Chapter 8-Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat

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   Felicia rode her motorbike to the manhole that Peter told her to go to. She might have been a little crazy, but she could handle herself in a fight. The first time she and Spidey met, she wiped the floor with him, or rather rooftop. She was dressed in her cat burglar getout, which was a skin tight black leather suit with an eye mask. When she was working, she never wanted to be called by her real name. "Black Cat to sexy spiderbaby," she said with a giggle into her mic. "I've arrived at the manhole."       Peter smiled. "Okay, good. Hopefully he didn't go too far into the sewers. Just make sure you get that tracker on him."
   "Parker, please," she said with a small moan, "it's like you don't know I'm a professional at what I do. You know, if you're not busy after this, I'm a professional at other things."
   Harry chortled at Cat's answer. Peter slapped his arm with an eyebrow raised. "Sorry," he mouthed with a grin.
   Peter rubbed between his eyes. "I'm sort of...seeing someone right now, Felicia, but I'll think about it for old times sake."
   She stuck her tongue out. "Of course you're seeing someone," she said while opening the manhole. "I couldn't imagine anyone not falling in love with the spectacular Spider-Man..."
   Harry looked at Peter with another grin. "Your dating MJ now?" he whispered.
   Peter shook his head. "Is this really necessary right now?" Pete whispered back.
   " are aren't you?"
   Peter sighed. "Aren't you supposed to be helping Otto with his 'lizard snatchers' or something?"
   Harry blew past his question. "He doesn't need help right now. Are you happy you did it?"
   "Can't this wait, dude?" Peter asked, obviously annoyed.
   "Entering sewers now," Felicia said over the com. She took a quick look around. "No sign of a big bad crocodile man yet..."
   Peter turned his attention back to the matter at hand. "He won't be out in plain sight, Cat. That formula gave him an extra sense like me. He could be sneaking up on you and you'd never know it."
   She giggled. "Oh, Spidey, I know when someone is sneaking up on me. Remember when I caught you sneaking up on me all those times?" she asked while biting her lip.
   Harry looked at Peter again with a grin. Peter, who was now a little embarrassed, cleared his throat. "...fair enough."
   Black Cat kept walking down the sewer tunnel with her flashlight. "If I'm correct, I should be under Boardwalk right now." She looked around, and finally found a clue. "Hey, Petey," she started, "I got claw marks. Damn, he is one big boy."
   He felt a little more optimistic now. "Well, you're obviously on the right track."
   She walked a little further, and stopped in her tracks. "Waitaminnit..." she said suddenly in a whisper.
   Peter became a little concerned. "What is it?"
   Felicia began to hear something. It was hissing. That hissing was beginning to turn into a growl. She slowly turned around, and saw the Lizard crawling on the roof, ready to pounce. It surprised her, honestly, and she jumped as he crawled down and stared her down. "Holy shit..." she said. "You are big..."
   The lizard licked his razor sharp teeth with his long, wicked tongue. "Youuuu sssssssshouldn't have come here, girl," he growled. "Thisssss isssss my territory! My sssssewersssss!!!"
   She giggled and licked her lips. "No offense, dude, but the sewers belong to the state of New York. I should know, because it's the best way to rob a bank..."
   He got on all all fours and got into a pounce position. "Connorsssssss ssssstopped me from eating the Ssssssspider.... He won't ssssssstop me from eating youuuuuuu..."
   Felicia grinned and stuck her tongue out. She flipped him the bird and said, "Try it, dickhead." He lunged at her with a tremendous roar. Luckily, she was agile enough to leap over him completely. "You''ll have to do better than that to catch the cat!" Felicia went into a full sprint in the opposite direction. She reactivated her com. "Black Cat to spiderbaby! I've engaged him!" Lizard wheeled around and ran after her on all fours, jumping and running on the ceiling and walls of the tunnel. She turned her head for a quick second to see if he was following her, and it was extremely quick.
   "I'm pretty sure that he's pissed off at me and wants to eat me right now!"
   Peter got really concerned. "Don't let him get you. If you can, get out of there. We'll try again another day."
   She scoffed and giggled. "Are you kidding, baby? I'm not going anywhere. Jurassic Park is mine!"
   "Felicia don't!"
   She suddenly came to a complete stop and wheeled around to face him. The lizard leapt off of the ceiling and lunged at her, mouth open, ready to bite into her. Quickly, she slid under his body that was still mid-air. She reached into her belt and grabbed the tracker. "I thought I said that you had to be quicker than that..." she said licking her ruby red lips.
   Suddenly, he wheeled around and smacked Felicia into the wall. She grunted as her body crashed into the cement. "I'mmmm quick enough, bitch..." he growled.
   She felt blood trickles from her nose to her mouth. Felicia smiled and licked it from her lips. "Now, we're talking..." She jumped up and grabbed her stun grenades from her belt. She ran up his chest and gave him a swift kick to his snout. He growled in pain. Quickly, she ran up the wall, jumped on his back, wrapped her legs around his neck, and started punching his eyes. Finally, he was able to get her off of him, gripping her with two hands on either side, ready to end her life.
   "Youuuuuu're nine livessssss have run out...." he said, moving his mouth closer to her.
   "On the contrary," she said, gripping the grenades in her hand, "I haven't even lost my first!" Felcia threw the stun grenades in his mouth, and they electrocuted him, so he would be disoriented. As soon as he let her go, she threw the tracker on his lab coat and began to run away.
   The lizard, blind and angry, yelled out into the sewers. "NEXT TIME I CATCH YOUUUUUUR SSSSSSCENT, YOUUUUUU ARE DEAD!"
   She giggled and gave him the middle finger while she was running away. "Good luck trying to get me! I'll be waiting for round two!"

   "Felicia!" Peter yelled into the com. "Felicia, respond!" He began to get worried. He shook his head and blew past Harry. "I'm gonna go after her."
   Harry grabbed his shoulder. "Peter, he nearly killed you. Do you want him to finish the job?"
   Pete took off his coat to reveal his Spiderman outfit, which was now torn from his fight with lizard. "I don't care. She's in danger, and I've gotta stop this." He called the elevator. "If she gets hurt it's my responsibilty." The elevator door opened, and Peter's jaw dropped when he saw who was behind the doors. Felcia flipped her white hair behind her shoulder and pulled Peter into a hard kiss. "Hey, Felicia," he said awkwardly through the kiss.
   She pulled away and licked her lips. "I've been waiting to do that again for a while. I missed how you tasted."
   Harry chortled again, which earned him a look from Peter. Peter began to lick his lips from a strange taste. "Is that blood?" he asked her.
   "Yeah," she said walking past him to sit on one of the lab counter tops. "He smacked me around a little bit, but this pussy's got some bite, too."
   Peter paused for a second. "I hope you meant pussy as in cat... Why did you not respond to the com?"
   She looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "It's the sewers. Stuff gets wet... Anyway, your tracker is on him."
   Peter looked at Harry, and they smiled at each other. Pete turned to her. "You did?"
   "Yep," she said. "Currently, he is blind and pissed off from a couple stun grenades in his mouth, so be prepared if he gets a little more rambunctious if you fight him."
   Pete nodded. "Noted. You're free to go, by the way. We're square now."
   She smirked and thought for a second. "I think that I'll stay close by," she said. "I'm pretty sure that he's gonna want a round two with little ole me."
   Peter smiled. It was good to have another crimefighter on his side. "That sounds perfectly fine to me."
   She walked back to the elevator and smacked Peter on the butt. He jumped in embarrassment. "Felicia!" Harry was chuckling to himself in the corner, trying not to burst in tears.
   "Sorry," she said. "With an ass that nice, I just can't help myself." She walked into the elevator. "By the way, you might want to get a new security system. It did not hold me back one bit. Toodles!" Felicia pressed the lobby button and the doors closed.
   Pete looked over at Harry, who was now laughing out loud. "I'm glad you think this is funny," he said annoyed.
   Harry wiped a tear from his eye. "Maybe you should date her instead of MJ. She certainly has the hots for you."
   "She's insane, Harry, there's no way I'd date her."
   " did kiss her before, though."
   Peter facepalmed. Harry was right. "Oh God this was a mistake...."
   Harry slapped Peter on the back. "Ah, don't worry. I won't tell MJ."
   Peter shook his head and looked at the computer screen which had the lizard's location. "I doubt MJ would think that I'm trying to cheat on her. We legit almost had sex so..."
   Harry laughed for a second and then turned serious. "Wait, what?"
   Peter smirked at Harry's reaction. "You started this, pal," he said with a chuckle.
   His friend laughed. "Holy cow. Bro, I think you're officially becoming a man."
   "Speaking of MJ," Peter said, "I need to go check on her. If there's something like that in the city, then she could be in danger."
   Harry patted Pete on the back with a smirk. "You go do you, buddy. Me and Otto will hold down the fort with Felicia as long as we can. If anything pops up on the radar we'll call you."
   Pete nodded and headed out of Oscorp through the roof.

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