Rules and Punishments ~Chapter 6~

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(~I learned pig Latin I'm officially hooked can't stop calling my mother a bitch and telling my father to suck my balls without getting in trouble life is good~)

Peter jumped to up only to hit into the forehead of someone.

"Hi new boy!"  the little girl beamed

"Umm Hey uh May I ask who are yo-" Peter groaned in a raspy sleepy voice but was interrupted by her small hand being forced onto his mouth.

"You're too loud, you'll get us hurt if you make the shark angry" she whispered

She then looked around to see if anybody was awake then continued "I am Lily" she smiled

"I'm Peter " Peter then turns to the left of him and squits to see its 3 in the morning. His eyes widen and shifts his attention to the small child looking at him.

"Why are you up so late lily?" peter asked

"I can't sleep and I wanted to see the new boy before the shark eats him"

"Wait what? Why would he eat me?" Peter furrowed his eyebrows 

"You'll find out soon, though, I'm sorry you had to be the next lunch," Lily said changing from excited to slightly sad. Tears start to flow from the young girls face.

Peter was confused why is she so sad, she was just happy a minute ago "Lily? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Peter asked in a gentle voice 

"I-I D-don't want y-you to d-die, you're t-too nice" Lily stuttered between her light sobs.

"What? Lily, I'm not gonna die W-Why would you think that?" Peter asked slightly concerned 

lily sniffles "J- just please  be careful don't m-make shark m-mad like F-Finn did"

"Okay lily," peter said softly. He wanted to bombard the little girl with questions but noticed how she was on the verge of breaking down fully.

"Why don't you get some shut-eye okay?" Peter cooed.

"O-okay" Lily stuttered she was about to leave until she turned swiftly and hugged Peter.

Peter was surprised but quickly returned the affection given to him. She then leaves the room looking back one more time before exited quietly.

'huh? who the fork is Finn and why does she think I'm gonna die?'

Peter lays back down onto his side to see the back of the Jackson staring at him. He squints his eyes and opens them wide when realises that in his back were scars and bruises.

'In the name of guac is the man a psychopath? They talk about him like he is the scum of the earth. Did he do that?'

Peter drifted to sleep again eventually but he soon wishes he hadn't

Peter get the hell up

Why? whoever you are, Why should I listen to you?

Peter, I thought we were over this I am you but just better and Blah blah blah. Damn your really retarded aren't you? And you should listen to me because I have some advice

What is it? 

You go back to the apartment and find your suit.

How do you know about that and how did I forget?

OMG we just did this 

whatever Peter muttered

Your gonna regret that

Peter jumps up to see everyone gone, he looks to the clock it's 9:00. He hesitantly got up when suddenly Mr Biggins bursts through the door. He looked different yesterday, he was creepy and smiley but now he looked mad.

"let's go your late" he commanded 

Peter just looked at him confused taken aback by the sudden aggression in his voice

"uh wher-" peter started 

"I said Let's go"

He got up quickly and quietly stood there not sure where to go 

The older man then approached Peter 

"You wanna know why I chose you, Peter?" The shark then grabbed peter by his hair forcing the boy to look in his eyes, Peter took this time to realize the dilation of his pupils.

"Huh? Peter?! I brought you here to work" he spat as he released Peter from his grasp.

The older man then walks towards the door but stops at the exit 

"You don't wanna get on my bad side... I hate the new kid process" he then peeked his head through the door and shouted "Axel get here, Now", And like that axel came in with the soldier manner and emotionless face.

"Explain the damn rules to him and don't you dare forget about punishments"  and with that, he left.

Axel waited until he fully left the hallway to rush to peter and whispers
"I'm sorry we didn't warn you this morning, the shark was roaming around the room while we got ready."

Peter was still in shock but mostly confused

"It's okay but could you just explain What heck is going on, what work do I have to do, Who is Finn and why was he so mad?"

Axel froze at the name "We don't talk about Finn"

Peter just looks at him confused but understanding because the name made the teen's eyes glassy "ok"

Axel took a deep breath and explained. 

"Okay soo be up at 5 start work at 5:15 have one batch ready 9:00 and you stop working by 7:00 Go to sleep by 9:00. Never disobey him if he tells you to kill someone you kill them or he'll kill you. You work, go to school, come back and repeat. You tell anyone what's going on here punishments get worst, if he likes you which is very rare he'll let you have three meals instead of on one two or none. Do not go into the room with the word 'No' on it, that's his room. If you cry you're weak, you faint you're weak. Punishments: three days in the hole, five wacks from a metal pole, Friday night with shark, room fights, personal punishments, freestyle punishments, you might get burned here and there but it's not that bad and group attack" 

Peter never normally swore but he felt it was right for the moment

" What The Fuck?!"

Survival Of The Fittest(Spiderman fanfic)-COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora