Chapter 16-Enemy of my Enemy

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Spider-Man, HobGoblin, Black Cat and Spider-Gwen stopped on a rooftop across from the warehouse. Peter began to have those same flashbacks again...him holding Ben's killer in his grasp; the moment that he made the one decision that made him who he was...what made him Spider-Man.
Gwen rested her hand on Peter's shoulder. He looked back at her eye receptacles on her mask. He could tell that she was worried.
"Are you okay to do this?" she asked him. He rested his own hand on hers and squeezed it.
"With you guys, I think that I can," he said. "They're gonna put up one hell of a fight, you know that right?"
Harry nodded and smirked. "I know. I think that we'll be ready, though. Like you said, we're stronger together." He looked down at the warehouse and glanced back at Peter. "Do you think that Otto picked this place to mess with you?"
Pete lowered his head. "You know, I honestly don't know what is going through Otto's head right now," he said. "I don't know how far his insanity has gone since his fight with Kurt at Oscorp. I know he wants Connors dead, and he'll do anything to keep me off of my guard when we save the day."
Gwen pulled her hood over her head and activated her web shooters. "Well, no matter what, Peter," she said, "we'll be here for you. Are you ready to do this?"
Spidey was about to answer, but Felicia cut him off with a raise of her hand. They all looked at her in confusion. "Wait," she said quietly. She was absolutely still crouched down.
Pete moved a bit closer to her so he could hear her better. "What is it, Felicia?" She continued to stay still. "What is it?"
Cat looked like she was in a trance. She looked around her surroundings and smiled a little. "I'll be damned..." she said in a whisper. "They're watching us."
HobGoblin looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "How are they watching us?" he asked. "There's no way that they could."
She pointed to a nearby rooftop. "Think again, Osborn." They all saw what she was pointing at: a military grade security camera.
"Holy shit..." he whispered. "That's from Oscorp. He stole more than just science equipment."
"I spot six others just like it," she said. "They know that we're here." She moved back a little. "We might need to leave and come back.
"Right you are, Miss Hardy!" a voice yelled from the warehouse. They all looked across the way to see Doc Ock and his group of five make their way to the roof. He looked at Spider-Man, who had stood up to look at all of them. "This is a place of memories isn't it, Parker?!" he shouted at him. Peter balled his fists up and began to calm himself down. "The place where Spider-Man was born, wasn't he? The place where you made the one huge mistake in your life right again! Well guess what? After'll be the place of his death as well! This will be the death of so many! The slaughter will be absolutely fantastic!!!"
Peter looked at all his enemies on the roof. Then, he looked back at his former mentor. "You're wrong, Doc!" he shouted. "This is where you stop or we stop you! This is your choice! I'm giving you one chance! Turn yourself in and give us Connors! This doesn't have to go any further! We can forget this ever happened!"
Otto chuckled. "I figured that you've already guessed what plan I had for him, huh?! You knew what I was going to do to Connors!"
"Wasn't hard to figure out!" Peter responded. "Seemed easy enough and predictable enough that you'd do something like this!"
"Well..." Otto replied. Suddenly a large figure began to walk towards them from across the way. It was, not Connors...the Lizard. "...I guess my plan can be delayed for some bloody fun, huh?!"
Pete's heart dropped when he saw his old mentor in his monsterous form again. Harry activated his glider and grabbed some combustion orbs. Gwen shook her head. "Oh God no..." she said quietly.
"Kurt!" Peter shouted desperately. "Otto, you're going to pay for this! You can't get away with this!!"
Otto gave an eerie chuckle as a response. The Lizard got down on all fours and licked his razor sharp teeth with his long tongue. "Sssssssorry, Ssssspider..." he said with a growl. "Thissss endssss tonight.... One way or another sssssomeone will die!" Spidey and his friends got ready to fight. This would be the biggest fight of their lives. Lizard said something else to him. "I certainly hate to be a...killjoy to youuuur little party..."
Peter suddenly put his hands down and smirked. His friends all looked at him with confusion. Was he laughing? "Killjoy..." he whispered to himself. "No freaking way..."
Gwen went over to him. "Peter what does 'killjoy' mean? What does he mean by that?"
Otto began to get inpatient. "Creature!" he shouted at Lizard. "Attack your enemy!"
Peter answered Gwen's question. "Kurt's in control of th Lizard. The son of a bitch did it."
Suddenly, Lizard turned towards Otto and the others. Otto, Rhino, Vulture, and Kraven looked angry and confused. Electro smirked at the twist of what just happened. "What the hell are you doing creature!?" Otto shouted. "I ordered you to..."
"Youuuuu wanted me to attack my enemy," Kurt said. "My pleassssssure...."

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