Chapter 10-The NYPD

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Ten Minutes Ago...

   "I'm trusting you on this, Spidey. Don't screw this up." Yuri hung up the phone and opened her text messages. Her and the rest of the department were lined up on almost every street in NYC. Her group was on Boardwalk. If the Lizard showed up anywhere, they would be there to try and stop him. Hopefully, Spider-Man and his crew could get the cure in time to save him before someone littered the creature's body with bullets.
   Jeff came over to Yuri. "Still no sightings of it anywhere topside, chief," he said.
   Yuri nodded. "I figured. He's still in the sewers. If it's out of sight from everyone, then it's safe. Good news is that I just got off the phone with our friend. He and a crew are synthesizing an antidote for him."
   Jeff scratched his head. "This thing is human?"
   "His name is Kurt Connors," Yuri said. "What's wrong with him is a product of what happens to someone who messes with am unfinished Oscorp chemistry project, according to Spidey."
   Jeff nodded. "I'll put his name out, ma'am." He called another officer over and told him to spread the information. After the officer left, Jeff looked at his chief looking at her phone. "What's that you're looking at?"
   Yuri pulled up the link in the text messages. "Spider-Man said that he and his crew have a sonar based tracker on Dr. Connors. This link right here is supposed to send me to a comms table link to the folks tracking him."
   She pressed the link and it sent her to an unknown website. As a loading screen came over her phone, it finally let her into the comms table.
   Harry, who was at Oscorp with Felicia and Otto, was confused at the new link in to the comm. It said that it was from the office of the NYPD. He answered it and tuned the person on the other line in. "May I ask who this is?" Harry greeted.
   Yuri looked at Jeff with an eyebrow raised. The voice on the other end sounded a little young. Whoever they were, she had to trust him for this. "This is Chief Yuri Watanabe and Lieutenant Jeff Davis of the NYPD," she responded. "I was given this link by Spider-Man. I assume you're one of the guys tracking the Lizard?"
   Harry smirked. With the NYPD helping them track Kurt, they could get things done twice as fast. "Nice to meet you, chief. I am indeed tracking the Lizard. We haven't gotten a ping on him yet, but I will inform you when we do."
    "Do you have a last known location of him?" Jeff asked. "If we know exactly where his general location is in the sewers, then we can launch a city wide search."
   Harry looked at the ping signal. Kurt hadn't moved since Felicia went down there and placed the tracker on him. "Last known location was under Boardwalk. That was about twenty minutes ago."
   Jeff and Yuri looked at each other worriedly. Yuri turned back toward her phone. "Mister, we're on top of Boardwalk right now," she said. "Could he still be under us?"
   Harry looked at the computer screen. "It's hard to tell, chief," he responded. "I would imagine that he's in that general area, but it's highly possible that he's moved away without us knowing." Yuri nodded and sighed. Suddenly, a ping came up on Harry's radar. "Oh no..." he said.
   "What do you mean by that?" Jeff asked cautiously.
   "Chief, you and your officers need to vacate that area immediately," Harry said quickly. You could hear the worry in his voice.
   Yuri raised an eyebrow. "We're not going anywhere until we know where he is, mystery man. Where is he?"
   "Chief, he is right under--"
   Before Yuri and Jeff could hear what Harry was going to finish, a large noise came from right in front of them. Rubble and smoke flew everywhere. The ground shook as they jumped in surprise. Out of a large hole in the street, the Lizard came crawling out. He roared at the SWAT and all the other officers on the street.
   "You're allll invading myyy territoryyy, pathetic creaturesssss!" he snarled. "Leavvvveeee or youuuu will die!!!!"
   Yuri shook her head and pulled her piece. "Sorry, Spidey," she whispered. "We've tried it your way." She grabbed her radio. "All units converge onto Boardwalk. Requesting back up immediately." She looked at her officers. "Open fire on that thing!" she shouted.
   All the SWAT teams and officers drew their weapons and fired upon the snarling beast that stood before them. As the bullets ricocheted off of the skin the beast, it was obvious that it was angrier than it was before. "Youuuuu patttthhhetic imbeccccciles!!!!!" it roared. "I'll kill youuuu all!!!"
   Harry punched the comms button over and over again. "Chief, come in!" There was still no answer. "Chief Watanabe!" He punched the keyboard with frustration. "Shit!"
   Felicia came running in. "What are you yelling about, Osborn?" she asked.
   Harry turned to Black Cat. "Felicia, I need you to get to Boardwalk as fast as you can. I think Kurt has found where the majority of the police are. You think that you can be back up?"
   Felicia smirked and licked her lips. "I guess it's time for round two with lizard boy, then," she said as she ran to the elevator.
   Harry grabbed his phone and dialed Peter's number in. Hopefully he wasn't busy. The line began to ring. "C'mon, Peter. Answer the damn phone..."
   The Lizard continued to flip police cars and sling officers every which way. Yuri and Jeff saw bodies fly everywhere when the beast did a huge swipe with his claws. "Chief, we're not doing a damn bit of good to take it down!" Jeff shouted over the gunfire.
   "Keep firing!" Yuri shouted back. "We need to hold it off until backup shows up!"
   Yuri emptied a clip into the Lizard, which of course only made him more angry. He spotted the two officers standing side by side and began to approach them with teeth bared. Jeff stood in front of his chief. "Get behind me," he said. With a swipe of his tail, Jeff was knocked airborne and slammed into a brick wall.
   "Jeff!" Yuri exclaimed.
   The Lizard stood right in front of her with his eyes focused on her demise. He grinned as he licked his razor teeth. "Time forrrr dinerrrr...." he snarled. Yuri could do nothing else but accept her fate.
   Just before the Lizard could close his jaws around his prey, Felicia swung in on a rope and gave him a swift kick to his jaw. He growled in pain as he looked back at the girl that had bested him before.
   "You worthlesssss whore!!!" he snarled.  "Are you ready to die this time?!?"
   Felicia smiled at the creature as she stood in front of Yuri. "You said that you wanted round two, you big ugly dinosaur," she quipped. "I'm ready to kick your ass again any time."
   Lizard roared at her. "You are not worth my time, human!!!" he moved back to the hole he put in the street. "You're not the one I wasss planning to draw out with thissssss. We'll meet again!" With that he slunk back down into the sewers.
   Black Cat turned and reached her hand out to Yuri. "Need a hand, chief?" she asked.
   Yuri took her hand and eyed the criminal that she had chased once before. "Felicia Hardy," Yuri said sternly. "Since when did the Black Cat decide to help law enforcement?"
   Felicia giggled. "Ms. Watanabe, I can assure you that I am a part of the good guy crew. I was sent by the person tracking the Jurassic Dork."
   Yuri looked over and saw Jeff struggling to get up. "Jeff!" she exclaimed. She ran over and helped him up. "Are you okay?" she asked.
   He winced in pain as he stood up. "I'll live," he said. "He sure knocked the hell out of me."
   "We're gonna get you an ambulance," she said. "Hold on." She looked around and saw all the lifeless and motionless bodies scattered around the street from what just happened. "Oh God..." She grabbed her radio. "We have multiple men down. We need medical evac on Boardwalk immediately!" The backup from across NYC were now just pulling up.
   Felicia approached Yuri again. "Chief, if there's anything I can do to help..."
   Yuri turned and shoved Felicia away from her. "I just need you to stay the hell away from me. For all I know, you could be working with that thing!"
   As soon as she said those words, Spider-Man swung in and landed between them. "What's going on here?" he asked. He looked around at the chaos. "Oh my God..."


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