Chapter 19-What We Leave Behind

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*One Week Later*

"Now with more recent news, the five remaining individuals that broke out of the Raft that were found viciously murdered have been identified as their deaths being the cause of severe electrical trauma and dangerous acid intake. Although forensics believe it to be a group suicide, Dr. Otto Octavius, a former employee of Oscorp under the guidance of Harry Osborn and Peter Parker, who broke out the criminals has taken the blame for the murders. The two young CEOs of Norman Osborn's former business have said that they hope Dr. Octavius gets the help that he needs. Otto Octavius is currently facing life in prison with five counts of murder, five counts of jailbreak, twelve counts of attempted murder, terrorist threats against the city of New York, among others... In other news, Kurt Connors, the man who was grotesquely turned into a giant human reptile what seems like yesterday has returned to his job at Oscorp. He was held as a hostage against his will last night before being saved by Spider-Man and HobGoblin. A close friend of Otto's, Dr. Connors had this to say about his former colleague. 'I don't know what happened to dear Otto. I believe that his fight with the Lizard atop of Oscorp damaged his mind. I just wish there were some way to take back all the horrible things I did as that vicious creature.' Kurt Connors was never charged with a crime due to the mysterious formula being the only criminal in the situation. The attack of the Sinister Six is finally cleaned up completely and hopefully we can get back to a normal city..."

   Gwen set the television remote next to her after she turned the news off. She ran her fingers through her blond hair as she reflected on everything that had happened. Liz sat next to her and squeezed her hand in comfort. Liz had a small smile on her face.
   "That was a crazy ride," Liz said.
   Gwen nodded and took a deep breath. "I know." She rested her face in her hands. "I just...I feel guilty about that entire thing. MJ getting hurt was my fault. I could've stayed out of it but I didn't." She stood up and paced the floor. "She's my best friend, and I screwed up. Her boyfriend almost died because I wasn't there."
   Liz shook her head. "Honey, you're fine. You helped Peter so much and I know that he's grateful."
   Gwen hugged Liz. "I know, it wrong to feel...sort of guilty for everything that happened."
   Liz smiled. "We all feel guilt at one time in our lives. I think we'll make it." Gwen leaned back and looked at her friend in the eyes. "Hell, two of my roommates and my fiance are superheroes."
   Gwen giggled. "That's true. Well...I don't know if I'm a superhero anymore."
   Liz raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You're a total badass."
   Her friend shook her head. "Peter hasn't talked to any of us since the night that Electro died saving us. He locked himself in Oscorp and God knows what he's doing up there."
   Liz smiled. "Gwen," she started, "it's Peter we're talking about."
   "Yeah," Gwen said with a disappointed smile. "You never know with him.
   Suddenly, Gwen felt her phone buzz in her pocket. "Who's that?" Liz asked.
   Gwen opened her text messages.

Peter: come to the roof

   "Well go see him," Liz said.
   Gwen exited Harry's house and climbed up to the roof. Peter stood there, leaned up against the chimney. He wore a normal t-shirt and blue jeans. This looked like the old Peter again. MJ was standing next to him with a smile. He had a briefcase next to him.
   "Hey," Gwen said with a smile.
   "Hey," he responded back with a smile.
   Gwen looked at MJ and she just winked She ran her fingers through her hair, letting it fall behind her shoulder. "What have you been doing?"
   Peter rocked his head side to side to try to find his words. "Thinking, I guess." He scratched his head. "Especially, the night before we fought Otto and the others; those things that you said."
   Gwen began to feel guilty about that night now. "You were listening?" she asked.
   Peter nodded. "I did. I, uh, thought about those words you said...and they're--they're all true," he said. "I'm not the same Peter Parker anymore, nor do I think I'll ever really be the same Peter Parker that you grew up with."
   "No, let me finish, please," he said holding his hand up. "Me and MJ have been talking ever since Otto and the others attacked. I've abused being Spider-Man. Spider-Man is supposed to stray away from killing and doing the unnecessary, but the moment..." He stopped himself to avoid from crying. He continued after a few seconds. "I've abused my power. The moment that MJ got hurt, I decided that I was going to kill that night. Thank God you were there to keep me away from everything that I was about to do, because if I crossed that line, I would no longer be Peter Parker or Spider-Man. I'd be something much worse. " He ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't think that I'll ever get over my pain or my drama. None of us will, but I think life can go on."
   Gwen raised an eyebrow. "How so?"
   "Well, for starters," MJ said while picking up the briefcase, "Peter made you this." She opened it. Gwen approached the opened case to see what was in it. Her mouth gaped opened at the sight of the black and white uniform. She placed her hands on it, and it felt just like Peter's uniform. It looked like a hoodie jacket, but at the same time something much more. Under that, there was her mask that Felicia had made her.
   She looked at Peter and MJ with a huge smile on her face. She was giddy with excitement. "Well, try it on. It doesn't fit me," Peter said with a smile.
   Gwen slipped on her new suit. It fit perfectly. It was lightweight, flexible; she really felt like she was someone important now. She looked at Peter and bit her lip. "I wanna practice in it," she said.
   Peter looked at MJ, smiled, then lowered his head. "About that," he said, hiding a smile. "I'm...I'm not helping anymore."
   She looked at him very confused. "What do you mean?"
   "Spider-Man is done," he said plainly. "I think Peter Parker needs some time out in the world, y'know? A normal life."
   Gwen felt sad at those words. "Peter, what are you saying? You've dedicated your life to Spider-Man. Everything you've ever fought for, lived for was Spider-Man. You can't just quit."
   Peter calmly smiled at her. "Spider-Man was a promise. He was never a person. He was an idea based on being responsible for saving people in trouble. Peter Parker didn't make Spider-Man..." He walked to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Peter Parker's experience made him Spider-Man. Anyone can wear the mask. And I I know...that you are the most certified to wear the mask."
   She felt a tear come to her eye as she heard his words. "Peter...I don't know what to...," she said with a smile.
   "Don't say anything," he said back, returning a grin. He gave her a hug. "You're gonna be great," he whispered in her ear.
   Suddenly, their spider senses began to tingle. In the distance they could hear police sirens going to a crime. "Feels like a bank robbery," Peter said. "Harry and Felicia are waiting for you there I bet."
   She stood on the edge of the roof and put on her mask. Gwen shot a web to a nearby lamppost and looked back at Peter. "Any last minute regards?"
   Peter chuckled and winked at her. He smiled at MJ and looked on at his friend. "Go get 'em, tiger," he said.
   Those words warmed her heart. The words that her best friend told Peter when he was feeling down. The words of the great Mary Jane Watson. Gwen swung away to the city, ready to face her future. She was something so much more now, and she had a responsibility.
   Peter grabbed MJ by the waste and pulled her close to him. "I do good?" he asked.
   She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Pretty good, tiger. Pretty good."
   He kissed her forehead and looked on onto the city. "You know, now that I'm free to be normal, I'll be able to focus on being a dad more often."
   "She looked up at him and giggled. "You'll have to ask me to marry you if you want kids, Pete."
   Peter chuckled as he looked on at Gwen swinging to the rescue. "Deal, MJ. Deal."
   More than a year ago, I got bit by a radioactive spider, turning me into Spider-Man. Spider-Man wasn't me, but he was my Uncle Ben. He gave me those words that stick with me every day: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility." Now I know that it wasn't just me that he was talking about. Spider-Man is a responsibility. He's a good feeling. He's someone everyone can stand by and look up to as a hero. Peter Parker lost that along the way, but I know Gwen can do better. She's stronger than me in every way. I trust her. She wears the mask now, and I know damn sure that she's worthy of it.
   I gave Gwen the name "Ghost-Spider", because something great came out of the grave of the old Spider-Man...and it was her. I'm Peter Parker, and I'm not Spider-Man. I'm Mary Jane Watson's
   And I couldn't be happier.

   Eddie was walking down the street humming his favorite song to himself. Venom was beginning to get angry.
   Can you please cut that out?!
   "What's the deal?" Eddie asked sarcastically. "You can't handle some light music?" No one paid attention to him talking to himself because he blended in with every other crackhead in New York.
   Not when it sounds like that.
   "Damn," he responded. "Can you get any more cold?"
   At least I don't call you parasite all of the time.
   "Hey, that's a term of endearment," Eddie said with a chuckle. "A nickna--" He stopped in his tracks as a cold shiver went down his spine. "Did you feel that?" he asked Venom.
   I did indeed. It reminds me of...
   Suddenly, Eddie let Venom cover his arm and he grabbed the person behind him. Eddie dragged him into the alley and shoved him against a wall. He could recognize those red locks anywhere.
   "Hello, Eddie," Cletus greeted. "Carnage wants to say 'hi' to daddy."
   Eddie gritted his teeth. "He gets your message," he said angrily. "What the hell are you doing here, Kasady? You're supposed to be in prison."
   Cletus chuckled. "You know, the damndest things can happen when someone breaks into a major prison facility."
   "What do you want?" Eddie asked.
   Eddie, somethings wrong.
   "Let me handle this, Venom," he responded to his symbiote. He punched the wall with his arm which was covered with Venom's black skin. "Answer me, dammit! What the fuck do you want?"
   Cletus smiled. "All I want is us to be a big happy family."
   Eddie watch out!!!
   "And unfortunately you can't be a part of it."
   An EMP blast hit Eddie out of nowhere. Venom couldn't handle the pain of the sound, so he was thrown out of Eddie's body. Eddie was in pain now. Venom wasn't there to heal him or anything.
   A man wearing a green hood walked over to them out of the shadows with the EMP gun. Using a glass box, he put Venom in and sealed him up shut.
   Cletus growled at the man and pointed. "You better not harm him, Mr. Beck. We'll have problems otherwise."
   Beck walked back into the shadows. "No need to worry, Mr. Casady. I'll take care of him." And he disappeared in the darkness.
   Cletus chuckled. "That man has a thing for theatrics." He went over to Eddie, who was beginning to feel the headache again. The tumors were beginning to grow back. Venom wasn't there to keep them at bay. "Dont worry, Eddie," Cletus said. "You'll survive. I called the cops before you picked up my scent, so you'll go to a hospital and you'll get all the treatment you need..." He let Carnage take him over and he leaned into him face to face. "...because we can't wait to see the look on your face when you see what we've done."

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