the bag "notice anything?" 

Peter panicked a little he didn't see anything and didn't want to get in trouble but he couldn't lie since that would get him in more. "N-no please Sir," Peter said awaiting the smack, the kick, anything really but he was met with a calm second chance. 

"ok just watch again," bucky hit it again.

"oh, d-do you mean the way you rock back a bit Sir?" Peter said

"Bingo, Now watch again," Bucky said as he widened the stance and then put his left foot in front in a bit of a slant and hit it again "Notice the difference?" 

Peter nodded "yes sir, this time you stayed in place" Bucky flashed him an 'atta boy' smile. "Your turn," he said as he stepped out the way making space for Peter.

Peter looked back before shifting into the stance bucky he previously and hit the bag.

 "d-did I do it, right sir?" Peter asked nervously

"Perfectly Perfect"

Bucky had spent a good amount of time just telling peter some tips. Even though Peter was trained by C.O.B.R.A it was only on how to make other people hurt when he fought, Bucky taught him how to defuse a potential dispute instead of just inflicting pain.

"Wow kid you're fast learner"

Peter smiled slightly at the compliment "Thank you, Sir"

"Can I ask a question?"

"Yes sir"

"What's with the sir thing?"

"Uh I don't know Sir, it's a habit" Peter answered not quite sure himself

"oh okay," Bucky said sensing he didn't really wanna talk about it.

Bucky yawned "Welp I'm off to bed, see you later squirt," Bucky said before ruffling his hair and walking out.

"A man with a metal arm just ruffled my hair, that. was. so.... COOL" Peter said to himself 

Peter stood there and his mind went back to what the two men said, he wasn't sure if he wanted to do the questionnaire because they wanted him too or if he was generally ok with it. Deep down inside Peter knew he didn't wanna do it, but it had to be done for their safety.

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