Chapter 2-Gwen's life and Norman's Curse

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   Gwen called a cab to Osborn manor. She was on some uneven terms with her mother about moving without her consent, but Harry and Peter made sure that she had a place to stay. Living with her friends was sort of awkward. Sure, she loved them all to death, but she was the only single one of the group. Peter was dating MJ, and Harry was getting married to Liz for God's sakes in a couple of months.
   The cab finally pulled up into the huge driveway. Gwen paid the driver and exited the car. It was amazing how Harry had Norman's entire house. And it was even crazier that Peter had been living in it with him for almost three months.
   She opened one of the doors and walked in. MJ was sitting on the couch watching TV in the giant living room. She glanced over at Gwen walking in. "Hey, honey," she said with a smile.
   "Hey, babe," Gwen said back with a smile. She sighed.
   MJ raised her eyebrow. "Uh-oh. What happened?" she asked. Sometimes Gwen thought MJ was the only one who understood her.
   "I don't know what you're talking about," Gwen said, taking her coat off. September was cold in NYC. It was always cold that time of year.
   "Gwendolyn Rose Stacy," MJ said, "I've known you since we were toddlers. I know the 'Gwen sigh' when I hear it."
   "I have a 'Gwen sigh?'" she asked, taking her shoes off.
   "Hm-hm. You do it whenever you're frustrated. You used to do it all the time in math class, and Peter had to help you," she said. "What's wrong?"
   Gwen walked over to the couch and face planted into the seat cushion next to MJ. She gave a muffled grunt from the cushion.
   MJ nodded her head. "Ah," she started, "Peter speaking Spider-Man gibberish again?"
   Gwen pulled herself into the seat and flipped her hair back in frustration. "God, does he ever! Does he not understand that I have no idea how to control my powers?"
   MJ smirked. "Gwen, you know Peter has always explained things in the most complicated way possible. You remember what it was like in chemistry with him?"
   Gwen sighed again. "Yes, but I'm legit dumb when it comes to this type of stuff." She put her face in her hands. "I don't even know how to balance a checkbook, so how the hell am I supposed to do this?"
   MJ patted her friend's back and pulled her into a hug. "Gwen?"
   "Hm-hm?" she replied, muffled by her hands and hair.
   "You are the strongest person I know, besides Peter, who is literally the strongest person I know, and you would be literally the second, now, huh?" MJ said. Gwen giggled and took her face out of her hands. "And, listen, if Peter gives you a hard time with spider power practice, I'll help you beat him up."
   Gwen looked up at MJ. "Like that'd do any good," she said, giggling. "Thanks, MJ. Sometimes, you know just what to say."
   MJ rested her chin on Gwen's shoulder. "No problem," she said. "Now get dressed. You and I are going shopping for clothes to wear for tonight."
   "About that," Gwen said, "I don't think that I'm going to go tonight."
   MJ's jaw dropped. "Excuse me, what?" She stood up. "Yes you are."
   "MJ," Gwen started, "I'm the only single one that lives in this house. The four of you have dates. Me? I had an Alex, who didn't give two shits about me or anything I ever cared about."
   MJ got on her knees. "Gwen, tonight isn't about dates. This is about planning a wedding. Just because we're going out to eat doesn't mean it's a date." She raised her eyebrow. "Who the hell told you that it was okay if you didn't come?"
   Gwen tucked her knees into her body. "Peter did."
   MJ stood up and her jaw dropped. "Oh, no he didn't," she said. "When I see him, I'm gonna say some not very ladylike things. Get dressed. We're going shopping."
   Gwen looked at her with an eyebrow raised. When MJ was in a mood, there was no getting her out of it. And there was no doubt that she was gonna say not very ladylike things to Peter. She giggled, went and got dressed, and followed MJ outside to her car.
   "Ready, Spider-Gwen?" MJ asked, starting the car.
   Gwen giggled. "As I'll ever be, I guess. And can you not call me that...yet?"

   Peter arrived at the Raft. It wasn't easy getting there. He had to catch a ride on Harry's glider every time, because it was so far out in the ocean. As Hob-Goblin, he wore Norman's Goblin armor, but he spray painted it black. He still wore the orange hood and red goggles.
   Harry landed the glider and they walked inside. Police and paramedics were everywhere inside already. When the Raft got attacked, it was major. It was a miracle that SHIELD hadn't gotten involved.
   Yuri was talking to Jeff as Spidey and Goblin walked in. He saw them approaching, and he gestured to his chief. She turned to the two. "Thank God you guys are here." She said.
   Jeff followed her. "No casualties, but most of the guards are going into the ICU tonight," he said.
   Spider-Man looked at Yuri. "Any escaped convicts?"
   Jeff handed her a clipboard of all the criminals who were accounted for. She looked at it. "Looks like five escaped. This must've been a break in."
   "Who the hell could break into this place?" Harry asked. "And who did they break out?"
   Yuri began to name them off. "Dillon, Maxwell."
   "Electro," Pete responded.
   "Toomes, Adrian."
   "The Vulture."
   "Unknown Russian male."
   "That would be Kraven."
   "A Gargan, Mac from the psychiatric ward"
   "Scorpion, yep."
   "And Sytsevich, Aleksi from advanced holding."
   "Well, that would be Rhino," Peter said. "Shit..." he rubbed his forehead. "Other than Lizard, those are the most dangerous and unstable people I've ever fought."
   "Who would be crazy enough to break them out?" Jeff asked.
   They all looked at Peter. He shrugged. "What are you looking at me for? You think I know who it is?"
   Yuri grinned. "Well, you have a knack for pissing off the wrong types of people."
   Spidey nodded. "Yeah, I know that. Whoever this was had full intentions of keeping me at bay for a while."
   Divebomb looked at Yuri and Jeff. "Any inmates talking about it?" he asked.
   Jeff shook his head. "All of them said that he used tentacles, like some sort of damn alien."
   "Tentacles?" Peter asked.
   "Mechanical arms, more like it!" an inmate yelled. Peter and Harry thought the voice sounded familiar. When they realized who it was, Harry closed his eyes.
   "You go talk to him," he said. "I'll wait by the glider."
   "Pe.... Spider-Man..." he said, snapping. "...I am not talking to that son of a bitch." He walked off to the outside.
   "What's wrong with him," Yuri asked.
   "Some unfond memories of him," Peter said gesturing to the inmate. When Yuri and Jeff finally figured out who it was they looked at him with concern.
   "You'll be okay near him?" Jeff asked.
   Peter nodded. He approached the cell. Norman's shell of a body possessed by the Goblin stood in the middle of the cell. He grinned a wide smile and his green eyes glowed.
   "The itsy bitsy spider was to slow to help the room, little did he know that he would cause his own doom..." He gave and eerie chuckle.
   "Hello, Norman," Peter said.
   "Goblin," he corrected. "Norman is dead. I haven't heard his voice in about six months. Think I finally killed the bastard."
   "Well, Goblin," Pete started. "Did you see what happened?"
   "Oh yes," Goblin replied, chuckling. "Yes I saw everything. Did I see Harry in my old armor?"
   "Quit dodging the question, damn you, and tell me."
   "Was he too much of a pussy to come and tell his father hello?"
   Peter balled his fist. "Watch your mouth. He did nothing but love you. He spent his entire life trying to impress you and what did you do for him? Make him stressed about his life? Killing people that he knew? Attacking his friends?!"
   "Oooh," Goblin said with a chuckle. "Hit a nerve did I? What should I talk about now? Your dead uncle or your girlfriend, Gwenny?"
   "She's not my...." Pete calmed himself down. "She pushed herself away from me because of your stunt on Oscorp."
   "You're welcome then." Peter felt his blood boiling. "Anyway, about the guy who broke in here...I have a question, do you have a knack for having mentors turning into criminals?"
   "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Peter asked.
   "Well, first me, then Kurt... now Otto."
   Peter shook his head. "Otto is not a criminal."
   Norman grinned. "Oh, he is now, Parker. Came in here, ripped off the door to the electric company's room, and helped him release the others. You know, those mechanical arms come in handy don't they?"
   Peter approached the cell. "I'd never believe you in a thousand years if you told me that I was Spider-Man."
   Goblin snarled and hissed. "Oh, is that right, Parker? I remember a time when you wanted to do anything I wanted. A time when you called me your father."
   "That was Norman," Peter said. "You're nothing but a monster pretending to be someone. You're a murderer...and you'll rot in here for the rest of your life."
   Peter turned away from him and walked away. "Just you wait, Spider-Man! You'd wish that you had listened to me!!!" Goblin yelled. Peter didn't hesitate one bit. He walked by Yuri and Jeff, and walked out.
   Harry was already on his glider. Peter stepped on, and Harry looked at his friend. "Do I want to know?"
   Peter paused for a moment. He still had to remember that Norman was Harry's father. "I'm sorry, Harry..."
   His friend scoffed. "Figured as much." Harry activated the glider and they began to fly back towards the mainland.
   Goblin sat down in his cell. He began to chuckle his eerie cackle. "The itsy...bitsy...spider..."


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