Chapter 3-Mary Jane Watson: Faded

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The video above has the song that is playing during this scene, so I thought it would be a nice touch to listen to it while your read. Enjoy!❤

MJ and Peter talked for a while. As they sat on the hood of his car, they realized that they hadn't seen each other face to face for almost a year. It wasn't like they had a lot to catch up on either. She already knew that he was Spider-Man.
"So, how's your superheroing been going?" she said taking a sip of her Dr. Pepper.
He grinned. "Oh, you know," he replied. "It's been... It's been um, superheroish..."
MJ giggled. "You know, it is weird seeing you taller than me...and without glasses...and actually in shape." She poked his bicep.
"What do you mean, 'weird'?" Peter said while taking a sip of his coke.
"Peter, you're, like, an entirely different person," she said. "You're sarcastic, you tell funny jokes... The old Peter never would've done any of that."
He scoffed sarcastically. "Old Peter..."
"See!" she exclaimed while punching him in his arm playfully. "You would've stayed quiet and we would've been in awkward silence right now of you were old Peter!"
Peter nodded, because he had to agree. "Yeah," he replied. "You're not wrong." He shook his head. "Look, enough about me. So, tell me about England."
MJ took another sip of her drink. "England..." She pushed her red hair behind her ear. "It was... England."
Peter scoffed. "Oh, come on, it must've not been that bad. You stayed there for almost a year."
MJ got playfully defensive. "I mean I'm not hating on England, but I mean, it just wasn't New York." She took another drink. "I missed the cranky Italian and Celtic guys walking up and down Brooklyn streets. I missed when all of us got together and hung out, and I thought that we would do that when I came back. But," she said while looking sad and disappointed, "Gwen had to go and move away." She chuckled. "Heck, it's like we swapped places."
"Yeah..." Peter said while gulping the last sip of his drink down.
"By the way," she said, "how are to two of you doing? I know that the breakup wasn't easy."
"Good, I guess," Peter said while shrugging. "I mean, don't get me wrong, we're still friends, but...Something tells me that I did something wrong to her."
MJ looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean? She said that it was a mutual decision."
"I mean, it was that," he continued. "It was, but... After the whole Oscorp accident, she kept getting more and more distant from me. We tried to make it work long distance, but..."
"...It just didn't work out," she said, completing his sentence.
"Yeah," Pete said. "Maybe I did something wrong, and I just don't know...usually my spider sense tells me when something's wrong."
"Well," she said while taking the last sip of her Dr. Pepper, "the good thing is that we're all still friends."
Peter nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."
MJ turned to look at Harry's mansion. "So, why did you come outside?"
Peter looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "You really didn't just ask me that question," he said sarcastically.
It suddenly clicked. "Oh..." She giggled. "I guess some things never change."
He flipped his bottle in the air and caught it. "I'm sorry, but I am not a Harry Osborn party person. Never have been, never will."
MJ shook her head and laughed. "Just because you're against drinking alcohol."
Peter got defensive. "They are all underage and they should not be doing it!"
She laughed. "Fair enough, fair enough..."
"Thank you," Pete said with a sigh. He flipped his bottle again and caught it. There was some silence until she looked at him and smiled.
"You do dance, though, right?" she asked.
He turned his head to her. "Do I look like a dancer?"
She laughed. "You used to not like dancing, I get that, but maybe you'll like it now."
"Not in a million years."
"MJ, I said no."
Pete looked at her with an expression that was amusement mixed with disappointment. He sighed. "Fine..."
"Great!" She grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him to the entrance.
He stopped her. "Wait..." She turned to him with confusion. "I have no idea what to do."
She winked at him. "Just follow my lead, tiger." MJ opened the doors and moved into the giant living room floor with Peter. Loud music and bodies crowded all around them. Finally, they found a space where they could dance with everybody without getting pushed around. "Okay, so this is an Alan Walker song!" she shouted through the loud music. "It's an EDM track!"
"I know!" Peter replied. "It's Harry's favorite genre!"
"Okay, so there are gonna be a lot of beat drops where the chorus comes in, so really the only dance move you need to know is jumping around!"
Pete smiled. "That's great!" he said sarcastically. "That's all Spider-Man does!"
She punched him in the shoulder playfully. "Smartass!" The song began to play again. "Okay, so just feel the rhythm and the words and just bop to it, okay!"
"Whatever you say!"
You were the shadow to my light, did you feel us? Another star, you fade away.
Peter began to feel the rhythm. It started out slow but then it began to get livelier and more jumpy. He didn't know what to do at first, so he looked at what MJ was doing. Those classes in art school paid off. She was a natural at dancing.
The song kept going and Peter began to get the hang of everything. MJ looked at him having a good time, and it brought a smile to her face. They laughed when the other started goofing around and complemented each other when they thought they're dance move was superb.
During one part of the song, MJ slipped when she was doing a certain move. Peter used his fast reflexes to catch her and he brought her closer to him. They looked at each other, and honestly felt something there. He always thought that she was pretty, and she thought that Peter was a cute boy now. They stared into each other's crystal blue eyes. She smiled. "Good catch, tiger!"
He smiled back. "Thanks!"
They danced for hours to a bunch of different music, and finally the party was over. Peter directed all of the teenage guests, who were mostly drunk, out of the house, and then went to go find Harry. MJ shouted to him from Harry's bedroom. "Here he is!" Peter walked in there to find him passed out on his bed drunk right next to Liz. She giggled. "So much for reunions tonight."
"Yeah," Peter said. "Here, I'll walk you out to your car."
He and MJ walked to the driveway where her car was parked. "So," she said while unlocking her car door, "are you a fan of dancing now?"
Peter looked at her and gave a sarcastic answer. "Oh, not in a million years..." She looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "But," he continued, "I'd like to try it again sometime."
MJ smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, tiger." She turned on her car and drove out of the driveway. He waved her goodbye and felt where she kissed him. She just kissed me... It was happening. He was falling for MJ.

~the next day~

Peter woke up in his bed. He honestly didn't remember getting in it, because he stayed up so late at the party, but he knew that he did get in it by himself because he didn't drink.
Pete pulled himself out of bed and walked to the kitchen. "I need coffee," he mumbled to himself. He walked over to the fridge and took out the jug of iced caramel coffee that Harry had. He twisted the cap off and drank it straight from the jug.
"Morning, Pete," Liz said, sitting at the table.
"Morning, Liz," Peter replied after taking a sip. His eyes got wide.
He turned his head to the kitchen table where Liz was eating cereal and looking on her phone. Pete looked at the fridge and back to her multiple times to see if he was imagining things...He wasn't. He was in the kitchen in his underwear with his best friend's fiance.
"Hey, Liz," he said slowly while taking another drink.
"Why aren't you in bed right now. It's really early."
She giggled. "Breakfast is important, Peter. Especially for a hangover."
He looked at her, obviously confused. "I didn't see you at the party last night? But you were in his bed last night."
She smiled. "I was. I had to pee a lot from drinking so that's why you might have not seen me."
Peter eyed her. "You sure don't seem hungover, Liz."
"I've had them so many times that I've gotten used to them."
Peter grinned. "Well, your fiance sure as hell hasn't."
She giggled. "Agreed."
He realized, again, that he was still in just his boxer shorts. "Liz, you do realize that I'm basically naked right now, right?"
She shook her head and smiled. "I've seen Harry naked, so I'm not scared of anatomy."
"Ok...gross," he said while taking another gulp of coffee. Suddenly, Harry walked in the kitchen, obviously hung over. "Hey, Harry."
Harry looked at Peter and rubbed his head. "Hey, Pete." He looked at Liz. "Hey, babe. When did you get out of bed?"
She shook her head, smiled, and looked at Peter. "Long story," he answered for her.
Harry scratched his head. "God...what time is it?"
Peter looked at his watch. "Oh crap!" Peter rushed by Harry.
"What do you mean 'oh crap'?" Harry asked.
"It's 7:45! We're gonna be late for work!"
As if on command, Harry snapped out of his hangover. "Oh crap!" He and Peter rushed up the stairs to their rooms and got dressed in their appropriate clothes. Peter ran back downstairs and webbed the jug of coffee to the fridge. Harry ran past the fridge, kissed Liz goodbye, and ran to the front door. "We'll take my car," Harry said while opening the door for Peter.
"Dammit, Harry, which one?" They shut the doors behind them, leaving Liz amused and concerned at the same time.
"Those two are CEOs...jeez," she said to herself while laughing.

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