Fine Kill Him First ~Chapter 9~

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Peter woke up in a white room his body still slightly in pain, He winces as he tries to get up from the bed but then realizes he is tied to the bed with a strange purple liquid being pumped into him. 

 Normally Peter would immediately start to panic but it was like he was being forced to stay calm? that wasn't it...Numb was the right word. Last night was fuzzy for him all he remembered was being shocked and jumping on Mr.biggins.

Hola peter 

why are you here I am not even asleep speaking of which why didn't you visit when I feel asleep?

Awww someone misses me You'll find out sooner or later but anyways you need to get up and get your suit, NOW

You know your annoying right?

I'm you, you dingus 

Wait doesn't that make you a dingus? I thought you said you were smarter than me

I am so proud of you your not that scared little boy any more you're finally firing back at me

You're right why am I not panicking? I am literally tied to a chair being drugged with whatever this purple thing is in the middle of this strangely white room.

Booooyyy we're gonna have soooo much fun today 

His insanity questioning convo with himself was interrupted by a woman entering the room who Peter would soon grow to hate.   

"Alright listen here you little shit you are gonna go to school act normal If anyone approaches you, you ignore them unless we tell you to engage through this" She then shows him an earpiece "see you're new, so the little hero show you put on last...

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"Alright listen here you little shit you are gonna go to school act normal If anyone approaches you, you ignore them unless we tell you to engage through this" She then shows him an earpiece "see you're new, so the little hero show you put on last night ain't gonna happen again, When school is over you go straight to Mr.biggins, Do you understand me?"

Peter didn't answer

She held her hand up with a similar remote from last night shock peter, he whined from the sudden pain.

"Let's try that again brat, Do you understand?"

Peter nodded slowly

Next thing he knows a syringe is being plunged into his neck and the last thing he saw before he passed out was Chrissy's miserable face.

He woke up in an ally he was confused at first but he quickly realized he was dropped off by the ally closest to his school he got up with a headache and wobbly legs and stumbled to his school gates.

"Stop walking like that your gonna get noticed" A stern male voice came in his ear 

Peter stopped in his tracks "who are you and why are you in my ear"

"you have an earpiece dumbass, now go inside and get to class you are going to be late" 

Peter did as he said remembering how it felt to be shocked, he knew they took off the blue patch leaving a semi purple mark that was being covered by the oversized hoodie but he knew when he came back they would just put it back on him and punish him then.

He was closing his locker when he heard the voice of a douche bag that could be none other than flash.

"Penis where's my project?"

SHITTT So much as been going on peter forgot all about that project flash told him to do over the weekend, the same day Aunt May committed "suicide" 

"Walk away ignore him" The man in his ear commanded,

"I-I can't he's gonna kill me" Peter stuttered

"Fine kill him first," the man said slightly annoyed with his panic

"What?" peter questioned

"This could be considered training I guess, You see a metal bottle in your bag pull it out and drink it"

Peter did so quickly seeing Flash approaching nearer and nearer.

"Where's is my damn project?!" flash 

'KICK. HIS. ASS' the voice said

If any normal person drink as much of the purple stuff peter did they would have been completely gone by now but because of peter's abilities, he couldn't give up his emotions so easily.

For peter, it felt like he spilt in two and they were at war inside him, one side was him, the normally happy, outgoing peter that would do anything to avoid violence and the other side, the voice, was the one that wanted to beat Flash to the bloody pulp and strip his flesh to pieces and create a sculpture out of them. But one side was winning and it wasn't the real peter.

Peter slowly turned to meet the face of an angry Flash

"I didn't do it I was busy If you didn't know my aunt died," Peter said trying to stay calm

"UmM Sooo WHERE is my project?!!" Flash said in an 'idgaf' tone

Peter walked away, his real self was still trying to get back in control and it was working ... for a few seconds.

"Penis Parker don't you dare walk away from me"

Peter kept walking but bit his lip hard enough to draw blood trying to stop himself from killing flash

"You said she 'died' like it wasn't your fault, HA she killed herself because she couldn't put up with YOUR WORTHLESS ASS" Flash shouted 

Peter lost his Bananas and the real him lost the fight of dominance over Peter's body to anger and the purple drug.

He throws himself into flash and got on top of him and started to repeatedly punch the literal shit out of him.

 Flash swore he saw a flash of red in his eyes as Peter growled and hit him repeatedly. Peter then grabbed him by the collar and threw him into the locker and flash feel unconscious. 

Peter wasn't scared of what trouble he was in, he was scared of how good it felt to see flash looking so helpless, blood all over his face, but he wondered, Where is the guilt? he didn't feel bad for hurting him or that the whole school saw. 

Even though it was the drug speaking...

He wanted more 

'Of course, you want more, I want more so you should what more too' The voice replied

Peter was breathing heavily as he looked to see everyone around him looking at him in shock, Peter didn't know what to do so he just ran and kept running as he made it to the school gate and looked backed to see teacher trying to catch up to him. He climbed over the now-closed gate and ran.

"Where are you going?!" the man in his earpiece yelled.

Peter took it out and slammed it into the concrete continued to run

He knew exactly where he was going.

SoOooO you likey?

 Can someone give me a suggestion on what I should call "the voice" and/or "the real peter" or should I just continue to call them the voice and the real peter?

Survival Of The Fittest(Spiderman fanfic)-COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu