Chapter 7-Norman Osborn

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It didn't matter if it was night or day; Oscorp was always busy. Everyone who went to work there eventually learned to either become a night owl or not sleep at all. Time meant everything to the owner of this company, and you know what they say: time is money.
Norman sat at his desk working on his computer. As the CEO, all he had to do was check on experiments going on throughout the company. People came into his office often in order to clear projects and experiments through him. That was one of the perks of being a CEO of a major business. His building was the tallest in New York, being 100 feet taller than the Empire State Building. He wanted it to be so because it, "Let New York know that we mean business."
It's not like no one did not know that he meant business. He was the richest man in the state since Tony Stark left. Everyone loved Osborn more than Stark anyway. Stark only cared about making weapons of mass destruction. Although Oscorp had made weapons, most of their research was concentrated on the improvement and safety of mankind through pharmaceuticals. He was more of a pacifist rather than a war monger.
While he was looking at his computer, his phone buzzed in his pocket. After he retreived it, he looked down and saw a new message.

Harry: hey Dad, you got a minute?

Norman: Harry, do you have any idea what time it is? It's 2 in the morning! What are you doing up?

Harry: I need to ask you something

Norman: What is it, Harry? I'm very busy.

Harry: have u heard from Pete today?

Norman: Harry, I've been in the office all day. The last time I saw him, he was with you walking into the school. Why?

Harry: he hasn't been answering my calls or texts...gettin kinda worried

Norman: I'm sure he's fine, son. Probably just tired and wanted to relax this weekend.

Harry: i dunno dad. i think he was pissed at me after i didn't go with him 2 the science fair today

Norman: Wait... You mean that you didn't go?

Harry: no, I felt sick all day. I think I had food poisoning

Norman: Harry, are you kidding me? You know how bad his anxiety is!

Harry: u think i didn't know that dad? i told him 2 come over and hang out with me, but u know Peter: always choosing science over fun.

Norman: I know Peter, well, son. And you know him too. He's like your brother, Harry. You're supposed to be there for him...

"Mister Osborn?" his secretary said while knocking.

Norman: We'll talk about this when I get home. Goodnight.

"Yes, Kathy?" Norman responded while putting his phone in his pocket. "What is it?"
"I just need you to sign off on these new projects, sir." She handed him a clipboard with a list.
"Ahh, right. How is everything tonight?" He grabbed the list and started checking off boxes.
"Today, Mr. Osborn. It's Sunday now," she corrected.
He smiled at her correction. "Yes, yes, so it is. How is everything this morning, then?"
"Good, sir," she responded with a laugh.
Norman's eyes moved down the list of inventions his people were working on. "Combustion orbs are looking good," he said while looking at a blueprint in the list. "How are the hoverglider technologies departments doing?"
"As far as I know, they have everything ready, sir," she said while adjusting her glasses.
"Good, good...that's good," he murmered to himself while looking through the list.
"Oh, also, I almost forgot to tell you," Remember that sample of serum we received from that frozen wreckage in the Atlantic?"
His eyes averted from his list. "What about it?"
"The scientists have broken down the formula," she responded with an excited look.
Norman threw the list behind his shoulder like it was on fire. "You're shitting me, right?"
"No, sir, I am not...shitting you," she assured him awkwardly.
He shot up from his desk. "Show me." This was what he had been working on for years. Five years ago, he received a sample of unknown liquid pulled from an old plane crash that occured in WWII. Within it's formula, they discovered something miraculous: there were so many ingredients that could be used as cures. It would make a fortune and make the world a better place as well. All they had to do was separate the ingredients, and the finally did it.
She led him down into one of the labs where scientists were hard at work. She pointed up at the screen in the room. It showed the chains of substances that were in it.
"It's a split formula, but quite recreatable, sir," she explained.
"How long?" he asked.
"How long before it can be completed?"
Kathy looked at the scientists. "Two days at most, sir," one spoke up. "Possibly only one."
Norman laughed out loud. They had done it! This was it! They would have the thing that they had worked themselves nights and nights for. "Then what the hell are we waiting for, guys?" he asked sarcastically. "Time waits for no man."
He turned back to the screen that showed the formula and grinned. "We have the future to change."

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