Epilogue-The Meeting

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Aaron ran his hand across his short hair. What was he doing? A petty criminal becoming a hit man? A killer? It was enough that his brother thought so little of him, although he didn't even know that he was actually a criminal; a criminal that he could never catch in the act.
Although he was a simple thief, Aaron Davis was never one to back down from something so big. When he heard about the money for this mission, he just couldn't turn it down. Ten million dollars, only from killing one person. All he had to do was turn off his conscience for two years seconds, kill the man, then be off on his merry way.
Although he knew that Jeff wouldn't like it, Aaron would want to help take care of his family. His nephew just got sent to a big new school, and, although being a cop pays good money, it would never be able to keep up with his new tuition. That school was for geniuses, which was why he and Jeff never went there, much less ever heard of it either.
He and Jeff grew up in the ghetto. Two brothers that grew up in the roughest part of New York went two totally different ways. Sometimes Aaron wondered why he actually turned to crime. He and Jeff got into trouble all of the time, and they both decided to go to the police academy. What went wrong in the end?
Aaron remained sitting in his chair in this old, dark waiting room. Some guy with a machine gun told him to get in and sit down. Nothing more, nothing less.
Finally, the door opened, and in walked a rough looking man with a trench coat. His red hair was curly, yet unkempt. Aaron watched him closely as he walked in. He'd seen those types of eyes before. They weren't normal. This man was crazy.
"Evening, Mr. Davis," the crazy ginger said. He set a folder on the table. Next to the folder, he placed a cell phone. "Pardon the phone, my friend, I don't mean to be rude, but we have another player on the line that couldn't make it in person. Am I coming through loud and clear, Mr..." The crazy man waited for the other man to say his name.
Whoever this guy was on the phone, he didn't bullshit. He knew what he was doing. "I prefer to remain anonymous, Mr. Kasady," the man said on the line. "This is strictly business, nothing more."
Kasady cackled. "I can work with a businessman." He stood straight up as his eye twitched. What the hell is this dude on? Aaron thought to himself. "Gentlemen," he started, "my name is Cletus Kasady, and you've been summoned to do something of great importance."
"Bro, cut to the friggin' chase," Aaron said sternly. "I ain't got all night. I was supposed to be hanging out with my nephew."
Cletus' blue eyes got wide with so much emotion. They stared into Aaron's soul. "Oh, you're a family man, huh?"
Aaron cocked his head to the side. "Is that a problem for you, man?"
Cletus shook his head with a wide grin. "No, no, no," he said, "not at all. It's just..." He stared into space and began to chuckle. "It's a funny story, but I killed my family." Aaron began to tense up as Cletus approached him closer and closer. Slowly, a red goo began to cover his body, transforming him into a hideous monster. What the hell was this guy? His voice changed dramatically as his sharp toothed grin hissed at Aaron. "So if you don't want us to do the same thing to your family, you'll shut the hell up and let us finish!!!" The red goo slowly retracted back into his body and he turned back to normal. Aaron couldn't believe what he just saw. "May I continue?" he asked.
Aaron and the man on the phone stayed quiet as Cletus cleared his throat. "As I was saying, you two gentlemen have stumbled upon the find of a lifetime." He slid Aaron the folder. "Mr. Anonymous, do you have your folder with you?"
"Yes," the man on the phone said. The sound of this man's voice had such authority and power. Who the hell was on that phone?
Aaron opened the folder to see who their target was. Every bit of information about this guy was there. "You have both been chosen to take out one man. And to make it more fun, me and my associate decided to make it...wait for it...a COMPETITION!!!" Aaron jumped in his seat at Cletus' raised volume. "Yes, yes, you two will compete for who kills the man first."
Aaron looked over the file and shook his head. "What's so important about this dude anyway?" he asked. "He helps run Oscorp. I get that they used to do a lot of bad business, but this kid kinda helped everything get turned back around, didn't he?"
"Mr. Davis has a point, Mr. Kasady," the man on the phone agreed. "You do know that I keep my rules about the people that I kill, right?"
"Screw your rules!!!" Cletus shouted in his deepened monster voice. "All you two need to know is that this is a metahuman with a bad, and I mean bad, reputation."
Aaron put his hand up to get a word in. "Hold up now, man. You never said that this dude was gonna be a super powered freak. What's his powers?"
"Enchanced speed and strength," Cletus said in response. Aaron ran his hand over his short hair again. He wasn't so sure about this now. Cletus' eye began to twitch again. "Gentlemen, think about this," he said. "You are receiving ten million dollars just to kill one man. If one of you pull this off, you're set for life." Aaron rubbed his bearded chin in thought. "What do you say, Mr. Prowler?" Cletus started. "Do we have a deal?"
Aaron thought about it for a second. Ten million dollars for killing one man. He could do this. Of course he could do this. He smirked and raised his head towards his new employer. "Why the hell not?" he responded.
Cletus had a grin crawl across his face as he was giddy with excitement at Aaron's answer. "And what about you, anonymous man? What do you think?"
There was a silence on the phone for about ten seconds, and then he spoke up. "Sounds interesting and challenging enough. Count me in."
"Perfect," Cletus said with a eerie cackle. "PERFECT." He clapped his hands together. "Now... go kill Peter Parker."

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